1st January 2010, 06:30 PM
uday sen
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I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

hello friends i'm facing a problem that i am not able to memorise what i have already covered and i have to cover same topic again after some days and i dont have that much time to take that topic again and again???

31st January 2010, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

First of all be relaxed.

As the exam nears, you will need to create a plan to help you study effectively and minimize stress. The first step is to figure out how much time and effort you must dedicate to studying for the exam by asking the following questions:

How much material do you need to cover?
How difficult is the material?
How much time is available?
Do you have any other priorities during the study period?
What is the format of the exam?
How important is the exam?
What is your performance target for the exam?

To prepare the study plan, map out all of the material that has to be covered and make a schedule showing what, when and how much you will study each day. If you have kept up with the course work, studying will involve revision of the material that you have already covered. If you are behind in the course, you will have to finish the readings and other uncompleted work before starting the revision if there isn't enough time to go over everything, you must decide what is most important for the exam and start acting from there.
First complete which is easy to you,it will bring confidence in you,then proceed towards the complicated one eventually you will starting doing the harder ones.

Best of luck.
31st January 2010, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

you try to concentrate on what youu study please dont think of other things just try to understaond the concepts muugimg up will not help you the best way to remember what you study is do written practice thats the best way to learn up things fast you may feel qiye boring for few days but it will enhance your memory
31st January 2010, 09:52 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

see i would like to tell you the basic technique of studying......
it is very well said that 10times reading is equivalent to 1 time writing.......

and so when ever you are reading a concept ....try to write it down in your own language in which it looks simpler to you.......and then keep the notes for the last day preparation.........

then at the last day you just have to read what you have written in your own language which will take less time.......

so with very time left you can try this also......it will definitely work.........

best of luck
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1st February 2010, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

whenever you memorise any thing in night while sleeping try to recall all the things you have studied this increase your power and never say no if you are not able to do so ,,,
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1st February 2010, 02:36 AM
gautam d wonder lover
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

my dear friend donot become too much tensile,
first of all the the topics that you memories today should be continuous focous daily for few hours.in this way in few days that topics will be so strong that you cannot forgot that.
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1st February 2010, 04:03 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

do one thing before going to sleep revise once by seeing book..later close the book and memorise once again..prepare time table as per ur conviniance..be confident at ur work..follow that time table regularly..
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23rd February 2010, 01:18 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

hey do not worry many peoples face the same problem...
i also have same problem ..i was upset in my exam..
but believe me
in examination all things comes in my mind ...and
i am writing too fast ...
after examination i get surprised..
how can i do these things...
so you are just tensed you read all topics and write...
do not think ypou remember or not...
good luck...
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24th February 2010, 09:10 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

dont be afraid just relex, and concentrate in your study. dont study in large time, give some interval also. and sleep well in night and complete syllabus according to time management.
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7th May 2010, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

Its simply nervousness. You can get rid of this problem by scheduling your preparations. Lets say you are preparing the chapter for last 1 hour then take a break and then move on with the chapter.

Breaks in middle is important. Try to revise the whole chapter again everyday so that it last in your brain for a long time

There is only one solutions to it that is Revision
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7th May 2010, 03:33 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

It's a normal problem....If you want to overcome to it...Just what so ever you learn....Make some points over the matter you learn.....
writing is neccesary ..and when you have summary then you will feel completion and confidence.

Best of Luck
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7th May 2010, 03:46 PM
dattatreya sitaram
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

Originally Posted by uday sen View Post
hello friends i'm facing a problem that i am not able to memorise what i have already covered and i have to cover same topic again after some days and i dont have that much time to take that topic again and again???
dear freind,

this is a common problem for many students so, don't be panic.
be relaxed and here is the exellent & easy tip to improve your memory
"write the topic you have read after you have read it by closing the book!"
go practising this simple technique you problem get solved,ok.

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7th May 2010, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

Originally Posted by uday sen View Post
hello friends i'm facing a problem that i am not able to memorise what i have already covered and i have to cover same topic again after some days and i dont have that much time to take that topic again and again???
This is usually by the exam fear, which is encountered by most of the students and this can be avoided by periodical refreshment of the subjects even 5 minutes go through is enough and you can use flash cards for the difficult subjects that is a very effective measure for this problem that can be easily resolved. First of all dont get tense, which can cause the stress hormone synthesis in the brain that can make you to forget what you studied.
All the Best !!!
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7th May 2010, 06:14 PM
sonal goel
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

BE relaxed just don;t get tenced at the last moment.
You remeber everything but difference lies here that you lack confidence.
To memeorise and recall everything you can just hide the page which you are reading and try to remenber it without seeing it and take only few helps.
Try to memorise the main points and understand them and write them in your own language in exam.
This is an already used funda of mine.
Belive me it really works

Be confident and hit the target.

All the best!!!!
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2nd December 2010, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

The best way to remember things is to understand the concept and the meaning.

If you understand the concept of it then you can manage the things on your own at the time of exams.You just read the theory and go through it properly.Make sure that you are perfect in it totally.

If its a derivation part then the only way to remember is to practice it again and again.

Take a white notes and jot down all the important part like the headings,sub headings and even the important points.

So,if at all you don't remember the important points then just go through the notes.

all the best
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25th December 2010, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?


not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation

It is very well said that 10times reading is equivalent to 1 time writing.......

and so when ever you are reading a concept ....try to write it down in your own language in which it looks simpler to you.......and then keep the notes for the last day preparation.........

then at the last day you just have to read what you have written in your own language which will take less time.......

good luck.
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28th January 2011, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

how to score centum in 2 physics plzzzzzzzzzzz tell
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28th February 2011, 11:16 AM
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Default Re: I am not able to memorise what i have already covered, how to use the time effectively for exams preparation?

find the wrong number in the given series. 0, 3, 9, 12, 36, 42, 120, 360
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