31st October 2010, 02:09 AM
How to become a collector through IAS?
now im doing BE,3rd year.. i decide to do IAS. i dont know anything about that. now i need syllabus for IAS, what are things have to follow to become a IAS..
in last day itself,actually i had no idea for my future. but now i have to write IAS and must become a collector..... please guide me for my bright future.................. |
31st October 2010, 09:45 AM
Dear friend ..
The syllabus for IAS exam is The scope of studying IAS is very vast...you will have lots of respect honour,and power in your hand... FUNCTIONAL LEVELS Except for the post of Union Cabinet Secretary, the Government of India hierarchy is common to all services. The scales are: Junior Scale Officers Begin their careers with a two-year probationary period. This is spent partly in training, after which they may be posted at the state secretariat; as field officers; or a District Magistrate’s office. Junior scale officers in the position of Sub-Magistrate are given mainly regulatory duties, like law and order, enforcement of rules, and general administration, including the supervision of development work. Senior Scale Starts at Under Secretary level and includes District Magistrates, Directors of public enterprises and Directors of government departments. Within this scale are: · Junior Administrative Grade-Deputy Secretary · Selection Grade-Director Both these positions hold similar responsibilities, and are at par with each other. Super Time Scale Joint Secretary is the highest among Government of India administrative posts. Above this position come the policy makers. In the Central Services, this scale is sometimes titled the Senior Administrative Grade. Additional Secretary The work undertaken by an Additional Secretary is similar to that of a Secretary though the level of responsibility is lower. Secretary Secretaries head government departments and are concerned with planning in their particular areas. Some appointments such as finance and planning are considered more prestigious than others, and are therefore at par with the post of Additional Chief Secretary. Another title for this level is Principal Secretary. Chief Secretary The top ranking civil servant in any state-is responsible for everything that happens in the state as far as duties assigned to state governments are concerned. Cabinet Secretary It is the highest post at the center. |
31st October 2010, 11:28 AM
i hope this sites will help you to guide:
http://www.upscexam.com/upsc_examinations/civil_services_examination_cse/UPSC-Civil-Services-Preliminary-Exam-Eligibility.html http://www.onestopias.com/about-ias.asp |
31st October 2010, 11:32 AM
The patter of IAS is divided in two parts one is prelims and the other is mains: PRELIMINARY: in prelims u have to give two exams 1. General Studies (includes gk, aptitude, current affairs etc.) 2. Exam of one optional subject that u select from the prescribed subjects of IAS u can find it on www.civilserviceindia.com MAINS: Paper-I One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate Paper-II English Paper-III Essay [in the medium you choose] Papers- IV & V General Studies Papers- VI, VII, VIII & IX Any two subjects (each having 2 papers) to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects. Thank you |
31st October 2010, 12:55 PM
As you are in the third year of engineering so you can't apply for the IAS now. You are eligible from the final year of engineering for applying the IAS exam. The IAS exam is conducted by upsc, the exam followed by an interview. To become collector you need to clear IAS and the interview which is very tough to clear. but if work hard or take coaching for this then it will be easiy for you to clear the exam. Good luck!!! |
31st October 2010, 02:54 PM
hello dear
to become a collector you have to qualify a exam which is IAS. if you have good rank in IAS then only you can get chance as a collector. eligibility criteria of ias is 60% marks in graduation. age limit 21-28. all the best.......... |
31st October 2010, 04:30 PM
Dear friend,
For being an IAS officer you have to appear in civil services exam conducted by UPSC. As you a student of 3rd year in BE, then i would like to suggest you how to prepare for it: In this exam there are three sections: 1: Prelims test- In which you have to face the questions of General knowledge,Reasoning,Maths,English,current affairs etc(as per new pattern of UPSC exam) so for preparation of it, you have to read newspaper daily as well as solve so many reasoning ,maths & english questions from any reference book like R.S.Agrawal etc. & you have to follow monthly magazine also like Pratiyogita darpan,CRS,Arihant monthly magazine etc. 2: for mains preparation you have to select any two paper as per your choice which may be belong to your syllabus of your graduation course. 3: Interview: you have to well prepared for Interview after selection of mains. For interview you have to be well knowledge about your subject as well as Indian politics,Indian Economy etc. It depend upon Interviewer , which question he will ask to you. kindly start the preparation of prelims test at this time, it will helpful to you. & for more information about this exam kindly visit: www.upsc.gov.in You should start preparation for it from now, atleast for prelims test & also try to cover your own paper very carefully, because you have to choose two papers out of your all paper for Mains exam. good luck. |
31st October 2010, 04:56 PM
hi friend,
It is true that the only way to be collector is to crack IAS exam. And it is also a good decision which has been taken by in pre-final year. Actually from now IAS exam is divided into three new steps: I. Prelim exam : which consists of two papes. Paper one related to general science/knowledge/indian history and india's political and geographical points. Paper two is related to Quantitative analysis, verbal-reasoning in english language etc. II. Main exam : You have to select an optional subject along with the two language subjects eg: hindi and english. III. Interview: It is personal type of interview, not a group interview. |
31st October 2010, 06:22 PM
You need to crack the upsc exam for it and face the interview . If you suceed in these then you can be a collector . But remember the collector post is not easy so you need to work very hard.
31st October 2010, 11:47 PM
For an IAS exam you have to appear for the UPSC civil service exam.the exam will be in three stages i.e priliminary,main & interview.For the syllabus you can take the help of the website and download it.The things you should follow to become an IAS are-
1. firstly make your personality good looking. 2. physical fitness is must. 3. good english speaking 4. Be a good citizen |
31st October 2010, 11:59 PM
For becoming a collector you have to first of all clear Civil Sevices Exam with a good rank ,then on the basis of your score in the training they will put you in the different streams of IAS. |
1st November 2010, 12:48 AM
dear friends
yes,it is very good decision that you have made. you can take preparation from right now. because the ias exam is not very easy, so if you will take care on the general knowledge and current affairs and also a choosen subjects in which you have intrest, |
1st November 2010, 11:08 AM
Dear friend
Do not say like this that you have no idea about your future as you want to become IAS officer.I am very sorry to say that your question is incomplete as you have not mentioned your stream therefore i am unable to say about the syllabus of IAS. Please, mention your stream, certainly i will help you. thank you |
1st November 2010, 01:11 PM
To become an IAS officer YOU should give UPSC exam union public service commission exam.This exam has three parts preliminary, main, and PI(personal Interview).Just Confirm about the details you need so that i can elaborate on it.
1st November 2010, 04:10 PM
I am studying m.phil in biotechnology. i have to do my project work in good biotechnology company or university.my question is on what basis i have to select whether the company will give good project and what are the scope to pursue my ph.d there?
1st November 2010, 08:24 PM
dear if you want make an collector then you give IAS exam and try to get high score in IAS exam.Because grade will be given through your score.
All grade is divided through your marks. you should hard labour for IAS exam.That's why you should hard labour. good luck........... |
1st November 2010, 09:51 PM
dear friend
To become a Collector through IAS. Then you need to pass three exams. Prelims, Mains and Final Interview. You can opt any of the subjects of your choice in this exams. Before you get to the interview, you must certified your degree after 12th or graduation. Examination pattern for Main exams - Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks) English Qualifying Paper (300 marks) General Essay type paper (200 marks) General Studies papers (300 marks each) Optional subjects papers (300 marks each) Examination pattern For Prem. exams - There are two papers. The papers are- A. General Studies (150 marks) Indian Polity & Economy History of India including Indian National Movement Indian and World Geography Current Affairs of National and International Importance General and day-to-day Science B. Some optional subject (300 marks) - Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Botany Chemistry Civil Engineering Commerce Economics Electrical Engineering Geography Geology Indian History Law Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Medical Science Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Public Administration Sociology Statistics Zoology So, to become a collector through IAS, then you need to give UPSC held Civil Services Examination which is a common examination for getting into IAS. After clear this exams you will get a chance to become a IAS Collector. |
1st November 2010, 10:42 PM
Dear friend,
The minimum qualification of IAS is degree,hope you are now studiying in BE,3rd year.hard working and strong confidence is the only way to become an IAS officer,normally asst.collector is the first post of an IAS officer,collector post will decide according to the seniority.the detailed syllabus of IAS as follows, Examination pattern (mains): There are 9 papers that you have to give! These papers include: 1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks) 1 English Qualifying Paper (300 marks) 1 General Essay type paper (200 marks) 2 General Studies papers (300 marks each) 4 Optional subjects papers (300 marks each) When you are through from all these examinations, prepare yourself for one of the toughest interviews you will ever encounter in your whole life. Source(s): http://exam-results.org/how-to-become-an-iasips-officer/ Examination pattern for Main exams - Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks) English Qualifying Paper (300 marks) General Essay type paper (200 marks) General Studies papers (300 marks each) Optional subjects papers (300 marks each) Examination pattern For Prem. exams - There are two papers. The papers are- A. General Studies (150 marks) Indian Polity & Economy History of India including Indian National Movement Indian and World Geography Current Affairs of National and International Importance General and day-to-day Science B. Some optional subject (300 marks) - Agriculture, Animal husbandry Anthropology Arabic Assamese Bengali Botany Chemistry Chinese Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering English Geography Geology German Gujarati Hindi Indian Commerce Indian Economics Indian History Indian Psychology Indian Public Administration Kannada Kashmiri Konkani Law Malayalam Management Manipuri Marathi Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Medical Science Nepali Oriya Pali Persian Philosphy Physics Political Science Psychology Punjabi Russian Sanskrit Sindhi Sociology Statistics Tamil Telugu Urdu Zoology IAS Exam covers almost all the areas of intrest generally 2 rounds will be there then after wards Interview will be conducted Major subjects that concerned are,History, Politics, English, Verbal, Reasoning Analitical ability, General Science and Current Affairs so on. Hard Work, Hard Work, Hard Work along with Determination, and Dedication are only the ways to get into the IAS and to get place in top positions and Reading newspapers, watching TV news and of course quiz shows like KBC is a must and should... with regards.... |
1st November 2010, 11:25 PM
to become a collector or district magistrate, you need to qualify civil service exam conducted by UPSE every year, notify in the month of may.
consist of three stage preliminary mains interview for qualifying exam you need to strong your GK, English,Personality traits, and your desired two subjects which you study in your BE course or you can go to UPSE site www.upse.gov.in for further details and last year Question papers please read newspaper daily esp. the hindu and competition focus magazines daily for current affairs. God Bless You. |
1st November 2010, 11:48 PM
To be a collector, you will need to crack the UPSC-conducted Civil Services
Exam. Till 2010, the Exam was split into three segments - Prelims, Mains and Interview; but 2011 onwards, the Prelims will be substituted by the CSAT or the Civil Services Aptitude Test. From Civil Service Examination 2011, Preliminary Examination would consist of two papers- Paper I and Paper II. The syllabus and pattern of the Preliminary Examination would be as under : (Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs. Current events of national and international importance History of India and Indian national movement Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc. Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc. General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization General science. (Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs Comprehension Interpersonal skills including communication skills Logical reasoning and analytical ability Decision making and problem solving General mental ability Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level) English language comprehension skills (Class X level) Examination pattern for the Main Exams will hopefully remain the same as in the previous years, i.e., Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks) English Qualifying Paper (300 marks) General Essay type paper (200 marks) General Studies papers (300 marks each) Optional subjects papers (300 marks each) You can join a IAS Coaching/Grooming Academy for they will help you plan a focussed approach. Your hardwork and sincerity will bring you success. |
2nd November 2010, 09:29 AM
My dear friend you have to clear the preliminary exam of IAS than the main exam which is followed by an interview. For more details check this out. http://www.upscexam.com/upsc_examinations/civil_services_examination_cse/UPSC-Civil-Services-Preliminary-Exam-Eligibility.html GOOD LUCK. |
2nd November 2010, 04:13 PM
hi friend,
The only way to be a collector is to take IAS civil service examination. But now the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (from 2011)is replaced with a new Recruitment Process of Civil Services Exam called the CSAT or the Civil Services Aptitude Test . (You were watching the old syllabus of Prelim in previous post, which has already been changed) Preliminary Exam:-The syllabus and pattern of the Preliminary Examination would be as under : Paper 1 (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs. -Current events of national and international importance -History of India and Indian national movement -Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world -Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc. -Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc. -General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization -General science. (Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs -Comprehension -Interpersonal skills including communication skills -Logical reasoning and analytical ability -Decision making and problem solving -General mental ability -Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc.(Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc.–Class X level) -English language comprehension skills (Class X level) Main Examination and Interview :- No changes were introduced in the Civil Services (Main) Examination and Personality Test in the scheme of Civil Services Examination (CSE). Paper-I 300 Marks One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the 22 languages included in the VIIIth Schedule to the Constitution (Qualifying Paper) Paper-II 300 Marks English (Qualifying Paper) Paper-III Essay [in the medium you choose] 200 Marks Papers IV & V 600 Marks General Studies (300 Marks for each paper) Papers VI, VII, VIII & IX 1200 Marks Any two subjects (each having 2 papers) to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects (300 marks for each paper) Total Marks for Written Examination 2000 Marks Interview Test [in the medium you choose] 300 Marks Grand Total 2300 Marks |
22nd November 2010, 10:00 PM
hello respected sir/ma'm,
i'm a study of MSc (microbiology) and i wanted to know that if the percentage of graduations are not 60% then is the candidate not allowed to proceed further, even if he/she has cleared the IAS exams...or that person will not be allowed to even give the IAS exam. I will be very kind of you to reply for this question of mine. thanking you, yours sincerely xyz |
23rd November 2010, 11:55 AM
dear friend,
Normally final year engineering student can able to apply for IAS exam. as you are in the third year of engineering your not elligible now. better you try next year but prep[are yourself from this year. To become collector you need to clear IAS.for it you have go harder go through official website for all the details http://www.upscexam.com. all the best for your future... |
29th November 2010, 09:42 PM
if you are more interested to become a IAS then you have to take upsc exam,which is conducted in 3 stages- 1.prelims(may) 2.mains(october) 3.interview(after mains qualification) for more information you can logon at official site of upsc-www.upsc.gov.in |
12th January 2011, 02:28 AM
Date of sale of forms for ias exam
23rd January 2011, 12:13 PM
subject taken to clear IAS exam
24th January 2011, 08:58 AM
Hello Friend
In order to become a collector you have to qualify IAS exam.You should be within 21-28 years old.After selection in mains exam you have to well prepared for Interview.For interview you have to be well knowledged about your subject as well as Indian politics,Indian Economy etc. Best of luck..... |
24th January 2011, 04:47 PM
The IAS exam is the most prestigious exam in the country.For preparing of the exam you need systematic and consistent effort. You can be the district collector if you pass the exam. It consists of a pre,mains ans a personnel interview. you can start from now: books: manorama,general studies,indian history,geography,political sc and CSR refresher need to be referred. best wishes for your exam!! |
5th March 2011, 09:22 AM
i want apply ias exam 2011 prilims. but i dont know on which name i have take DD .i am obc student .so kindly inforim me details thank you
7th March 2011, 01:37 AM
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For online application (or application by post), syllabus,and all details refer the notification. last date to sent application is upto 21 march 2011.hurry!all the best! |
18th March 2011, 07:22 PM
Calm Down my friend!Its good to be ambitious, but you need to have patience.
Ill provide all details to help you out. First of all, to become an collector, you need to become an IAS, for which you need to give the Civil Service exam conducted by the UPSC. Eligibility to appear for the Civil Service Exam is as follows: Educational Qualification: A Graduate in any field from a recognized university can apply for the exam. Final students who will be giving the final exam rendering them a graduate can also apply. Age Limit: Minimum 21 years of age as on 1st August of the year of exam. Upper age limit is 30 years(Relaxations for SC/ST,OBC candidates according to extent govt. Rules) Maximum Attempts: *General:4 *OBC:7 *SC/ST:No Limit Now that you are familiar with the Eligibility, Ill tell you about the pattern of examination. PLAN OF EXAMINATION : The Civil Services Examination will consist of two stages as follows: * Civil Services Preliminary Examination (Objective type) for the selection of candidates for the Main Examination; * Civil Services Main Examination (Written and Interview) for the selection of candidates for the various Services and posts. (i)The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers of Objective type (multiple choice questions) and carry a maximum of 400 marks (ii)Those candidates who qualify in the prelim exam can appear for the Main exam.The Main Examination will consist of a written examination and an Interview Test.The written examination will consist of 9 papers of conventional essay type. Details regarding syllabus, subjects(Compulsory and optional), dates, and application procedure are given in the attachment bellow. Civil Service 2011.pdf |
18th March 2011, 08:32 PM
To become a Collector you have to have eligibility.
the eligibility criteria for cse is -> you should have a degree from a recognized university.. -> you should have age in between 21 and 30 next you should wait for Notification. buy the form fill and submit it prepare well for the exams recieve hall ticket write CSAT after clearing this you'll get a call letter from uPSC to attempt MAINS after clearing mains you will get call for Interview after releasing results..you will be placed in A cadre according to your rank if you get IAs then after training you will become Joint collector for a district. regards !aditya! |
2nd May 2011, 09:49 PM
I want the guidance to crack the IAS entrance exam?
11th May 2011, 12:59 PM
hi friend,
To become an IAS officer you have write the upsc exam, which is conducted once in a year. You are in 3rd year. When you are in final year you can apply for it. This will of 3 stages. 1--> Preliminary exam 2--> Main exam 3-->Interview you have cross these 3 stages. So prepare for exam from now. Good Luck. |
18th May 2011, 11:45 AM
I am now appearing for second year in bcom(A&F) field. I have no idea of the requirements and exam structure of collector and which first exam required to appear plz give me the detail information.
19th May 2011, 09:51 AM
sir my frd got 552 rank in ias 2010 plz tell me which post he appoint
19th May 2011, 04:47 PM
i am second year computer engineerng student and i have started preliminary exam preparation i want to become collector so which two subject i preffer for main exam..............
20th May 2011, 10:45 AM
i am coming in 11th .which subject i to take
1st June 2011, 05:48 PM
I was attempted for the IAS preliminary exam but couldn't cleared it.So what should i do to enhance confidence?
5th June 2011, 01:15 AM
i am a student o 12th grade of icse board and my aim in life is to become a ias officer .the mater is that i want to start my preperations for ias exam from now to achive my aim so pleas tell me how to prepare myself from nw.
16th June 2011, 12:59 AM
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20th June 2011, 09:18 AM
i am a first year student of b.com prof . and i want to become a district collector , please suggest me some objective type general knowledge books to crack the preliminary exam of i.a.s. and few books for main exam as my optional subject would be commerce and accountancy . and any other tips u have to give thanks |
20th June 2011, 04:16 PM
am Lokesh studying 3rd Ece.tell me about the papers to be selected for Ias exam
23rd June 2011, 01:50 PM
What is the difference between deputy collector and ias and district collector
8th July 2011, 04:42 PM
i am 12th passed maths/science student.i am about to do engineering but my main focus is to become an ias.should i do bsc?
so that i can focus on my subjects of ias exam.i am so confused.please help me. |
8th July 2011, 04:56 PM
i am 12th passed maths/science student.i was about to do engineering.but my main focus is to become an ias.so should i do bsc?so that i can focus on subjects of ias exam.or i may be able to pass ias exam with engineering degree also. which field is better?please help me .
18th July 2011, 11:17 AM
The basic conditions are ELIGIBILITY 1)A pass in a degree from any University, 2)For IAS and IPS the candidate must be a citizen of India, 3)For other services a candidate can be either a citizen of India,a subject of Nepal,a subject of Bhutan or a Tibetian refugee AGE LIMIT 1)21 years must be completed by the 1st AUGUST of that year, 2)GENERAL-30,OBC-33,SC/ST-35;EX-SERVICEMEN WILL GET 5 YEARS EXEMPTION ATTEMPTS OPEN-4,OBC-7,SC/ST-NO LIMIT you can attend for upsc examination. notification is published on february the new syllabus for 2011 prelims ias is given below The new syllabus will have two common papers with equal weightage (200 marks each), unlike the current system which gives more weightage to subject paper (300 marks) than the common general awareness paper (150 marks). CSAT Syllabus The first paper under the new syllabus will be more or less like the current general awareness paper, with additional issues such as climate change and biodiversity. It will will test civil services aspirants on current events of national and international importance, Indian history, Indian and world geography, Indian polity and governance, economic and social development and general science, besides environmental ecology, biodiversity and climate change that do not require subject specialization. The second paper, being introduced by replacing the optional (subject) paper, will have aptitude, data interpretation and English language comprehension skills. The second paper comprises general comprehension; inter-personal skills, including communication skills; logical reasoning and analytical ability; decision making and problem solving; general mental ability; basic numbers and their relations (secondary level) and data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables and data sufficiency). The English language comprehension skills will also be of secondary level. Those who clear preliminary can attend final examination Part B - Main Examination - Optional Subjects Paper-I One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the 22 languages included in the VIIIth Schedule to the Constitution (Qualifying Paper) 300 Marks Paper-II English (Qualifying Paper) 300 Marks Paper-III Essay [in the medium you choose] 200 Marks Papers IV & V General Studies (300 Marks for each paper) 600 Marks Papers VI, VII, VIII & IX Any two subjects (each having 2 papers) to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects (300 marks for each paper) 1200 Marks Total Marks for Written Examination 2000 Marks Interview Test [in the medium you choose] 300 Marks Grand Total 2300 Marks GOOD LUCK |
15th August 2011, 04:46 AM
19th October 2011, 09:20 AM
hello sir/maidam i m the student of BA 3rd year. i want to be a JILA COLLECTOR, that what can i do for this???????????
thank you. |