15th May 2011, 02:44 AM
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How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

i m bcom final year student. i want to give xam of civil services like IAS,UPPCS...
Please give me knowledge and information about how to prepare for these xams?what are the subjects from which i have to choose i think another one .

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15th May 2011, 08:48 PM
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Smile Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

Originally Posted by rupalikapoor View Post
i m bcom final year student. i want to give xam of civil services like IAS,UPPCS...
Please give me knowledge and information about how to prepare for these xams?what are the subjects from which i have to choose i think another one .
UPSC conducts multiple exam in a year with different dates so you need to decide first which exam you want to write like
CIVIL SERVICE and many more
so first you need to decide your goal and then find the information about that

and for different exam conducted by upsc and their detailed information are describe in www.upsc.gov.in
However after graduation level exam they should be 21years to 30 yrs of age at the time of appearing in the UPSC held Examination.

Minimum education criteria = Graduate

most of the cases they donot prefer any percentage criteria ....
15th May 2011, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

here are some tips for preparation-
* G.K. will definitely pay in your prelims. Reading newspapers, watching TV news and of course quiz shows like KBC is a must.
*If you have been lucky enough to reach the interview stage book knowledge may not be the only thing you need. Your mental alertness will count as they ask you questions like How many steps did you walk up to reach here?or What is the colour of the wall behind you ? - So be prepared.
*Enhance your personality becoz it will definitely be one of the criteria for selection. For IPS physical wellbeing is of great importance, you should be medically fit.
* Improve your communication skills. IFS aspirants must be proficient in at least one foreign language. So go ahead, have your say in this political mess of our country and try to make it a better place. Preparing for the UPSC Exam: There are numerous private coaching institutes and study circles. To guide and encourage IAS candidates in Maharashtra the govt has set up SIAC (State Institute for Administrative Careers), Hazarimal Somani marg (CST) Mumbai-1. Tel :2070942 (You must have Maharashtra domicile to get admission here)

Mental alertness; interest in a variety of subjects; good intellect in order to be able to tackle any subject or situation; an ability to sift, weigh and apply differing opinions from various people; leadership qualities; the ability to inspire others and to channelize available talent; tact and diplomacy; and, integrity. These are some personality traits that you should look for in yourself when you consciously make a decision to opt for civil service.

*The list of subjects from which the choice may be made for mains optional subject-
Animal Husbandry and veterinary science
Civil Engineering
Commerce & Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Political Science & International Relations
Public Administration

OK, best of luck.
15th May 2011, 10:29 PM
yogalakshmi sekar
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

as you are the b.com student ,you can choose your elective subject as either

you can also select subject other than this ,which interests you more
=>because one can give their best,only if they work in the field which interests...

you can prapare by your own for the competitive exams...
self preparation plays an important role in cracking the exam....

to crack the upsc exams,you should be strong in
current affairs
general knowledge
technical basics(in case of engineering student)

you shold read newspaper atleast 2 hours per day to improve the above things

all the best
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15th May 2011, 10:38 PM
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UPSC conducts many civil services exam like IAS,IPS,NDA,NA,IES:-

Educational Qualifications :- Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university
with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology,
Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring
or an equivalent qualification.

No. of permissible attempts :-for genrel 4 attempts
for OBCs 7 attemps and no limit for SCs/STs

Age:-The candidate must have attained 21 years of age on August 1st of the year of examination and must not have attained 30 years of age on that date. The upper age limit will be relaxed by 3 years for OBC
candidates and 5 years for SC/ST candidates.

Here you have to give a paper on a subject of your choice. You can choose from the following subjects:

Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration
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15th May 2011, 11:54 PM
Anuj Satoriya
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

for I.A.S. you do hard work . you select that subjact in which you have interste .and you also updated by current affairs and you also improve your eassy writting it help you in eassy type exam .in I.A.S. 11 exam are take by condidate .first 2 exams are on high level and main on graduation level .after exam interviewe it is 300 points .
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16th May 2011, 01:46 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

Here you have to give a paper on a subject of your choice. You can choose from the following subjects:

Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration
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25th May 2011, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

hi..i m student of b.sc. biotechnology..i want to know which subject i choose for i.a.s. exam
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26th May 2011, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

i am fourth year B.E how to prepare I.A.S exam
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26th May 2011, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

Its is compulsary to have a cömmand in english? We cant give exam of i.a.s in hindi?
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31st May 2011, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?
whre i am from a computer science background student
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7th July 2011, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

how to start up preparing for IAS?ANY FEEDBACK FROM GREAT IAS PERSONALITIES..Wat subjects you need to opt?
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7th July 2011, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

I have just cleared 12th and now i am opting engineering for my ug degree.which branch will b most preferable for me as i plan to appear for ias later?i cn take any branch which will help me later in ias.plus how should i prepare for ias during my 4 years of engineering?
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31st July 2011, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

You have earlier specified the Optional subjects. Suppose I have choosen Geography as an optional subject, then what are the other subjects need to be preparedalong with it?
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15th August 2011, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

i am btech student.how to start preparation for ias?
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17th August 2011, 07:55 PM
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I am studying 2ndBSc (MECS).I want to attempt civil services exam after my BSC,what are the basic steps to prepare for Civils ?which optionals are better to take?
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23rd November 2011, 01:37 PM
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i m bba2nd year, student i wana know how to prepare for pcs exams.nd subjects i do select best for me?from where i get study material nd wat r the preliminary steps of studing for pcs?
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28th December 2011, 06:22 PM
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can tell me the details of syllabus in mathematics ? and tell me how to prepare for civils?
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19th January 2012, 12:37 PM
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hi I have completed my B.A can you tell me the write way to learn uppcs civil services. how many subject can i learn for uppcs.
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6th February 2012, 07:46 PM
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15th February 2012, 06:30 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

UPSC conducts multiple exam in a year with different dates so you need to decide first which exam you want to write like
CIVIL SERVICE and many more
so first you need to decide your goal and then find the information about that

and for different exam conducted by upsc and their detailed information are describe in www.upsc.gov.in
However after graduation level exam they should be 21years to 30 yrs of age at the time of appearing in the UPSC held Examination.

Minimum education criteria = Graduate

most of the cases they donot prefer any percentage criteria ....
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15th February 2012, 06:32 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 334
Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

UPSC conducts multiple exam in a year with different dates so you need to decide first which exam you want to write like
CIVIL SERVICE and many more
so first you need to decide your goal and then find the information about that

and for different exam conducted by upsc and their detailed information are describe in www.upsc.gov.in
However after graduation level exam they should be 21years to 30 yrs of age at the time of appearing in the UPSC held Examination.

Minimum education criteria = Graduate

most of the cases they donot prefer any percentage criteria ....
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9th March 2012, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

i am a btech etc student. can i choose subjects like managemnt and indian history???wat s d eligibility for ias exam??
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11th March 2012, 12:43 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

Hi ,
To become an astronaut you can go for engineering program in either Aerospace or Aeronautical field.
Now you have to do your higher secondary education the science stream.
You have to study PCM specialization in the plus-two level.
You need to score an aggregate of 65% in the 12th board exam.
Afterward you need to take the common entrance test conducted by various institutes/universities. IIT-JEE, AIEEE etc. are the known entrance exams in the country for the engineering aspirants.
For this you can start your preparation at your plus-two level itself.
If you are not interested for the Engineering background you can opt for three year undergraduate program in Mathematics, Biological or Physical science from the recognized university.
After the completion of the Post- graduate course you will be able to take the exams conducted by NASA, ISRO etc. for the astronaut aspirants.

Good Luck!!
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30th April 2012, 09:31 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

i am a staff nurse and wants to become ias, in which subject i will do graduation
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31st May 2012, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

What subject should I take for civil Services while I passed MCA.??
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19th June 2012, 05:36 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

which subject either english or hindi should i prefer for civil services
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8th October 2012, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

can u plz tell me which magazine is the best for ias preparation????? how can i get it??
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14th December 2012, 07:30 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

i am 1st year MBA student. and i want to know how i select upsc exam subjects?
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11th January 2013, 02:04 AM
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Thumbs up Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

Originally Posted by rupalikapoor View Post
i m bcom final year student. i want to give xam of civil services like IAS,UPPCS...
Please give me knowledge and information about how to prepare for these xams?what are the subjects from which i have to choose i think another one .

civil services exam is conducted by upsc every year for recruitment to various posts such as IAS, IPS, IFS etc. the pattern of thus exam is as below-

preliminary - general studies & CSAT

main- general studies (two papers), two optional subjects(two paper each), essay, english grammar , one Indian language.


eligibility- graduation from any stream and age between 21 to 30 years for general candidates.

students in final year of graduation are also eligible for this exam.

list of optional subjects is as below-
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce and Accountancy, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology, History, Law, Management, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology.

The following combinations not allowed are:

Political Science & International Relations and Public Administration
Commerce and Management
Anthropology and Sociology
Maths and Statistics
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Management and Public Administration
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science and Medical Science
Any two branches of engineering.
Combination of two literatures in the above list.

best of luck
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9th December 2013, 12:46 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

I am a plus two student from medical side.I want to prepare for IAS exams.What should I do?
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12th June 2014, 11:45 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

Sir I have completed my graduation BA & I want to become an IAS so plz tell me about syllable & which book's better for preparation for IAS . and tell me that which subject is good & better for preparation for UPSC exams. tell me sir;
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5th July 2014, 08:32 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for Civil Services exams like IAS,UPPCS exams? What are the list of subjects from which I can choose?

I am a BA Student Iwant you ask (Which subjeCt is useful in BA English orKannada or Sociology)
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