GATE Metallurgical Engineering Papers


The GATE Metallurgical Engineering Paper is a 100 marks paper to be written in the total time frame of three hours. There are a total of 60 questions in the paper. It is an all objective type questions paper. The first twenty questions in the paper carry one mark each and the other 40 questions carry two marks each.

The answer has to be marked by the candidate in a separate response sheet provided by the supervisor. The candidate is expected to answer all questions in the paper. Only one answer is acceptable. There is negative marking on the paper. With every incorrect response from the first 20 questions the candidate loses half mark and with every incorrect response from the remaining questions the candidate loses two third marks.

Every unanswered question carries zero marks. All the deduction of marks takes place from the total score of the candidate in the paper. Make sure to read and follow all the instructions given in the question paper properly. There is rough sheet provided at the end of the paper to do any kind of calculation or solving. Make sure to solve model question papers for better guidance.

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7 Responses to “GATE Metallurgical Engineering Papers”

  1. 7

    send me the gate answer papers

  2. 6

    I am student of metallurgy and material science department.
    I am looking forward to do summer intern.Please suggest the places where i can enhance my knowledge by doing internship.plzzzzz

  3. 5

    please send me the gate question papers with answers

  4. 4

    sent me any papers

  5. 3

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  6. 2
    ravi kumar:

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  7. 1
    kavita thakur:

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