14th April 2012, 11:06 PM
How to get a government job after doing B.Tech by IT branch? How much percentage is required?
how can get goverment job after doing b.tech by it branch and how much percentage is required
27th April 2012, 12:46 AM
You can visit the official web portal of SSC, UPSC, etc to search and to apply for matching job profiles. These bodies often carry out selection test for recruiting candidates in to various government departments. Being an IT graduate, you can visit the website of CDIT, CDAC, BSNL, BHEL, etc for matching job profiles. Other than this, you can look for jobs in Banks, Railways, Army, Navy, etc. Mark requirement for each job may differ according to the organization and it is advisable that the candidate looks into the official website of the organisations before applying.
10th May 2012, 06:47 PM
to get a job in it field how much percentage is required
11th May 2012, 12:45 AM
There are many government jobs are available for graduates. You will visit the TNPSC website for applying group exam for higher officer post to clerk post. You will apply online for the exam. Many bank jobs are available. you may visit the bank official website. Such as, www.icicibank.com www.hdfcbank.com www.canarabank.com www.syndicatebank.com The basic requirement is completion of any degree in affiliated college/university. There is no no percentage requirement. ALL THE BEST WITH REGARDS karthika chandrasekar |
11th May 2012, 02:29 PM
Dear friend,
You have complete B.Tech in IT. So you have so many opportunities for Govt. jobs You can try for these jobs GOVT. JOBS : 1.IES 2.SAIL 3.BHEL 4.BEL 5.GAIL 6.ECIL 7.NTPC 8.ONGC 9.DRDO 10.IOCL All the very best........... |