UKSEE 2011 B.Tech (Lateral Entry)
UKSEE(Uttarakhand State Entrance Examination) is conducted by Uttarakhand Technical University for admission to various graduate and undergraduate programmes like engineering, architecture, pharmacy, hotel management and computer applications. Uttarakhand Technical University is the chief state university in Uttarakhand which provides various professional programmes in Government/aided/private/self-financing institutes in the state of Uttarakhand.
UKSEE is also conducted for direct admission to 2nd year of B.Tech programme for Engineering Diploma Holders and those who have done BSc with Mathematics as one of the subjects for various institutes in Uttarakhand. Total number of seats in the programme for lateral entry is upto 10% of normal seats.
The examination is held in different centers across the state and with large number of aspiring candidates appearing for the exam, the competition in the exam s only toughened by the fact that there are practically very less number of seats offered. The candidates belonging to different discipline but from the science background are known to appear the exam. The exam has a high standard and utilizes a unique manner of selecting the candidates through entrance exam coupled with rounds of personal interview held during the final selection.
Eligibility Criteria:
A candidate must have a diploma in engineering or BSc with Mathematics from a recognised institute with atleast 60% aggregate marks. Those who will appear for their final year exams in 2011 can also apply. The candidates who belong to the following genera have to submit their certificate of merit as and when the concerned authority required, within a stipulated time. The candidates if not able to produce the certificate on time, will have to leave their seat for other candidates. The Institute decision in the following matter is final.
Venue for Examination:
• Almora
• Dehradun
• New Delhi
• Haldwani
• Lucknow
• Nainital
• Pauri
• Pithoragarh
• Roorkee
• Rudrapur
Application Forms:
The forms will be available from the designated post offices in various cities of Uttarakhand as well as from Post offices of Lucknow GPO, Meerut City HO and New Delhi GPO. The form can also be obtained by post from UTU Office by sending a request for the form along with a demand draft. The candidates have to fill up the application form in their own handwriting and should provide a specimen of their signature at the end of the letter. Furthermore, the candidates have to provide a sample of their signature at the back side of the Demand Draft.
Important Dates(Tentative):
Date of Entrance Examination: May 2nd week, 2011
Availability of Application Forms: Mid-February - Mid-March, 2011
Last Date for receipt of completed application forms: March 3rd week, 2011
Pattern of Examination:
The entrance test for Lateral Entry to B.Tech is of 90 minutes duration consisting of 75 multiple choice questions. There will be no negative marking. The syllabus is mainly from Diploma syllabus.
Paper for Diploma Holders will conist of questions from Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Graphics, Basic Electrical Engg., Basic Electronics Engg., Elements of computer, science, Elementry Biology, Basic Workshop Practice and Physics/Chemistry/Maths of Diploma standard.
Syllabus for those with BSc degree is:
Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors.
Calculus: Mean value theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial Derivatives, Maxima and minima, Multiple integrals, Fourier series. Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.
Differential equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients of 2nd order and their classifications and variable separable method.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’ series,Residue theorem, solution integrals.
Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Discrete and continuous distributions, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distribution, Correlation and regression analysis.
Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Trignometric series, Fourier series of period 2π , Eulers formulae, Functions having arbitrary period, Change of interval, Even and odd functions, Half range sine and cosine series.
Transform Theory: Laplace transform, Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, Inverse Laplace transform, Laplace transform of periodic functions, Convolution theorem, Application to solve simple linear and simultaneous differential equations.
Fourier integral, Fourier complex transform, Fourier sine and cosine transforms and applications to simple heat transfer equations.
Z – transform and its application to solve difference equations.
Contact Details:
Technical University,
Post Box No. 202, GPO,
Dehradun - 248001
- Application Forms for various B.Tech lateral entry entrance exams
- List of Engineering Lateral Entry Entrance Exams
- UKSEE Coaching Institutes
- B.Tech Electrical Lateral Entry Admission in Mumbai University
- B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering in Lateral Entry Admissions in Calicut University
- B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering Lateral Entry Admissions in Kashmir University
- B.Tech Electrical Engineering Lateral Entry Admission in Punjab Technical University
- UKSEE 2011 B.Pharm (Lateral Entry)
- M.Sc. (IT) Lateral Entry Admissions in Annamalai University
- B.Tech Civil Lateral Entry Admission in Mumbai University
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry Admission in Mangalayatan University
- MCA Lateral Entry Admissions in Sambalpur University
- B.Tech Mechanical Lateral Entry Admission in Punjab Technical University
- B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Lateral Entry Admissions in Kashmir University
- B.Tech Civil Engineering Lateral Entry Admissions in Karunya University
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151 Responses to “UKSEE 2011 B.Tech (Lateral Entry)”
hello sir. I want last 5 year que. paper kindly send me soon..
sir plz send me previous 5 year leteral entry enterence papers and syllabus of uksee for diploma holder m 4th sem student in ggp almora plzz ….. i will be thankful to u
sir, sir plz send me previous 5 years leteral entry enterence papers and syllabus of uksee for diploma holder..i will b very thankful to u..
my email id is
ge sir, sir plz send me previous 5 years leteral entry enterence papers and syllabus of uksee for diploma holder..i will b very thankful to u..
gm sir,plz send me previous 5 years latral entry entrance papers and syllabus of uksee for B.Sc.graduate.i will thankful to u.
sir plz send me previous 4 years letral entry entrance papers and new syllabus of uksee. i will thankful to you.
sir plz send me previous 5 years letral entry entrance papers and new syllabus of uksee. i will thankful to you.
Sir, mai uksee exam se gov. College me admission lena chata hu,mujhe kya rank chahiye
working principle&application of D.C series motor
good morning sisr,
sir please send me previous 5 years letral entery papers of UKSEE
Sir may i know how many govt. Seat in cs branches for diploma holder.
sir , why the answer sheet was not declared…….?
please inform me……..!
hallo every bady result kab tak aa jaega tell me…………..
Plz provide me the answer sheet of lateral entry test which was held on 18 june. My question paper code is ‘A’.
How can I get Answer Key for the entrance examination of lateral entry conducted on 18th June 2011
latral entry k exam k bat rank kaise prepare ki jati hai ?
pLs provide the solution of UKSEE2011 laeral entry exam
sir plz send me a answer sheet of booklet A. (lateral entry)
Good Evening Sir,
I have receive my admit card but there is an error in my name spelling. My name is Dipesh Chandra Arya but in Admit card print as Dipesh Chandra Ary .
when will we recive our asmit card
sir please provide the previous year paper of latteral entry exam of uttarakhand
pls send me sample papers for btech let (graduation based)
I want know that when will be dispatch admit card?
Sir good morning, have a good day if you do’t mind sir
please provide the last year paper of btech later entry
Helloo sir i have passed diploma in electrical engg. So i want last year uktech lateral papers. Sir plz send it to my email address…
sir please provide the last year paper of btech lateral entry
Hellow sir, plz tell wt sud b rank 4 addmission in pntnagar collage . My category is Genral
hello sir plz tell me smthng about question paper’s type of lateral entry xam????????????????/plzzzzz send yor answer at my mail address
sir pls send me online application form for latral entry
Excuse me sir i m 2nd yr stdnt of diploma in elect. Engg from sngr garhwal. Sir i want to know that how many types of laterel entry forms r realy available here. And what shall i do to make my entrence to one of the govt. Institute 80% sure. Thnking u.
I Want last date of submission
Hello sir/madam,i want lateral entry form so send form in my email address
Hello, i just appeared class 12 board exam seasion 2011 can i give the entrance of uksee…..?
sir please send me previous year uttrakhand lateral entry papers. thanks
Dear Sir,
please tell me ,have any date left for laterial entry form.
which sites provides me old leet question paper
hello sir/ madam, i want to know about the availability of entrance form of UKSEE 2011 B.Tech (lateral entry).
sir plz tell me about when the UKSEE form will be declared.and also about me best colleges in dehradun and also about the fee structure.
sir please send me previous lateral entry papers
where i’ll get whole syllabus for b tech lateral entry wid last year question paper and solved sample papers
sir what is the last date of submission of application form(uk tech lateral entry exam 2011)?
thanking you.
sir what is the last date of submission of application form(uk tech lateral entry exam 2011)
thanking you.
plz sir your ans. will be too important for me…………..
plz reply fast
i have missed AIEEE from and now i want to know about last date of submition of applicatn form and i really want to select in it……….
plz suggest me…………….
sir is any resirvation for any other state for lateral entry in btech..
sir i m diploma student and i m studying in haryana now i got admission in uttrakand engineering collage tel me d last date of form.
Sir, please intimate the exact date of receving application form of UKSEE at Dehradun Tech Univirsity.
sir, i am diploma final year student,,and i want to the leet question paper pattern,and the last date of submitt application form of lateral entry in
How can i fill and submit application form of uktech for btech
sir plz plz plz plz plz send me last years exam paper of uksee lateral entry.
thank u very much
dear sir,
this is to overt you that can i get uktech exam forms for btech for diploma holders online ?
Respected sir- i want lateral entry after diploma. I am student of civil engg. final year so i need some solved previous sample paper for lateral entry exam along with whole syllabus as soon as possible. plz send me.
sir pls provide us last 3 year paper.
hello …m requsted u to send me last year lateral entry qusetion paper but u not send me any stone….i think i m waste my time to come this hell site……
frnds dont requsted any thing there,,,,,
bcoz they have nothing to send u aur share u…
I’m student of diploma enginering in civil engg branch. I want to know about of syllabus for lateral entry exam . If you can send me syllabus for examination then plz send it. Please
send me sample paper of UKSEE
I m a student of govt.polytechnic Dwarahat from I.T trade…..
can u tell me the site…frm where i got last year exam paper of UKSEE lateral entry…
my dploma(electronics) is to getting cmplete th is year n im wishing admissn in btech through uksee-2011 …i want to know about the syllabus for entrance…did i only have to solve the question of my branch in entrance…? Please help me out…
sir plz plz plz send me last years exam paper of uksee lateral entry.
thank u very much
how much percentage do we need in diploma
plz send me syllabus foor b-tech letral entry exam,aafter deploma with computer science and eng.on my email id,plz as soon as possible
sir please provide last year latteral entry paper
What can i read for latrel entry?
pls tel me…
i have no sylabus for that.
Please tel the best sylabus for that..
I want to also know what is the procedure of marking in this entrance only for latrel entry.
Thanks sir.
What can i read for latrel entry?
pls tel me…
i have no sylabus for that.
respected sir..
i am doing btech fst year. but i wish to get new college in second that my fst year is not wasted…so plz guide me
please provide last year paper of b tech latteral entry
please provide last year paper
Hello sir
I am diploma holder.I want last year question paper uksee.Pls send my email id(
hello dear sir,
i m a electronic branch in last year student from.g.p.nainital. i want to take admission in 2nd year through uksee.
plz tell me about how many seats are available in govt. egg. colleges and private colleges? how i can receive last year papers ?what is the fee structure of govt.colleges and private colleges?
plz sir also tell me about best colleges for
thank u sir
plyz send me previous test paper for diploma holder.
hello sir,from where i can get last 3 year of solved paper of uktech lateral entry exam & relative book for practice?
hello sir,
i am diploma holder (computer engg) is there any reserved seat for female candidate through lateral entry .& from where i can get last yr question paper & govt college list in uttarakhand with nos of seat…thank you
hello sir,
i m a computer science last year student from g.g.p.dehradun. i want to take admission in 2nd year through uksee.
plz tell me about how many seats are available in govt. egg. colleges and private colleges? how i can receive last year papers ?what is the fee structure of govt.colleges and private colleges?
plz sir also tell me about best colleges for
thank u sir
hello sir,
i m a computer science last year student from g.g.p.dehradun. i want to take admission in 2nd year through uksee.
plz tell me about how many seats are available in govt. egg. colleges nd private colleges? how i can receive last year papers ?what is the fee structure of govt.colleges and private colleges?
plz sir also tell me about best colleges for
thank u sir
Sir i am persuing my diploma in electrical engineering after passing10th with 85% marks so which branch will be best suited for me in lateral entry i want all the material that can be helpful for me to score the highest. I would be thankful to you if you could help me waiting for your answer.
plz tell me admission through lateral entry
i want syllabus of uk-tech entrance examination for diploma holders in civil engineering.
Sir, kindly send previously solved question paper for lateral entry, entrance exam. please…
when i will get my result and admission after the examination.
sir i am passed out eee student and my desire to study in uttarakhand but i am non uttarakhand what is procedure to give test for me……..thanks
hello sir,
i am diploma holder (electronics engg) is there any reserved seat for female candidate through lateral entry .& from where i can get last yr question paper & govt college list in uttarakhand with nos of seat…thank you
I am doing diploma from computer science & engineering (final year) this time,sir i want to know that how many seat are reserved for diploma holder in lateral entery to . i wana also know that pantnagar engg. collage seat are included or not in this entrance exam, sir also send me question paper of last year entrance exam to my email id .
thaks sir
Sir pls send Uk see’s last year sample papar for diploma holders.
sir i am student of instrumentation & control final year i want sample paper or previous year question of entry) exam so please send question paper sample on my id i shall be obeliged for this act of kindness.
Is UKSEE exam required for architecture also?
Thank you
sir i am the student of civil engg final year i want a sample paper or privious year question of (lateral entery ) exam so please send question paper sampal on my emal id i shall be obeliged for this act of kind ness.
Sir,i have done diploma from civil.i want sample paper or previous year question of uk tech(lateal entry) exam.plz send on my shall be obliqued for this act of kindness
Sir,i have done diploma from civil.i want sample paper or previous year question of uk tech(lateal entry) exam.plz send on my id.i shall be obliqued for this act of kindness
Sir, kindly send previously solved question paper for lateral entry, entrance exam.
sir.i need some solved previous sample papers for btech lateral entry exams along with whole syllabus as soon as possible.please give me the name of website where i can get it.
sir, i am manish from delhi and i want to take entrance exam model paper and previous paper.sir please send me i shall be thankfull to you and my id(
sir,i want lateral entry after diploma , syllabus.i am the student polytechnics final year computer science so i want syllabus and previous solved exam paper.
respected sir,i have passed my diploma in civil engg. from bihar state board.can i apply for 3year course
please tell about fee structure and scholarship.
plz , tell me the date of lateral exams2010
sir,i want lateral entry after diploma syllabus.i am the student polytechnics final year computer science so i want syllabus and previous solved exam paper.
can you tell me the syllabus of LEET .and where i apply.can i apply in IIT roorkee
sir.i need some solved previous sample papers for btech lateral entry exams along with whole syllabus as soon as possible.please give me the name of website where i can get it.
sir,i want lateral entry after diploma syllabus.i am the student polytechnics final year civil so i want syllabus and previous solved exam paper.
sir.let me inform the whole syllabus for B.Tech lateral entry exams.i need some previously solved sample papers…….
sir.i need some solved previous sample papers for btech lateral entry exams along with whole syllabus as soon as possible.please give me the name of website where i can get it.
sir please give me all the details for btech lateral entry exams…………sir i am diploma holder… give me the whole syllabus for recruiting in this exams…….
sir.Can you give me some previous solved sample papers to apply for BTech lateral entry exams……..
Can b.pharm pass out student take admission in lateral entry or m.c.a
Dear sir,
plz tell us the syllabus of entrance examination for diploma holders
Can i change my trade after 1 year in btech
sir, i want to know last date for submission of application form and exam date for lateral entry 2010 in B.TECH.
sir plz send me answer key of uksee lateral entry in b tech my booklet code is c
Sir plz send me answer key of uksee leet of btech my booklet code is c
sir would u plz send my ans key of uksee lateral entry in b tech .
my set is c
sir when will be the admit cards of lateral entry exam distributed?
when will come uksee admit card?. sir,will you give the privious sample paper of uksee B.Tech latreal entery.
Sir i am having compartment in my diploma can i get addmision in b tech
i completed my diploma in tool and die making form NTTF-Coimbatore,pls let me know the details of lateral entry programme for mech.
please tell me the date of the examination of LEET in GJU university (murthal college, YMCcollege)
respected organisation i want admission in b’tech 2nd year pls tell me about it.
I miss lateral entry exam 2010. Now, how can i get addmission in any government institute for B- Tech in 2- year.
you declared in news paper that uksee-2010 application will be able on 19th april in post offeces of uttarakhand but the application forms are notl not available in post offices? what should i do?
is application form for admission in 2nd year (lateral entry) same for admission in 1st year???
i missed the date of taking the application form of UKSEE 2010 B-TECH(LATERAL ENTRY).can i get that now (20/4/2010)?
last date for subm. of appl. form for B.TECH. LATERAL ENTRY
sir, i want to know last date for submission of application form and exam date for lateral entry 2010 in B.TECH.
Please tell me the complete syllabus of leteral entry exam for diploma holder
What is the entrance exam syllabus for B.Tech(Lateral Entry).
is the form of uksee-2010( lateral entry)is out ? and what is the last date of submission of forms?
Dear SIr,
I m A bit Confused about the lateral entry forms?
In net the date of submission of forms has gone but in GPO dehradun they are saying that the forms are not out yet. please conform about the forms please?
is the form of lateral entry is out?
or what is the last date of submission the form?
1.Hi,I m kamal from Dist. jind(haryana).I m doing diploma from comp.engg.thats will be completed in june-july 2010.I wanna take admission in through lateral entry.Plz tell me how I can collect form for entrance test.
2.What are the requirements to taking admission in other state.
iam doing diploma from mechanical yr .i want to take admission in can i submit uksee b.tec lateral entry form.want to continue from mechanical engg in b.tec. plz tell me how can i get the form online.
how to submit online uksee 2010 b.tec form??
am persuing 3 years diploma(polytechnic) course in C.S.from G.G. P Gorakhpur.
please tell me the detail of polytechnic diploma entrance exam syllabus.
i am persuing 3 years diploma(polytechnic) course in C.S.from gorakhpur.
please tell me the detail of polytechnic diploma entrance exam syllabus.
Is it possible to submit uksee 2010 form online? how?
i have completed my diploma in computer engg.from nttf at rdttec at jamshedpur,i want to take admission for lateral entry in college of haryana,but my institute is “not”
recognized with aictte.
when application form of uksee 2010 b. tech lateral entry entrace examination & how I will get the form from the net?
Appilcations forms uksee 2010 dates for b.pharrma lateral entry entrace examination ?
i’m shweta and i have completed my diploma in elex. engg from GGP ,LKO in 2yrs6months. It is equivalent to 3yrs diploma course bcoz i had the degree of intermediate also.can i apply in UKSEE B.Tech 2nd yr exams?
i am persuing 3 years diploma(polytechnic) course in electrical engg.from uttarakhand.
please tell me the detail of polytechnic diploma entrance exam syllabus.
what is the way of getting an admission in this university in the 2nd year in degree and fee structure of the course and dates of entrance exam. ?
i have passed my 1 year from tula institute dehradun
i wana change my college in uttarakhand only
so can i get to 2nd year directly
i am persuing 3 years diploma(polytechnic) course in electrical engg.from uttarakhand.
please tell me the detail of polytechnic diploma entrance exam syllabus.
I have completed Diploma in computer sc.from B.I.T. Mesra i eligible to take addmission in colleges of Utrakhand .can I change my trade
i am persuing 3 years diploma coarse ln civil engg.from b.t.e. uttar pradesh.
am i eligible for uksee exam.
if yes then please tell me the detail of entrance exam .
I am from bihar…… i eligible to take admission in uttarakhand through lateral entry on diploma basis….i was done diploma in plastic tech.,can i change branch…plastic tech. to machenical engg.
i’m from uttarakhand and i’m doing diploma 3rd year from chennai. am i aligible to apply for the entrance examination of UKSEE as lateral entry in B.Tech???
i m student of 3rd year of diploma(3year).can i apply entrance exam
how to prepare diploma to degree entrance exam for computer
engg. branch for a diploma pass holder.
I am from haryana
Am I eligible to take admission in Uttarakhand through Lateral entry on diploma basis