29th November 2010, 08:49 PM
Deepshikha Raghav
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How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

hello Sir/Ma'm,
how should i improve my communication skills and GD
Deepshikha Raghav

2nd December 2010, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

There are many ways to improve your communication skills. You can begin with making presentations in front of close friends or family members. Choose a topic of your choice. Prepare the content, learn it and then make a presentation. Ask for feedback work on it. Also here debates and make notes of good points made. Reading newspaper will also add to your knowledge.
2nd December 2010, 06:42 PM
chandana Reddy
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

read newspapers everyday..have knowledge about the current affairs...and communicate in english when you are talking to friends..this will help you in improving your communication skills....

good luck
2nd December 2010, 08:02 PM
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There are few basic ways to get hold of a language and communicate efficiently in that language.Follow the following steps which will help you to improve your communication skills and help you to perform efficiently in GDs :
1. Increase your vocabulary by reading english newspapers,magazines etc.
2. Watch english news channels like NDTV,Times Now,not BBC world cause their accent is different.
3. Read newspapers and increase your general awareness to increase your content for any topic asked in GD.
4. Start conversing in english with your friends,parents etc.
5. Practice for GD.
and last but not the least
6. Enhance your confidence level and always have winning attitude.
Best of Luck..
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2nd December 2010, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

hai friend.........
A good question which is very important to compete with this world. Improving Communication skills is the basic need to mingle with the society. You wont get benifited if you join in any spoken english classes.....you can improve communication skills only by speaking with your surrounding members....you should follow the following tips to improve....

*Don't mind whether the english you are speaking is write or wrong just talk with your friends comfortably....
*communicate with your fellows boldly....
*for example....if you are presenting some exciting concept to the audience...don't make it complex and give some examples for better understanding

Also group discussion plays a very prominent role in companies......
In placements the company verifies whether the candidate can discuss the matter with others or not......
In order to discuss a concept with others
* you should know enough information about the concept
*you should give chance to others to talk.
*you should maintain clarity in your talk.
*you should not use aggressive words.
*you should not look proud and include even the silent people to come in to your discussion......this shows your leadership qualities.
These are the things which the companies will see during the plcaments.
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3rd December 2010, 12:12 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Dear friend

If you want to improve your communication skills and group disscussion, then you actually learnt when you parctically do it.

Firstly read newspaper daily, every newspapers has a editorial page. So, please read that page and concentrate on general current topics.

So, if you really wat to improve your communication skills then please communicate within a group of people.

So, please try to speak in english on your friends circle. This is only the way, that you can improve your communication skills.

Always read the english newspaper daily, this will definately helps you and helps you to speak fluently in english. If possible read Magzines, Articles, This helps a person to communicate properly in english.

If you have a knowledge on current topics, onl then you are able to speak in Group discussion. So, please concentrate on Current topics and always read the Auditorial page of Newspaper.
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3rd December 2010, 12:48 AM
ramakant sharma
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you can improve your communication skill by presenting seminars and try to speak in english language.

make news paper reading habits and read novels regularly, watch hollywood movies to improve your accents.

all the best
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3rd December 2010, 08:01 AM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?


to improve communication skills and group discussion
read newspapers everyday..have knowledge about the current affairs...and communicate in english when you are talking to friends..this will help you in improving your communication skills....
good luck.
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3rd December 2010, 08:17 AM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

To improve communication you can following taks:::

* You need to talk in English...
*should not feel shy to talk in English which most people feel..
*start reading newspaper
*start watching english newschanels
*last but not least discuss things in this forum will also make you improve in communication skills!!
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3rd December 2010, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Deepshikha Raghav View Post
hello Sir/Ma'm,
how should i improve my communication skills and GD
Deepshikha Raghav
dear friend , to improve your communication skill first of all try to improve your english so that you can express your thought freely without any hesitation. For group discussion try to prepare small presentation and discuss about it with your family members and take the feedback.try to answer the querry of your family members in such a way that they become fully satisfied. You can take the help of your elders and various books available on gd. Try these daily .i m sure you will succeed in developing your communication skill and will do better in group discussion as well.

good luck
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3rd December 2010, 09:44 AM
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reading newspaper or preasenting topic not goona work yr .. U have 2 watch movies nd eng news nd try to talk wid your frends in eng find new words every day
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3rd December 2010, 10:45 AM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?


You can improve your communication and GD skills by reading newspapers, novels, magazines so that you can get fluency in your speech. You should try to speak in English with your group of friends and you can enroll for an English communication skills course in a good institute.
In GD you must first understand the topic and then speak your thoughts on it and if you don't have any idea about the topic, then let others start the discussion and then get some idea and speak confidently.
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3rd December 2010, 11:48 AM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Hello Deepshikha Raghav, in order to improve your communication skills and GD skills, the most importanat thing is to start your thinking process in English and not in any other language. once you practice this you will be able to communicate in a better way. the second imp thing which can be done is reading a newspaper for atleast half an hour on a daily basis,which must include, reading it loudly. start talking to your friends on a daily basis, and ask them for a feedback....hoipe that helps....thank u
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3rd December 2010, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

i know english .......... in written but i cant spaek..................
so what i can i doooooooooo........ fro this problem... pls tell me
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3rd December 2010, 12:08 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

hey hi
there are many ways to improve this skill.
firstly read newspapers.....this will give you information on current issues which will help you in group discussions.
watch talk shows on news channels conducted and participated by eminent people from all streams or walks.this will give you a clear idea as to when and how to pitch in during group discussions.
apart form this if you want to improve your communication skills then you have to make sure you have the right hold on grammar tactics and usage,for this refer any grammar texts.
hope this helps you out in some way..
all the best
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3rd December 2010, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Originally Posted by Deepshikha Raghav View Post
hello Sir/Ma'm,
how should i improve my communication skills and GD
Deepshikha Raghav
Fir improving your Communication level you try to practise grammer properly and also try to increase your vacabulary power...

News paper is very helpful for that...
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3rd December 2010, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

The first thing in improving communication skill and GD is to be fluent in English and good knowledge of grammar and word power.To make this happen One should read daily English news papers,try to read two words from dictionary per day,try to conversation with ypur friends in English.These will definitely help
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3rd December 2010, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Here are the steps to improve communication skills:
1. To gain confidence to speak... u need to have sufficient knowledge which u can improve by reading magazines and newspaper.
2 Improve your grammer.
3 Speak in front of friends or in front of mirror.
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3rd December 2010, 02:36 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Try to speak in english with your friends and make it a routine.
try to convience your friends to do so.
Make a habit of reading newspaper daily for atleast 45mins.
discuss with your friends about asmall topics.
Participate in various competitions in your school/colleges.
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3rd December 2010, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

daily the read the news Paper that will definitely help you find the discussion here

manti Chatterjee said: (Wed, Oct 27, 2010 11:06:47 AM)

Entrepreneur is more important. Without a company in existence, a manager will have no place to show his management skills. The entrepreneur has the ability to think of a business idea and start up with the business with a new challenge in the competitive market.

The business, be of an old trend or a new one has a risk of getting accepted in the market and getting stabilized. If its in a loss, the entrepreneur has to keep up the courage to get going and come up again taking up the challenge, in spite of the loss.
Rate this: +1 -1

Nitish said: (Thu, Oct 28, 2010 12:47:02 AM)

Consider great people like Narayana Murthi or Azim Premji. They are best examples of an entrepreneur. They could have easily taken a manager's job. But they chose to start their own company. And now thanks to them lakhs of people are getting employed. Their respective companies have put India on d global map of technology and IT. They have made our country proud.

This wouldn't have been possible had they been just managers!.
Rate this: +2 -1

Ron said: (Thu, Oct 28, 2010 07:55:45 PM)

I appreciate the views of my former speaker but I would like to add point to the discussion that entrepreneur are the icons, whom people emulate and imitate. As a.

Country which is a youngest country in this ageing world why not we have young entrepreneurs which not only help country achieving high growth instead of having.

Managers working in someone's company. Imagine Dheerubhai Ambani have started working in someone's company he would have not reached the pinnacle.
Rate this: +1 -1

Vishal Karande said: (Fri, Oct 29, 2010 11:13:27 AM)

Yes, of course, The only manager is not enough for the business. Manager must have additional quality means he must convert himself into entrepreneur. It help to make more effort toward company. The good entrepreneur make possibility to spread his business all over the world.
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Mak said: (Sat, Oct 30, 2010 05:25:27 PM)

Very well said my friends some said entrepreneurs are important and some about managers but my point here is, both is very much necessary for us in our growing economy but as the topic says entrepreneurs are more important for us in this scenario because we have huge resource available in our country to be utilized if we will have entrepreneurs around us to utilize it efficiently our pace of growth would be burgeoning. After all need to be trend setter rather than follower.
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Amit said: (Sat, Oct 30, 2010 07:45:37 PM)

Managers are only hired by the entrepreneurs So if there are no entrepreneurs there will be no demand for managers. Entrepreneurs will give resource, capital to run the business and then the role of the manager comes. Most importantly, if entrepreneur can put his money into running a business then he is surely capable of on how to utilize it in better way as well. Need for the managers always comes secondary and only once the business begins by the entrepreneurs.
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Aakash said: (Sun, Oct 31, 2010 09:44:06 PM)

I completely agree with Vishal. Entrepreneur is someone who has innovative ideas and is always willing to take the responsibilities of its outcomes. So indirectly the first step towards the growth of nation or a company lies with the Entrepreneurs. Without them its impossible in developing the nation. Hence Entrepreneurs are more required than managers. But still both are the two sides of the same coin " GROWTH ".
Rate this: +1 -1

Patel Dinesh said: (Tue, Nov 2, 2010 01:48:33 AM)

Manager is a person who mange the company or enterprise. A manager who is enough capable to stabilized enterprise or company is called entrepreneur. Entrepreneur can successfully handle small enterprise but when enterprise grow enough than enterprise required more manager. That mean's enterprise have less number of entrepreneur than manager like Tata, Kingfisher, Reliance and so on.
Rate this: +1 -1

Lakhan said: (Wed, Nov 3, 2010 06:25:57 PM)

Rate this: +0 -2

Su01 said: (Thu, Nov 4, 2010 12:57:18 AM)

According to me we require more of entrepreneurs than managers. Reasons are many-India being a country with a huge population it is very difficult for each and everyone to find a job for themselves. Instead they could implement their own ideas and start new business. By this they can create employment for themselves as well as others.
Rate this: +1 -2

Aakash said: (Thu, Nov 4, 2010 09:06:13 PM)

I think we are going away from the point of this discussion. Especially Dinesh and Lakhan.

The essence is we need more entrepreneurs than managers. Not The present status of the enterprise. We should either focus on the needs and the need is the new innovative ideas which can only be provided by an advanced level manager or an entrepreneur. I have made that point clear in my previous comment.
Rate this: +1 -1

Ankur said: (Fri, Nov 5, 2010 03:11:02 PM)

Well, In my opinion innovative ideas without proper management would turn into a damp-squib.

So to tune their innovative ideas an entrepreneur needs to posses good management skills.

Definitely entrepreneur's innovation is required required in todays market oriented world with cut throat competition but the value of good managerial skills are also indispensable quality to fructify the innovative idea.
Rate this: +6 -2

Manas said: (Wed, Nov 10, 2010 12:54:04 PM)

Whether Mr. Gandi, Mr Neheru, Mr Lal bahadur Shastri, Mr Dhiru bhai Ambani, Mr. JRD Tata, Mr. GD Birla were having any Management degree? No, Still they were the leaders and entrepreneurs. Even at those time there was hardly any term management. It is only the bias of modern students who think that MBA or Management skills are must. It is absolutely needless. It depends upon the nature of job. If everyone will be a manager then who are the followers. Then how the entire system will run? Hence, friends, in my view we must carry our own interest and should give our efforts to win with our own skills.
Rate this: +3 -0

Manas said: (Wed, Nov 10, 2010 01:05:34 PM)

I think Mr. Ankur is far away from topic of discussion. I belive, infact I think you are a book worm and you can not rationalize the practical things of the life. Hence please refrain from such statement which can spoil the career of many students/many entrepreneurs.

Don't take it otherwise it's my humble request.
Rate this: +2 -1

Bhanu said: (Fri, Nov 12, 2010 01:33:33 PM)

I think a person who manages an organisation or group of staff, for example a system that controls or organise a process ie manager.

A person who sets up a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit i.e entrepreneurs.
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Shabih said: (Mon, Nov 15, 2010 12:00:32 PM)

As far as I am concerned competition between organizations are less and the employees in same organizations are more. Today people are fighting for to show some skills. And in the technological era organizations are squeezing their employees, so the students should be teached in the practical virtual society to learn some entrepreneurial activities and some practice on field.
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Anirban said: (Tue, Nov 16, 2010 02:13:31 PM)

As far as the modern economic scenario, there is huge requirements of jobs. So motivation towards generation of more Entrepreneurs is important than managers.

Rather a good entrepreneur is also a good manager.
Rate this: +1 -0

Deepak C said: (Sun, Nov 28, 2010 06:42:00 PM)

Entrepreneurs are the one who takes responsibility to start an enterprise. And he has the vision to take right decisions. They are actually made to create the managers. They have their own ideas and they try to implement the same for the creation of enterprise. But managers unlike them are just paid salary and kept under them to act according to entrepreneurs actions.

For the economy scenario existing more and more of them have to be created to just to take the level of a country to esteem and adorable level.
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Akshay said: (Mon, Nov 29, 2010 05:09:36 PM)

I agree to Deepak's point but I want to add that if we are talking about the economy growth then the visionary ideas should be put into reality and this is possible if we have good managers, thus according to me the quality of managers is much important the actually quantity. It will take less time to implement the ideas in a quicker manner.

best of luck
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3rd December 2010, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

check it you this discussion you will feel better

Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:
Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.
Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.
Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Vinoth said: (Thu, Aug 5, 2010 04:02:07 PM)

Yes, Managers are created only in the companies. The one who holds the company give the work as manager post. So we need more Entrepreneur...
Rate this: +120 -34

Aakansha said: (Tue, Sep 14, 2010 04:54:49 PM)

Yes, becoz enterprenuers are the ones which expands a business and appoint managers to manage it. So this is for decades that without entrepreneurs there is no existence of managers.
Rate this: +62 -13

Shub said: (Tue, Sep 14, 2010 05:22:22 PM)

Managers can just support the company. But entrepreneurs can support the nation. So more entrepreneurs with more innovative ideas, more is the country's development.
Rate this: +33 -18

Ankit said: (Wed, Sep 15, 2010 12:43:35 PM)

Without a proper management no one can move ahead whether it be an individual or a nation as a whole. Its true that entrepreneurs have innovative ideas which a nation requires the most but without proper management we cannot put those innovative ideas into reality. We need to have managers to work for those ideas in a systematic way thereby working for the welfare of the nation as a whole.

Ideas are worthless as long as we don't implement it in a right manner or rather you can say in a right direction. So managers are more important than entrepreneurs.
Rate this: +56 -16

Suresh said: (Wed, Sep 15, 2010 02:29:55 PM)

Yes I accept Ankit point but entrepreneurs how was build up the company in whole nation in my point of view mostly the innovative ideas how can to be reached to staffs here manager help to provided more ideas to staffs here straightly doesn't looking forward to staffs for given ideas from entrepreneurs.
Rate this: +8 -17

Shub said: (Wed, Sep 15, 2010 07:54:58 PM)

Every organisation needs a Leader who can effectively bring up and lay down a path for the employees. The leader is the entrepreneur and manager manages the company with guidance of the head. Only if the company exists, the manager exists. But only if the entrepreneur exists the company survives.
Rate this: +22 -2

Arjun said: (Wed, Sep 15, 2010 10:22:04 PM)

Well I think we need both of them, But managers play a key role in industries either in increasing economy or managing employees. And an entrepreneur can expand his territory with the growth. So more is the worth-able managers better will be the organisation. So I suggest we need more managers.
Rate this: +8 -8

Best of luck
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3rd December 2010, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

check out the discussion how they are asking

yup!!m sure dat salaries might not b same n longrun coz of carelessness of enterprener dat company might suddenly come under danger n salaries fa every1 might get low ....if dat companies donar has d capability of surviving den he might take out his danger position n can come up wid d company sometimes oua outcome might go n well preceeding way so dat can get oua salary high but t is not sustainable coz v con say dat all companies go oly n upgoing manner ,may suddeny have some chance 2 godown so dat oua pay 2l get5 down ...
Rate this: +4 -15

Keerti said: (Wed, Sep 22, 2010 12:51:00 AM)

Well it depends, if the company is doing good business and generating revenues then yes the rise is sustainable for the long run. If for some reasons like recession it may not b sustainable but for some exceptions. The recession that hit India and other countries is a good example. There were many sectors which were not effected fully by the recession.
Rate this: +12 -3

Sarthak said: (Wed, Sep 29, 2010 08:15:53 PM)

I think there are various extraneous factors which contribute to the decision of sustainability of the MBA income in the long run. The argument can not be generalized. If the macro factors are favourable then the salary will hike and if there are turbulent times then it may as well succumb.
Rate this: +1 -1

Sohini said: (Fri, Oct 1, 2010 01:15:07 AM)

Well I do agree that rise in MBA salaries is not sustainable. This is because the business and economic cycle doesn't permit to be so. This can be well explained by taking an example. When the economy is booming and Business cycle is in its peak, the salary Will go up but when there s a downturn, the salaries are slashed. Hence as mentioned by Sarthak the macro factors does allow the salaries to be sustainable in the long run.
Rate this: +4 -1

Ankit said: (Thu, Oct 7, 2010 10:49:03 PM)

According to me salary of any personnel is just a compensation for the work done by the personnel. Also the salary of the MBA personnel is fully dependent upon the market and no buddy know about market.
Rate this: +5 -2

Poojitha said: (Fri, Oct 8, 2010 09:43:03 AM)

I think it also depends on the individual capability. The more you struggle the more you may be paid and indirectly it sustains for the long run.
Rate this: +2 -1

Paras said: (Wed, Nov 3, 2010 11:18:34 AM)

Hi friends,.

According to me, the salary of higher level managers could be given in form of shares of company so that if value of shares rises, their salary rises and if it depreciates then the salary depreciates. This would end up the issue of salary rise of managers and also if higher level managers work hard for company to bring it up, they are suitably rewarded by hike in shares and vice-versa.
Rate this: +0 -2

Manas said: (Wed, Nov 10, 2010 01:13:05 PM)

If the share value goes to Zero then what will be the salary of a Manager. All levels of manager put their best efforts for the company. Hence their salary must be in the right proportion of the profit gained by the company.
Rate this: +2 -0

Debo said: (Thu, Nov 11, 2010 09:53:54 PM)

Sustainable of salary is not only depend on the future of companies it also depended on individual also.
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Pradeep said: (Fri, Nov 12, 2010 11:56:51 PM)

Salary of a manager should be fixed but in case of any trouble it should be decreased or increased. Apart from that if a manager is performing very well, he should be encouraged by giving some perks.
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Saikat said: (Thu, Nov 25, 2010 12:56:25 AM)

Nobody can't predict about the sustainability of salary of a manager. But its true that various factor like recession, companies financial position has a great influence over salary. Other than this we can't ignore the performance is another key factor, which has direct influence on salary. So if an manager is performing well then definitely he will get a sustainably higher salary.
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Upma said: (Mon, Nov 29, 2010 07:37:44 PM)

I fully agree with Ankit, since one thing remains constant in the market is the change, so it depends upon the market situations to rise or not.
Best of luck
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3rd December 2010, 07:51 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

hi friend check it out every topic what i send, it will be very much useful for you ,here are few points

*Be positive in talking

*watch more English movie with Sub-titles

*Daily read NEWS paper, it is good if you use HINDU or TIMES OF INDIA

*Talk to your Friends in English or talk to other state friends, because they do the language what you speak, they knew only English,this will be very Much useful

*most important is concentrate on simply works , you will left it out while reading the NEWS paper like A,AN,THE,FROM and so

* work accordingly
Best of luck
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3rd December 2010, 09:43 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

These both are playing a major role in the career of student to get good job and to go well in that job.

Communication skills - to understand the opposite person and let the opposite person to understand you.

Whatever you say it should be understand by the opposite person.
First,You should be good at your English.
If you are not yet, then try to acquire it as early as possible, grammar should be important.

Don't hesitate to talk to the new persons.

Practice yourself assuming that you are explaining a situation in your class room infront of a mirror or to a friend.

Think of the best ways through which the target people to whom you are explaining can easily understand your theme.

For group discussion also if you are good communication skills and full of subject knowledge it will not be tough.
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5th December 2010, 03:14 AM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Originally Posted by Deepshikha Raghav View Post
hello Sir/Ma'm,
how should i improve my communication skills and GD
Deepshikha Raghav
There are number of ways to enhance communication skills few of them are listed below:

1.Watch English News channel, movies, interviews and Listen them carefully and try catch their way of speaking and presenting the thinks and matter.

2.Try to make a group and practice for speak in English and do GDs to Enhance skills.

3.Mute your Television and start speaking what you are seeing on screen.

4.Do live commentry of Cricket match or any other sport which you like most.

5.Stand in front of mirror and give presentation on any random topic.

6.If you have facility to record Videos then record your presentation and then watch it and identify improvement.

7.Daily learn and practise 3 good english word that will enhance your vocabulary.

8.Take part in competitions like debate, extempore and other activity to get confidence.

Those are little things which can help you in improving communication skills.
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13th January 2011, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

hi can u please which books to read for gd?
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15th January 2011, 04:22 PM
Ajay kumar verma
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

If you interested to improve your communication skills. you use the group discussion with you friends and continuously read the related language books.
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13th February 2011, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

you should start speaking english more often .. speak to yourself to others and to your family friends.anywhere where you get a chance of speaking English you must grab it.
The best way to speak English is to speak English.. do not worry weather you speak correct or not .. practice within yourself talk to yourself talk on any topic which you like
Frame your sentences in advance,if you have to ans a question keep a reply ready
and practice it in your mind several times so that you are able to speak it well without
a flaw.. in fact you have a pool of 100 - 200 sentences only you will be able to speak english almost every where.
Rehearse your responses, improvise on what questions you may ave to answer or what statements you will have to make, form a suitable response for them and rehearse them.
you should also refer to dictionaries to improve your vocab and wathch english movies
news and serials.
you will notice that sentences keep getting repeated with minor variations.
you can also read newspapers magzines. etc for practice of sentences
also try reading some articles to open up your throat for english and chase away hesitation.
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16th May 2011, 10:12 PM
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Thank you for posting such a appealing answer....that was very thoughtful of you....thanks
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30th August 2011, 11:03 AM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

There is no straight method to improve communication skills. Everyone want to be successful in present world and role of communication skill to make one successful is about 70%. So, communication skill are back bone of success.

Few methods are written below that will help you to improve your communication skill.
•-> Read more and more newspaper, articles, magazines and novels.
•-> Listen carefully because a good communicator is always a better listener.
•-> Figure out difficult word from news papers and write it down on a notebook.
•-> Make flash-cards for memorizing difficult words.
•-> Try to communicate in english with your friends.

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30th August 2011, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

The only way to improve communication skill is through removing the shyness you have.
Try to be more confident. I have mention few tips through which you can enhance your communication skills
* Always try to speak in English whether its good or bad.

* Read more stuff for GDs and figure out main points for general awareness.

* See English news channels and movies without subtitles.

* Make flash cards for memorizing difficult words.

* You can also take some help through websites, books and coaching institute to enhance your communication skills.


With Regards,
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31st August 2011, 06:17 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?


To improve communication skills you need to study English papers, books. Try to speak in English in front of Audience don't feel shy. Watch english news. If you make any mistake try to clear it. Communication is very important. Do some seminars in english. Be very confident. Try to speak fluently. Go for classes which might help you better. Try to speak with your friends don't get scared. Everyone is having talent in them. For Group discussion practice about the latest hot news in the world. In placements it is very useful. Hope for the best.

Best wishes
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10th September 2011, 02:38 AM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

for the GD there are 10 success points are

10 things to succeed in Group Discussion

Read voraciously
Make a habit of reading voraciously on every subject. This will keep you ready for any topic for a discussion in GD Your knowledge is your most important weapon in a discussion.
Initiate the discussion
Most of us have a misconception that initiating the discussion would give you an advantage over others. It does give you an advantage but only if you know the subject well and have something relevant to start the discussion otherwise it is a disadvantage.
For e.g. When a group was given a subject “Is Capital punishment right?” some members of the group heard the word punishment and jumped at starting the discussion with out understanding the meaning of Capital Punishment. The evaluators kept hearing for 2 minutes after which they intervened and asked the group if they knew the meaning of Capital Punishment. Not to say, the members who initiated were quite looking at each other’s faces. That is when a quite member of the group got up and explained the meaning of the topic. From this incidence, you can easily tell who must have succeeded in the GD, the ones who initiated the discussion or the one who explained the topic and gave it a right direction.
They say, “Speaking just for the sake of speaking is noise”. So, don’t create noise in the GD rather make some useful and resourceful contributions to get noticed in the discussion.
Speak politely and pleasantly
As you speak make sure that you do not speak at the top of your voice. You should be audible and clear. Remember that you are participating in a discussion which is different from a speech given out by the leaders in their rallies. Even if you disagree with the other’s point of view, disagree politely. Use phrases like, I would like to disagree a bit here, I am sorry but I think I have a slightly different point of view here.
Be précised
Abstain from using irrelevant information and data from your talks during a GD Speak precisely so that others also get a chance to put across their point of view.
Acquire and apply knowledge
Stay attentive to the ideas put forward by other group members and keep writing the important points discussed during the GD As you get a chance to speak, put forward your views about the topic. You can also agree or disagree with other’s ideas, based on your knowledge about the subject.
Agree with the right
Don’t take a stand on either extreme when the discussion begins. It might happen that you get convinced by other’s argument and want to change your stand. Respect other’s opinion as well and agree with what is right, even if you initially had a different opinion.
Speak confidently
Maintain your confidence as you speak. Establish eye contact with other members of the group and do not let your voice tremble.
Try to moderate the discussion if any arguments arise. This is necessary to ensure that the group doesn’t wander from the goal of the GD
Use positive body language
Your body language should not demonstrate dominance or low self confidence. Show your interest in the discussion through your gestures like bending forward a bit, nodding your head.
Be a team player
Last but not the least, be a team player as this is a group activity. Be comfortable with the group members and vice
ok try to implement these pointsin you'
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28th September 2011, 01:11 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Communication means convey massage from a sender to a receiver . Group discussion is one type of communication proses where a single sender sends a massage at a time to many receivers .

Tips to improve communication skills and group discussion -

1.Read news paper daily .
2.Notice your weakness when you are speaking in english to others .
3.Read simple elementary grammar books .
4.The most important thing in GD is general awareness .So to make your general awareness better watch english news channels .
5.try to speak english in front of mirror .

Never try to stop learning because english is not so simple as it looks .

Thank you
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18th September 2012, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

Pradeep kumar sri ganganagar

read newspapers everyday..have knowledge about the current affairs...and communicate in english when you are talking to friends..this will help you in improving your communication skills....

good luck
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3rd November 2012, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

i know my power to speak but my hesitation come up while i speak...
can you give me any advice for this?
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3rd November 2012, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: How to improve communication skills and group discussion?

There are many ways to improve your communication skills. You can begin with making presentations in front of close friends or family members. Choose a topic of your choice. Prepare the content, learn it and then make a presentation. Ask for feedback work on it. Also here debates and make notes of good points made. Reading newspaper will also add to your knowledge.
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