7th April 2010, 08:56 PM
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Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

my name is anil yadav now i am studing in Bsc (Maths) first year and i want to go in nda career so pls tell me what better field and aption for me (NDA Navy,and air force)

8th April 2010, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

hi friend,
here both are the good one,
now matter is ,in which field you have more intrest,
if you like the airforce then it is good.
other wise navy is also very good.
o k
8th April 2010, 01:13 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

Hi friend,

Both the Indian Navy and Indian airforce provides ample opportunities and a challenging career.


The Indian Navy offers an extraordinary range of exciting career opportunities together with the chance to travel widely, meet new people and to enjoy the warmth & camaraderie that is so special to this service.
It will give you all the training you need and help you make the most of what you have your talents, your skills, your spirit and your aspirations.
There are several branches such as:
1)Executive branch
2)Engineering branch
3)Electrical branch
4)educational branch.


Working in the Air Force is about being in the middle of supersonic jets, state-of-the-art technology and best of the people. You are where the action is. Air Force provides you with the most modern facilities, gives you an unparalleled way of life and creates an environment, where the best in you comes out.

You can join Indian airforce after:
--10+2 through NDA
--Graduation through CDSE
--engineering and post graduation through several other enteries.

visit official websites for more information:


so after going through all this its all upto you to decide whether you want to join navy or airforce,it all depends on your area of interest.

Best of luck!!
8th April 2010, 03:17 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

From all the soldiers/airmen/seamen that I've known - male and female - the Air Force is definitely the physically easier of the two. Mentally would depend on your job or what you choose to do while in.
As far as benefits (advancing rank) you should talk to a recruiter about the steps needed for both. I believe (and this has been years ago since I knew) you have to take a test in the Navy for advancement against everyone else in your rank and job. This can prove difficult for advancement if you are not completely on your game. I believe advancement in the Air Force is faster.
Again, your best bet would be to talk to a recruiter. Either way, the military is not easy. Expect that. It should be tough as you are enlisting to protect this country and those beside you.
what i have just mentioned above was purely my dad's veiw as he was in defence and our family has a rich heritage of beingin defence. so this experience is derived from them i hope it will help you ...
Good luck!
hope for teh best and do what intrests you more and has a fascinating effect on you ...
ask it yourself ?? air or water ??
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8th April 2010, 10:14 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

air force is definitely better career option as there is more thrill and pay involved,but you get only an very small chance to become an air force pilot,i will advice you to keep your first choice as air force and the second choice as navy,
also in the navy you have to leave from your family for about six months in an year which is the not the case in air force
all the best
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8th April 2010, 10:43 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

navy is the better option just bevause the thrill you are going to have by spending six months of your year on sea
also there is chance of so many extra offers and also going to foreign countries regularly
all the best
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8th April 2010, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

hey anil you just cant distinguish between navy and air force as both of them are equal and provide same kind of facility......

there can some difference in there salary and there rank but defense provide the same facility to both of them.........you can go for any one of them......both of them are really very.....

according to the only difference between these two is that in navy you protect your nation through sea ways and in air force you do the same via air ways........
just go for one in which you really interested........

good luck
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8th April 2010, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

both of them nda is meant for defence services you can join either army navy or air force tyhrough nda as an officer
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8th April 2010, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

All the defence services provides Advantureous,intellectual,thrilled and High quality life.
Since,after the sixth pay commission passed a considreable increase in number of youths opting for defence services as a career has been seen.

Lets discuss,some features of all three defence services:-

Career @ IAF

Being in Air Force is about the thrill of seeing formations airborne, bonhomie with fellow colleagues and a deep sense of fulfilment at the end of the day."
-Air Commander B Ray Chaudhary

Whether you are a graduate or you have finished your schooling or you have passed your class tenth, Air Force has an exciting career opportunity for you.

For entering into IAF through NDA,first you have to qualify entrance,then comes PAT (pilot amplitude test) then,SSB (service selection board) where,you have to pass an interview,if you pass it then you have to go through PAT (physical accessement test),after passing it the last stage is Medical fitness test.
Then passsing all that you have to undergo 3 years long training at NDA,Dehradun.After succesful training you will be awarded a bachelor degree and will be appointed as Flying Officer,as an officer you will be trained for 6 months in aircraft flying.There will be 18months Fliying training for you.

Career @ INS

It is full of Sea Adventure,life on floating water,very excellent,thrill of sea.

For entering into INS through NDA,first you have to qualify entrance,then comes ,SSB (service selection board) where,you have to pass an interview,if you pass it then you have to go through PAT (physical accessement test),after passing it the last stage is Medical fitness test.
Then passsing all that you have to undergo 3 years long training at INA (Indian naval academy).After succesful training you will be awarded a bachelor degree and will be appointed as Sub-Liutenent,as an officer you will be trained for 6 months in on sea vessel.

Career @ INA.

The Indian Army promises both professional and personal growth at every stage of the career. Opportunities to upgrade through various courses are abundant. The adventure and extra-curricular activities in the Army ensure an all round development essential in today's world.

For entering into INA through NDA,first you have to qualify entrance,then comes ,SSB (service selection board) where,you have to pass an interview,if you pass it then you have to go through PAT (physical accessement test),after passing it the last stage is Medical fitness test.
Then passsing all that you have to undergo 3 years long training at NDA,Dehradun .After succesful training you will be awarded a bachelor degree and will be appointed as Liutenent.

There is lots of other opputunity for science graduate in NDA.There you will be also get oppurtunity to prepare and appear for Entrance like-AIEEE,IITJEE etc. and becomming engineer from there wholly on government's cost.

BUT,at last I would like to remind you to kindly check your age limit,because presently you are in your B.sc (1st year).You should not cross the age limit of 19 1/2 years on the day when training starts,which generally starts from 1st june every year.

Best of Luck
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8th April 2010, 02:27 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

dear frnd
both AIRFORCE & NAVY provide better oppurtunities ther is little difference in the post
both provide handsome salary
"defence is the best job to save our mother land"
so do that only in which you have interest
good luck for your future
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9th April 2010, 12:40 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

dear friend,
both the field are very wide scope,
and both are very popular but the matter
is that in which field you have to more
interested, if you are intereted in navy
then choose navy other wise go for
air force, both are secure your future...........

best of luck....
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9th April 2010, 03:08 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

dear freind
both indian navy and air force have a very challenging and wide scope but overall its a matter of your intrest that in which feild you want to go.there is some differnce on salery and perks .So start preparing for it by joining a reputed institute and hope you will succed.
all the best
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10th April 2010, 12:01 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

dear friend
The Indian Navy sees several principal roles for itself:

In conjunction with other armed forces of the union, act to deter or defeat any threats or aggression against the territory, people or maritime interests of India, both in war and peace;

Project influence in India's maritime area of interest, to further the nation’s political, economic and security objectives;

In cooperation with the Indian Coast Guard, ensure good order and stability in India's maritime zones of responsibility.

Provide maritime assistance (including disaster relief) in India's maritime neighbourhood.

To play a key role as part of 'a pluralistic security order' for a better world.

whereas the airforce guards the country by air.
if you are interested in flying the jet-plane then
go for it.

it totally depends on your interest.

so take the decision with the cool mind based on your interest.

all the best.
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4th June 2010, 01:51 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

what did i have to done to do electronics engineering through NDA?
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5th June 2010, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what did i have to done to do electronics engineering through NDA?

Candidates those who have completed there Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy can appear for IITJEE, AIEEE both.

So, procedure is nothing different just crack the entrance exams with Good rank for getting Electronics Engineering.

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18th July 2010, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

I will choose Air Force......!!! Akshay....
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7th August 2010, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

The Navy has a decent quality of life..........
but you should join air force
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17th August 2010, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

dear friend,
its not the matter that which is better both are very different field,
so lot depend on your choice that which will suit you more,
which job give you the kind of satisfaction you need,
but i think job in indian nevy is better it has less risk and more foriegn trip..

with best wishes
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17th August 2010, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

Hello friend,

Both are good as it is a defence job.
Both provides the better career prospect, but the matter is, your interest.
If you are interested for airforce then go for it otherwise go for Navy.

If you want to fly then go for airforce. It is totally dependent on you.
So select your best path for bright career.

Good luck!!!!
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18th August 2010, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

hi friend,
navy is the better choice because it provide more offers and u will spnd 6 month in sea so it is a exciting job
best of luck
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20th August 2010, 12:28 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

Being in the military and seeing all the different branches, I can honestly tell you the Air Force has a much better quality of life than the rest of the branches...

You can join Air Force after completing your graduation ,but before that you wil have to appear for the entrance exam that is NDA...

So crack it and enjoy the life style of Air Force...

Best wishes........

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20th August 2010, 02:03 PM
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u can't go for NDA ,Ucan apply through CDS exam.It depends on ur choice that wheather u want to fly or swim as both r good service.

best of luck
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20th August 2010, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

dear friend,

both fields has own importance.if you want to serve your country then you can do it by joinining any one of the two fields.

it depends on you that what type of field facinates you more.

its your decision.

best of luck.
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21st August 2010, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

Both Navy and Air force are equally good. For both fields you should score at least 60% marks in plus two/graduation. There will be a medical test in both areas. The difference lies in the ranks, pay structure and work. Choose the area in which you are most interested
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14th February 2011, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

Originally Posted by akumary View Post
my name is anil yadav now i am studing in Bsc (Maths) first year and i want to go in nda career so pls tell me what better field and aption for me (NDA Navy,and air force)

NDA is really a good carrier.
We can't say, which is better between Navy and air force. It depends on the individual. But i am giving you some information, when you fill the NDA form , opt for Air Force. because, if you opt for air force, you can come down to navy and army. But if you choose Navy, then you can't come down to Air force.
Air force is the first priority, then navy and then Army.
NDA exam is conducted twice every year conducted by UPSC.
So, its upto you my friend. But opt for Air force.

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8th April 2011, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

can a person go for civil servises after comletion of NDA training? how many years one has to work for army?
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18th May 2011, 12:37 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

it is good to work for india..
there is no question of which one is better?...
i find peace in everything.........
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4th October 2011, 12:24 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

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2nd December 2011, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

i am a Navy SSB candidate..which is a better academy..NDA in pune or Indian naval academy in kerala..?
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10th March 2012, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

which one is better?
Indian Army
Indian Navy Or Indian Air Force?

Please dont give diplomatic answers
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16th March 2012, 12:54 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?


The Indian Navy offers an extraordinary range of exciting career opportunities together with the chance to travel widely, meet new people and to enjoy the warmth & camaraderie that is so special to this service.
It will give you all the training you need and help you make the most of what you have your talents, your skills, your spirit and your aspirations.
There are several branches such as:
1)Executive branch
2)Engineering branch
3)Electrical branch
4)educational branch.


Working in the Air Force is about being in the middle of supersonic jets, state-of-the-art technology and best of the people. You are where the action is. Air Force provides you with the most modern facilities, gives you an unparalleled way of life and creates an environment, where the best in you comes out.

You can join Indian airforce after:
--10+2 through NDA
--Graduation through CDSE
--engineering and post graduation through several other enteries.
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26th February 2014, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

I would like to tell frankly friends. in comparison to both I.e. airforce or navy....both are equally good....because both have adventures life...you would definitely enjoy in both the service.....if u think that life is meant only for enjoyment...then its wrong...because government is paid the money to protect our motherland.....I would like to stay if u are married or younger definitely choose former airforce...because with family life is quite comfortable instead of busiest things...you Will get relaxation after your duty.....definitely u will enjoy with ur family after working hours...I prefer. airforce.....buy choice is your
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22nd May 2020, 11:30 PM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

Can I get a job as major in army through NDA.
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6th August 2020, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: Navy or Air Force? which one provides better career through NDA?

It is little vague question. It is always better to go thru NDA Entry where it will be determined as to which Wing of the Armed Forces , one is fit. If one has already made up one’s mind to join a particular service , then there are different options . However, to become an Air Force Pilot , NDA is the best .
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