16th October 2010, 01:51 PM
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How can we improve Engineering Education?

how can we have more precise and excellent education in engineering

16th October 2010, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

For improving engineering education, atfirst you have to go the theory properly, then you have to solve the numerical problems as much as possible. You can go the solved examples carefully so that you can give answer to all unsolved questions. Generally in engineering stream, the numerical problems are quite common & they are found in solved format in many books. You can go those books also for better understanding. You should try to solve previous years' question papers. Generally it is also found that the questions asked in the exam paper, are of same format or type as in the previous years. So you must solve them. For precise & excellent education in engg. the most important thing is that to study the theory carefully along with their assumptions & considerations so that your concept should be clear. You can study the question papers of various competitive exam (GATE, IES etc.) along with their explanations & answers. As because i think that those question papers are selected so carefully that your concept will be automitically cleared. Atfirst you have to try those question papers individually & then go to for answers. That is the good process.
16th October 2010, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

We can take help from notes which r available on net
16th October 2010, 10:28 PM
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Default bhumika.babbar

We can improve engineering education by motivating students to work on more of innovative ideas and bring new techniques never thought of before.As students in engineering study only during exams and sessionals...so I think in the remaining time instead of stressing more on attendance and waste assignments.college authority should arrange for these kind of competitions and projects etc. as much as possible.This will really make students use their brain in a meaningful direction.
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17th October 2010, 12:28 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Its a good question. These days many of the students who study engineering have no idea on how to make a good use of those 4 years.

Engineering is not at all like your 10th or 12th std. Its a different life wherein students are trained to think hard and apply it in engineering aspects.

To improve in engineering studies you must first of all focus in your class.You should listen to your teachers as they are engineers and they give out important points which are not even found in books.

You should not be a bookworm. Try to related your subject to practical life. Imagine while preparing.

Refer different engineering recommended books. Dont just stick to the syllabus. Instead read engineering books,magazines etc

Marks will automatically come if you do the above thing. So all the best
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17th October 2010, 12:54 AM
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Smile Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

An engineering student should have practical knowledge together with theoretical knowledge.
For that he/she should be aware of the current technologies and trends in the fields he/she is studying.should conduct industrial visits and trainings that will improve his/her practical knowledge.
for getting a job one should understood only the the basic things he studied, no one go much deeper into topics in interviews.
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17th October 2010, 12:57 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

It is a nice question but the answer is very simple,concentrate in the class and go through the text book thoroughly,don't make your study boring take it in easy way,you shuold study at least 4 to 5 hours after classes
I think it is not important that how much we study but is important that how much we learnt
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17th October 2010, 02:19 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

its a good question and today every engineering student wants to know the ans of this.Firstly I want to tell that do not fully depend upon teachers that they will provide notes and then mug up all those and then write in exams and get good marks.Its good that you get good marks but if you don't have knowledge about it then marks are useless .Engineering is a field where we learn something and then we have to apply it in practical.we should refer to different books so we get extra knowledge .We should search on net.Try to get more knowledge from different sources not limited to only notes you will surely improve engineering .All the best
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17th October 2010, 02:56 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Its really a good topic.Today in our country the number of engineering colleges are growing rapidly.Every year new engineering colleges are opened,these days it has just become like a business,who cares for the poor students,we
think we are going to become an engineer,merely by just completing our degree we cannot be in true sense called an engineer.Almost all the private engineering colleges don't deal with quality.Many of them don't even have proper labs for practical.
Even in engineering 6 months of training type of system should be introduced.so the students can get an exposure more on practical based methods.Spoon feeding should be really stooped.The AICTE should do something to stop the pace at which the colleges are opened.Common entrance test for the country at should be there,even for the private colleges. Then only quality can be improved.
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17th October 2010, 07:38 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

As Engineering is a first step to higher education, so it must not depend on books only. There should be some assignments on latest technology and students should find their answers on internet.
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17th October 2010, 10:06 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Hi Guys!
we can improve Engineering Education by:
1.we need to strong our basics which department u are, see the IIT lecture to strong our basics.
2.we need to study our basics everyday such tat at 2 weeks continuously morning and night ,revision is more important reading one subject basement.
3. See that every theory subject has application devices in laboratory experiment ,understand it concepts,how it works?,analyze,we got interest in our particular subject.
4.otherwise u see that that application see in Internet, realize the concept.
5.use the standard foreign author books prescribed in university. Foreign author books looks like vague, but not like tat,if u started reading it is more impressive.

Thank You ! for giving this opportunity to explain
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17th October 2010, 02:33 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Nice question.in engineering only theoritical knowledge is not sufficient you also need practical knowledge..please study with electronic books and discussion with your teacher in lab.go 4 training in every sem.
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17th October 2010, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Hello friends !!
all suggestions are quite appreciating...
i would say one should have a role model of his background..you should read about him everything i.e. biographies etc....understand the situations what he crossed in his time .....
i think this can make oneself more innovative !!!
and yes dont let your curosity die..scratching your head sometime is not a bad habit ;-)
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17th October 2010, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

the main thing that improves the qualiti of engineering education is raising the standards of the institutions which providing engineering education.if improved the quality of teaching staff also increses the standards of engineering education
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18th October 2010, 12:00 AM
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Post Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

first of all i would like to note the point that our educational systems are not 100 % efficient. so its very simple to get an engineering degree. But the problem is that "how can we improve our engineering skills?" . so for your query how to improve the engineering education. just go through your lession regularly that is just learn anything (subject) for atleast 1 hour daily. learning one hour is compulsory. it is not a problem that which subject you are studying. but need to study atleast 1 hour. please note you can enjoy your college life at its best after your daily activities just find that 1 hour it may be at 5 am, 8 am , 5 pm , 7 pm , 10 pm or may be 12pm as you like but make sure that your concentration is good.

now the question which arises while answering this "how can we improve our engineering skills ?"
we need to improve our skills as an engineer. for improving your skills you will need a friend not an human friend. i am not confusing you. we need to make internet as our best friend and ask questions. it will provide you will nice results. i am sure that you pupile should have many doubts that you will be shy to ask to your teachers because you will feel that it may be a blunder. so ask such questions to internet. some times that may be a good idea. so keep surfing the internet. that will improve your engineering skill.
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18th October 2010, 01:25 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Originally Posted by arpitc11 View Post
how can we have more precise and excellent education in engineering
Well first of all we should try to abolish the system of term work marks that are in the form of writing journal files like a clerk....it must be replaced by a practical session which is being taught in class.so that theory and practice go hand in hand....and the student understand the concept well and wont mug it up.....
the only thing which i stress is "theory without practice is empty" and practice without theory is blind;;;;;;;;;;
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18th October 2010, 01:29 AM
Arvind Bhushan
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Originally Posted by arpitc11 View Post
how can we have more precise and excellent education in engineering
Well it depends.How much you are passionate in you subject.TO increase your knowledge you should attend various conferences and seminars on engineering that is being held very frequently now a days ,There you can present your ideas and view.so,go for it.All the best.
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18th October 2010, 08:30 AM
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Thumbs up Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

Hello. In my opinion to make the engineering education excellent ,more emphasis should be laid on practical works rather than on theoretical. Secondly the branch paper should be taught right from the first year. So that student can strengthen their core paper. Unuseful subject should be removed from the study.
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18th October 2010, 11:31 AM
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Engineering is a part of science in which we try to develop techniques which reduce human difficulties. So in engineering education emphasis should be laid on practical works related to branch. Onky core paper should be taught right from the first sem. Unuseful and burden subjects should be removed from this course.
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18th October 2010, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

For improving education in engineering, spoon feeding everything has to stop.
The students should be motivated to do things on their own, of course, they should be monitored and helped out in difficulties..
For example, the practical list for each subject is like fixed for each student and generally it is either done by the teacher or one of the student nad others just understand and copy it. Instead, the students can be told to do different practical on their own(atleast 50%) or some small projects in some subjects, so that they learn to innovate things on their own.
From teachers point of view, teachers should also be given freedom to get trained in different areas so that they can help students in these innovations...
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18th October 2010, 09:26 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?


well this is a good question in short i would like to tell you that you can improve your engineering education by doing praticals,because theory you will forget after your exams.so concentrate more on praticals.
best of luck
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11th November 2010, 04:12 PM
megha ram singh
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Smile Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

To improve education I think one have to go thoroughly through all the subjects and should try to solve previous years question papers as many as he/she can .

and should focus on the studies from the starting of the session instead of doing it at time of exams.
to get quality education one should go for higher studies.
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18th November 2010, 12:52 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

how we prepare time table to study subjects?
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10th December 2010, 07:37 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

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26th May 2011, 01:41 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

How much % staff role is in passing a student in his subject ?
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18th June 2012, 11:41 AM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

In India one thing i lacking and that is finishing schools. I think All reputed institutes like IITs, NITS should run finishing schools in summer. It has many benefits. Student will revised all the things which they had studied during last 4 years, they got exposure of many instruments which are not generally available in private institutes, they will interact with faculty members of premiere institutes and persons from industry in such schools etc etc.
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25th June 2014, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: How can we improve Engineering Education?

You can improve Engineering Education by know what you want to do in future ,and ask your well wishers .
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