7th May 2013, 09:01 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 1

What is the last date of application for Air Force Non Tech?

wat is the last date of application 4 air force non tech men?

5th May 2014, 08:10 AM
Senior Member+
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 770
Default Re: What is the last date of application for Air Force Non Tech?

Air Force exam notification not yet released.You can join Indian Air Force through CDS Examination or AFCAT Examination. CDS Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission twice in a year as namely CDS I and CDS II. The Examination is conducted for Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Indian Air force Academy and Officer Training Academy. To apply for Air Force, you must have a completed bachelor's degree with Mathematics as necessary subject at 12th level examination from a recognized University or equivalent qualification. The candidate who are pursing in the final year of degree course may also eligible to apply. Only Unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply for this examination.

AFCAT i.e Air Force Common Admission Test and this examination is conducted by Indian Air Force Once in a year for Flying Branch, Technical Branch and Ground Duty Branch. To apply for Flying Branch, you must have a completed your degree with Mathematics at 12th level and must have attained the 60% Marks in your graduation or B.E/B.Tech candidate may also eligible to apply for this examination. To apply for Ground Duty Branch, you must have a completed bachelor's degree or post graduate degree from a recognized University or equivalent qualification.
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