24th April 2011, 12:40 PM
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Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

which books and papers i read to crack the i.a.s exam.my height will important in this. height is 156cm

24th April 2011, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

You can prefer UPKAR, KIRAN n BSC publication books for your preparation. then Pratiyogita Darpan and CSR are good magazine to prepare for UPSC GK section.
And there is physical standard asked for IAS exam.
24th April 2011, 07:11 PM
amlendu shekhar
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Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

hi dear,
efer Hindu, Pratiyogita Darpan, frontline, CSR refreshers,NCERT texts for more better results...

Exam Pattern: All India Combined Competitive Examination for the Civil Services conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) comprises of two successive stages:
• Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination.
• Main Examination: It consists of written examination and interview.
Your general knowledge should be very good,your knowledge about the geographical area and many more thing relating to Indian economy and history.
24th April 2011, 09:44 PM
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 3
Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

actually height is not important for ias...but for ips height is required and it is 165cm.

Civil Service Examination 2011, Preliminary Examination would consist of two papers- Paper I and Paper II. The syllabus and pattern of the Preliminary Examination would be as under :

(Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs.

Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian national movement
Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization
General science.

(Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs

Interpersonal skills including communication skills
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
Questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills of Class X level (last item in the Syllabus of Paper-II) will be tested through passages from English language only without providing Hindi translation thereof in the question paper.

The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type.

for mains exam

Paper-I----One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the 18 languages included in the VIIIth Schedule to the Constitution (Qualifying Paper)----300 Marks
Paper-II----English (Qualifying Paper)----300 Marks
Paper-III----Essay----200 Marks
Papers IV & V----General Studies (300 Marks for each paper)----600 Marks
Papers VI, VII, VIII & IX----Any two subjects (each having 2 papers) to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects (300 marks for each paper)----1200 Marks
Total Marks for Written Examination----2000 Marks
Interview Test----300 Marks

List of Optional Subjects - IAS (Main)-----(Total 25)

Agriculture, Management, Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science, Mathematics,
Anthropology, Mechanical Engineering, Botany, Medical Science, Chemistry, Philosophy, Civil Engineering, Physics, Commerce & Accountancy, Political Science & International Relations, Economics, Psychology, Geography, Sociology, Geology, Statistics, Indian History, Zoology.

General Science
Class IX and X NCERT Books of Science
1. Class IX: Science
2. Class X: Science

Class XI and XII NCERT Books of Biology
3. Class XI: Biology
4. Class XII: Biology

5: Science: Tata McGraw Hills

1. The Hindu
2. The Economic Times
3. The Times of India

1. Frontline
2. Business Today
3. Business Outlook
4. Yojana: Publication Division, Government of India

Competitive Magazines
1. Chronicle
2. Competition Success Review
3. Pratiyogita Darpan

History of India and Indian National Movement
Class IX and X NCERT Books of Social Science
1. Class IX: Contemporary India
2. Class IX: India and Contemporary World I
3. Class X: Contemporary India
4. Class X: India and Contemporary World II

Class XI and XII NCERT Books of Social Science
5. Class XI: Themes in World History
6. Class XII: Themes in India History I
7. Class XII: Themes in India History II
8. Class XII: Themes in India History III

9. Indian History by V.K. Agnihotri

Indian and World Geography

Class XI NCERT Books of Geography
1. Class XI: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
2. Class XI: Practical Work in Geography: Part I
3. Class XI: India Physical Environment

Class XII NCERT Books of Geography
4. Class XII: Fundamentals of Human Geography
5. Class XII: Practical Work in Geography: Part II
6. School Atlas: Oxford Publication or Orient Longman Publication

7. A Comprehensive Geography of India by D.R. Khullar
8. Human Geography by Majid Hussain
9. India: Publication Division, Government of India

Indian Polity
Class XI and XII NCERT Books of Politcal Science
1. Class XI: Political Theory
2. Class XII: Indian Constitution at Work

3. Introduction to Indian Constitution by D.D. Basu
4. Our Constitution by Subhash C Kashyap
5. Our Parliament by Subhash C Kashyap
6. Perspectives on Indian Constitution Edited by Subash C Kashya

7. Indian Constitution (Bare Act): P.M. Bakshi
8. Indian Polity: Pratiyogita Darpan

Indian Economy
Class XI and XII NCERT Books of Economics
1. Class XI: Indian Economic Development
2. Class XII: Introductory Microeconomics
3. Class XII: Macroeconomics

4. Indian Economy: Ruddar Dutt and K.P.M. Sundaram
5. Indian Economy: S.K. Mishra and V.K. Puri

6. Economic Survey of India: Publication Division, Government of India
7. Annual Budget: Publication Division, Government of India
8. India: Publication Division, Government of India
9. Indian Economy: Pratiyogita Darpan

General Mental Ability
1. Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal

2. Practice

3. Practice more
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26th April 2011, 08:53 PM
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Arrow Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which books and papers i read to crack the i.a.s exam.my height will important in this. height is 156cm
If your goal is only to achieve you will have no restrictions regarding height

because IPS has more concern towards height

I think you are more concerned about IAS

To Crack a competitive exam like IAS that is CSE(Civil Services Examination)

you have to work hard

along with hard work you should do a lot of things

according to me i'll mention some points

->You should have a thorough grip on the exam pattern and syllabus

->No single book can get you a good rank so go accordingly to the topic no matter how many books you refer the ultimate goal is you should get the gist of the topic.

->Go for experienced persons feedback

->Do hard work with smart planning

->Keep continous revision tests and mock tests for your progress in the subject

this will enhance your skills in the preparation

marks acheiving capability

go for variety of authors and also you should go for online materials and web videos

learn in all the possible ways

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13th June 2011, 03:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

height requirenment for IAS.
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5th September 2011, 11:19 PM
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Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

I am student of 'xii' commerce hindi so i prepare ias
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9th January 2012, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

how much age for prepare ias exam
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10th January 2012, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

Age limit for IAS:
21-30years as on 1.7.2012(relaxable for sc/st ,obc )
Educational qualification:
Bachelor's degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subject namely science,botany,chemistry,maths ,physics , statistics etc........
No.Of permissible attempts:
four (seven for OBC, and no limit for sc/st)
Rs.100/- (sc/st no fee)
IAS exam written test pattern :
P-I one of the indian language selected by candidates 300marks
P-II english 300marks
P-III essay 200marks
P-IV&V general studies 600marks
P-VI,VII,VIII&IX ant two subject 1200marks
total marks for written exam 2000marks
interview test 300marks
grand total 2300marks
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10th January 2012, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in IAS examination
Then you wil have to fulfill these eligibility criteria :

IAS Eligibility :

Academic Qualification :
The candidate must be graduate from any university.

Age Limit :
For General :21 to 30 years.
[SC/ST will get 5 years age relaxation and OBC will get 3 year age relaxation]

No Of Attempts :
General : 4.
SC/ST: Unlimited.
OBC :7.

You can follow these books :

You can see these attachments below :

I think you have all these criteria
All the best....
Attached Files
File Type: pdf IAS I.pdf(11.7 KB, 106 views)
File Type: pdf IAS II.pdf(9.9 KB, 86 views)
File Type: pdf IAS III.pdf(46.4 KB, 143 views)
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10th January 2012, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in IAS examination
Then you wil have to fulfill these eligibility criteria :

IAS Eligibility :

Academic Qualification :
The candidate must be graduate from any university.

Age Limit :
For General :21 to 30 years.
[SC/ST will get 5 years age relaxation and OBC will get 3 year age relaxation]

No Of Attempts :
General : 4.
SC/ST: Unlimited.
OBC :7.

You can follow these books :

You can see these attachments below :

I think you have all these criteria
All the best....
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24th November 2012, 09:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Books and papers to study for IAS exam? Height required to qualify?

i m minal student of 10 2'arts'.plz tel me about i.a.s.because i want to do i.a.s after 10 2.but i have lack of knowladge realted to i.a.s.....
plz plz plz tel me that which course i have to do for i.a.s after 10 2..........................................
it's tooo importent for me...
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