9th August 2013, 01:16 AM
What is the qualification for IAS entrance exam?
hello i am a enginering student in 3rd year so i am attend this exam
9th August 2013, 10:02 AM
For attend IAS entrance exam you must have following qualification: The candidate must have degree in any recognized university. Distance education student also eligible if there university is recognized. The age limitation are: for general 21-30 for OBC 21-33 for SC/ST 21-35 Numbers of attempts are: general-4 OBC-7 SC/ST-no limits |
9th August 2013, 10:26 AM
Dear Friend
IAS stands for the Indian Administrative Services .The qualification required in order to be eligible for for the Civil services examination is : 1.Academic qualification: >>Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university .Final year candidates can also give this entrance exam. But since you are in third year of engineering you cannot give this exam ,next year you can give the exam. 2.Age criteria : The minimum age limit is 21 and the upper age limit is dependent upon the category to which you belong: General candidates:30 years OBC candidates:33 years SC/ST:35 years. Nationality: You must be an Indian citizen. The no of attempts for the general candidate is four ,obc candidate is seven and that for sc/st candidate is no limit. Since you are in third year of engineering ,you can go for preparation of the Civil services exams from the given institutes like : 1.Rau's IAS study circle 2.Chanakya's IAS academy 3.Vajiram and Ravi IAS academy 4.Khan study group. It is a tough exam and lots of candidates give this exam every year ,so you need to give your level best in order to get success in the three stages of exam : >>Civil services aptitude test >>Main examination >>Personal interview For any more details ,please visit www.upsc.gov.in for the previous papers and any other information. Hope the information helps you.if you have any other query regarding this then you can leave your message here. All the best aashisranjan784 |
9th August 2013, 10:32 AM
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![]() IAS stands for Indian Administrative Services .IAS exam is conducted by UPSC every year .This Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission. If you have completed Graduation in any discipline from recognized university are eligible for IAS exam.There is no marks criteria.Final year student are applicable for IAS Exam. You are now not applicable for IAS exam because you are in 3rd year of B-Tech degree . When you are in 4th year means final year , you can apply. Age criteria for IAS exam for general candidate is 21 to 30 years old.Age relaxation is there as per govt rule Age relaxation is given below - 5 years relaxation for SC/ST candidates 3 years relaxation for OBC Candidates 10 years relaxation for PHC candidates 5 years relaxation for Ex-serviceman No of Attempts for IAS Exam :- List of the General - max. 4 OBC - max. 7. SC/ST - No limit IAS exam is consist of 3 process - Preliminary Exam . Mains Exam and Personal Interview . For more details about IAS exam please visit to www.upsc.gov.in . |
9th August 2013, 10:50 AM
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service and to become an IAS officer one has to apply, appear and crack Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC once every year.
Qualification for IAS, Civil Service Entrance exam:- -The eligible candidate must be an Indian National. -Should have either appeared for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream of Education from a recognised University. -Should be within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate. The selection is through two stages of written exam followed by Personal Interview. For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
9th August 2013, 10:52 AM
As you are pursuing 3rd year of your Engineering course, you will be eligible for the Entrance Exam that will let you to join IAS after completion of your Engineering course.
So, it is the right time for you to start preparation for this exam. Here is the complete information regarding the procedure to make entry into IAS. For all the civil services like Indian Administrative Service Indian Police Service Indian Revenue Service Indian Foreign Service etc. UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) is going to conduct common entrance exam called civil services exam. The various phases of selection procedure to get job in above mentioned civil services will be Civil Services Aptitude Test Civil Services Main Exam Interview The eligibility criteria that the candidates should satisfy will be -Completion of Graduation with any of the stream from a recognized university. -There is no percentage of marks criteria required for the candidates in Graduation to be eligible for this exam. Age criteria will be 21-30 years of age for the candidates of General category Relaxation in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category. Relaxation in upper age limit upto 5 years for the candidates of SC or ST category. You did not mention your stream in Engineering course. I suggest you to opt for the optional subject for Main exam in accordance with your stream in Engineering course. Have good preparation for the exam and crack it. Wish you all the best. |
9th August 2013, 01:05 PM
After completion of Engineering Graduation you will be eligible for IAS examination or Civil Service Examination. UPSC conducts this examination for various administrative posts in Central Government.
So you should concentrate on Engineering at present and also prepare for IAS examination. Next year you will be eligible for IAS examination. Age Limit for IAS Exam: General Category : 21 - 30 years OBC Category : 21 - 33 years SC/ST Category : 21 - 35 years Selection Procedure: -Preliminary Exam -Mains Exam -Interview For more information visit http://www.upsc.gov.in |
9th August 2013, 01:11 PM
Bachelor degree in any stream is the necessary qualification for IAS. Selection of suitable candidates are done on the basis of prelims, mains, and interview. You can apply for prelims after completing engineering. Age of the applicant must be between 21 and 30 years. Concession in age is given for reserved category candidates.
9th August 2013, 02:10 PM
The qualification requirement for Indian Administrative Service is graduation degree. Right now you are in third year of Bachelor of Technology thus can not apply for the entrance exam.
You should wait till completing the graduation and then apply for the Civil Services Examination. Once you have completed the graduation or during the final year, start preparing for the exam. It will not be easy to crack Civil Services Examination. You will have to study very hard for it. I will advise taking coaching classes, although you can also prepare for it by yourself. The first stage of the entrance exam is called Preliminary Exam. The aim here is to clear it so that you can appear for the second stage. The score of this entrance exam will not be added to your final tally. After you have given the preliminary exam, Union Public Service Commission will release a list of candidates who have cleared it. If your name appears in the list, only then you can appear for the Main Examination. IAS Eligibility 1. Nationality: It has to be Indian. 2. Education: bachelor's degree from college recognized by the govt. 3. Marks: Passing marks are sufficient enough. There is no criteria. 4. Age Limit: You should be 21 years old and the uppper age limit is 30 years. 5. Relaxation OBC - There is 3 years in upper age limit. 6. Relaxation SC/ST - Five years in the upper age limit as per govt recommendation. 7. Physical Criteria: There isn't any for Indian Administrative Service. 8. Attempts: General candidate has 4 attempts while 7 for OBC. 9. Attempts SC/ST: There is no limit. Appear as long as you are meeting age limit. Selection Procedure 1. Preliminary Exam 2. Main Exam 3. Interview |
9th August 2013, 02:47 PM
Hai friend
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Services. The qualification required for IAS entrance exam is completion of graduation from a recognised university.The IAS exam is conducted by union public service commission every year and the candidates who satisfy the below eligibility criteria are eligible to appear for IAS entrance exam. **Eligibility Criteria : 1.You must be a citizen of india. 2.Your age should be within 21 to 30 years. 3.The age relaxation of 3 years for OBC candidates and is of 5 years for SC/ST candidates is allowed to appear for the IAS entrance exam. 4.You must have completed the graduation from a recognised university. 5.You must be physically strong. 6.Selection Procedure ; -->Preliminary exam -->Mains exam -->Personal interview 7.No of Attempts : -->General - 4 -->OBC-7 -->SC/ST- No Limit 8.If you can satisfy the above mentioned eligibility criteria,then you can appear for the IAS entrance exam and after qualifying in all the rounds you can join in the services. All The Best |
9th August 2013, 02:55 PM
hai friend.
IAS(Indian administrative service) exam conducted by state government.in ap this exam conducted by appsc(andhrapradesh public service commition). eligibiliti: 1.the canditates must hold a degree of any of univercities Incorparated by an act of the central or state. 2.a citizen of Indian. or a subject of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan. or a tibetan.refugee who came over to India before 1st Jan 1962. 3.with the intension of permanently settling in India. age limits: 1.a candite attend the age of 21years.and must not have attained the age of 30 years on 1st august 2013. above information helpful to you.further information search in appsc.in . all the best. thank you. |
9th August 2013, 03:12 PM
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Dear Aspirant, IAS stands for the Indian Administrative Service -->> IAS Exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission once in the year. this exam is conducted by the UPSC under the Civil Service Examination....... -->> IAS exam is one of the Toughest exam which taken across the India. You must have to prepare well your Syllabus along with the General Awareness and Current Affairs. The Civil Service Examination has mainly two stages :
Exam pattern:- -->> Preliminary exam consists each paper of 200 marks. in this session a candidate must have to choose one optional Subjects along with the Regular Subjects. While, each of Main exam papers of 300 marks. A candidate must have to choose at least two subjects during this stage along with the Regular subjects..... List of Optional Subjects:-
Eligibility And Criteria:- ♦> A candidate must have Completed at least their Graduation degree in any Discipline from the Recognized Universities can apply for it. ♦> Students are waiting for their Final year Result can also apply for the IAS examination.... ♦> There is No any Percentages Criteria. ♦> A candidate must have the Nationality of India. Age Criteria:- ## Age of candidate should be between 21 to 30 years. ## For OBC candidate can apply up to age of 33 years ## For SC/ST candidate can apply up to age of 35 years ## PH/PWD Candidate can up to 40 years. Attempt Criteria:-
Best books for IAS Exam:- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -->> Prelim Exam has already conducted in the month of May and Main Exam is going to conduct on 8th Nov. 2013 so, please wait for the Next exam dates....... -->> Here i have attached full syllabus for this exam which is very useful to you you can download it from the below attachment...... All the best With Regards...... DHARM |
9th August 2013, 04:28 PM
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Because the qualification for ias exam was you must contain a Digree (Either B.com,BA,or B.Tech etx). Prepare for the IAS subjects and write exam in next year. All the Best |
9th August 2013, 10:45 PM
![]() Dear Friend,
The Abbreviation IAS Stands for Indian Administrative Services. If you want to join the Indian Administrative Services then you need to appear in the Civil Services Exam and successfully crack the exam. The Civil Services Exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. This Exam is conducted every year for the selection of candidates in the following : * Indian Administrative Services * Indian Police Services * Indian Economic Services The Qualifications Required for IAS Entrance Exam are : ** You must hold a bachelor`s degree in any stream from any UGC recognized university. ** you can also apply for the exam if you are in the final year of graduation. ** You must have Indian Citizenship. ** Your age must lie in between : a) 21-30 years if you belong to General Category. b) 21-35 years if you belong to SC/ST Category. c) 21-33 years if you belong to OBC Category. d) 21-40 years if you are physically challenged. e) 21-45 years if you are an ex-serviceman. Apart from the qualifications , the candidate can give the exam only a fixed number of times as per the category : a) General Candidates : 4 b) OBC Candidates : 7 c) SC/ST Candidates : No Limit The IAS Entrance Exam is conducted mainly in the following stages : 1) Civil Services Aptitude test 2) MAINS Exam 3) Interview Now as you have mentioned that you are an engineering student and you are in 3rd year , so currently you are not eligible for the IAS Entrance Exam. :: With Warm Regards :: Onlyforyou |
9th August 2013, 11:27 PM
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Qualifications To Attend IAS Exam The entrance examination for the IAS is known as the Civil Services Examination conducted by the UPSC every year.. Minimum requirements for appearing in the Civil Services Examination are as follows :- > You should be within the age limit of 21 years to 30 years.. > There is 3 years upper age relaxation for OBC candidates and 5 years for SC/ST candidates.. > You must possess a graduation degree in any discipline but from a recognized University (no percentage restriction) > General candidates can appear a max of 4 times for this exam..OBC for 7 times and there is no limitation for SC/ST candidates You must be at least in your 4th year of engineering before you can appear for the Civil Services Exam.. First you will have to clear the Preliminary Examination which consists of 2 objective papers..aptitude and general knowledge.. Second you will have to clear the Mains exam.. According to the new pattern of UPSC Mains..there is only 1 optional subject and rest of the 8 papers shall consist of General Studies,English and Essay Writing.. After the Mains..you will be facing the final interview round.. For more details visit http://upsc.gov.in all the best.. ![]() With Warm Regards Nitz |
10th August 2013, 01:03 AM
HI, I M telling you the eligibility conditions for ias exam...
ELIGIBILITY FOR IAS EXAM( CIVIL SERVICES) 1. AGE CRITERIA -INDIAN NATIONS who have attained the age of 21 yr, and not have attend the maximum age. MAXIMUM AGE -FOR GENERAL CATEGORY 30 YEARS - SC/ ST-35 - OB CS - 33 YEARS 2.EDUCATION CRITERIA The candidate must hold any degree in any discipline from any recongnized university. Final year students who will obtain degree by August 1, 2013 are also eligible for CSAT 2013 The degree can be of any class (distinction, first, second etc.) Degree obtained by distance education/open university is also eligible if the university is a recognized university 3.NO OF ATTEMPTS - FOR GENERAL CATEGORY- 4 - SC/ST- no limit - OBC - 7 well as per the conditions written above, you first have to COMPLETE your engineering then you will be eligible for giving IAS exam... all the best... |
10th August 2013, 01:07 AM
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To become an IAS Officer you have to appear in the UPSC Civil Services Exams Minimum eligibilty to apply for the UPSC Civil Services exams is: Education: Graduation pass in any stream from a recognized university No minimum percentage of marks is required in Graduation Age- Minimum 21 years Maximum 30 years OBC can apply till 33 years SC/ST can apply till 35 years Attempts/Chances: UPSC has also fixed number of attempts General- 4 times OBC-7 times SC/ST-No Restrictions UPSC Civil Services Exams are held in three stages: Prelims MAINS Interview |
10th August 2013, 10:21 AM
Re: What is the qualification for IAS entrance exam?
Hi friend, Eligibility criteria for IAS entrance exam:--- 1.You must be a citizen of india. 2.Your age should be within 21 to 30 years. 3.The age relaxation of 3 years for OBC candidates and is of 5 years for SC/ST candidates is allowed to appear for the IAS entrance exam. 4.You must have completed the graduation from a recognized university. 5.You must be physically strong. Thanks!!!! all the best............... |
10th August 2013, 01:23 PM
IAS stands Indian Administrative Service is conducted by Union Public Service Commission once in a year
IAS exam selection process based on Preliminary examination , Main examination & interview The applicant have following eligible conditions The applicant must be citizen of Indian & also complete Graduation in an stream from a recognized university And also final year appearing candidates also eligible for apply Preliminary examination & complete Graduation before Main examination But your not eligible for apply because now your studying B.Tech 3rd years , so tire next year , still now prepare IAS entrance exam , it is more use full to you The applicant age limit not more then 30 years & not less then 21 years The age relaxation as per govt rules 3 & 5 years age relaxation for OBC & SC/ST Candidates Number of Attempts : General candidates have four time choice OBC candidates have seven times choice SC/ST candidates have no limit http://www.upsc.gov.in |
10th August 2013, 05:11 PM
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Services .IAS exam is conducted by UPSC every year .This Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission.
If you have completed Graduation in any discipline from recognized university are eligible for IAS exam.There is no marks criteria.Final year student are applicable for IAS Exam. You are now not applicable for IAS exam because you are in 3rd year of B-Tech degree . When you are in 4th year means final year , you can apply. Age criteria for IAS exam for general candidate is 21 to 30 years old.Age relaxation is there as per govt rule Age relaxation is given below - 5 years relaxation for SC/ST candidates 3 years relaxation for OBC Candidates 10 years relaxation for PHC candidates 5 years relaxation for Ex-serviceman No of Attempts for IAS Exam :- List of the General - max. 4 OBC - max. 7. SC/ST - No limit IAS exam is consist of 3 process - Preliminary Exam . Mains Exam and Personal Interview . |
10th August 2013, 07:26 PM
![]() hai,
To become a IAS Officer the minimum education qualification is any graduation.If you are interested in IAS First you can crack the Civil Examination which is conducted by Union Public Service Commission IAS details: Nationality : - You should be a citizen of India Educational Qualifications : - You must have a bachelor of Degree in any stream from a recognized university. Age Limit : - Your age should between 21 to 30 years, age relaxation as under For OBC 3 years relaxation For SC/ST 5 years relaxation Maximum Attempts for Civil Examination : - For General Candidates 4 attempts For OBC Candidates 7 attempts No maximum limit for SC/ST candidates Selection Process: Preliminary Exam Mains Exam Interview |
10th August 2013, 07:32 PM
![]() IAS is a civil service exam conducted by UPSC board.
Age limit :
Age relaxations :
Number of times for writing the exam :
Educational qualification :
Paper I - (200 marks) Duration: Two hours
Paper II- (200 marks) Duration: Two hours
all the best |
12th August 2013, 05:42 PM
![]() Hi friend.........
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service. This exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission once in a year. Eligibility Criteria: Nationality: The candidate should be origin of India. Educational Qualification: The candidate should pass the Bachelor degree from recognized University with any stream. Percentage not required for this exam. Final year pursuing candidates are eligible for this exam. Age limit: Your age limit should be between 21 to 30 years. Upper age relaxation is applicable as per govt rules. 3 years relaxation for OBC 5 years relaxation for SC\ST. 10 years relaxation for PH. No of Attempts: 4 attempts for the General category. 7 attempts for the OBC category. No limit of attempts for the SC\ST category. Selection Process: Preliminary Examination Main Examination Interview Physical Standards: ![]() All the best............ |
12th August 2013, 10:57 PM
IAS known as Indian Administrative Service is one of the most prestigious position in our country India. It is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC). The Eligibility for the IAS examination-: Educational Qualification-> The candidate must have a Bachelor's Degree in any discipline from a recognized university. Final year candidates are also eligible. Age Limit-> Gen candidates->minimum age should be 21 years and maximum 30 years. OBC candidates->upper age relaxation of 3 years. SC/ST candidates->upper age relaxation of 5 years. Physically Handicapped candidates-> 10 years upper age relaxation. Number of allowed attempts-: General-> 4 attempts. OBC-> 7 attempts. SC/ST-> No limits. Pattern of Examination-: There are 3 stages namely as, 1.Preliminary Exam->This stage consists of CSAT(Civil Services Aptitude Test). 2.Mains Exam 3.Personal Interview. IAS examination is one of the toughest in India which requires extreme hard work and determination to get through it. You can also join coaching classes for the IAS examination as it will help you lot. Good Luck. |
13th August 2013, 07:37 PM
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Dear Friend, IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service. This exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission once in the year...... Eligibility And Criteria:- A candidate must have completed their Graduation Study in any Discipline from Recognized Universities are eligible for this exam.... Final year graduation degree students also eligible for this exam.... There is no any percentage criteria in graduation degree.... A candidate must be an indian..... Age Limit :- General Age Limit is 21-30 years. but there is relaxation is available for reserved category.... Relaxation on Upper Age: For OBC category : up to 33 years. For SC/ST category : up to 35 years.. For PH/PWD : up to 40 years.. No. Attempt: General - max. 4 OBC - max. 7. SC/ST - No limit... Exam Pattern: 1.Preliminary Exam. 2.Main Exam 3.Interview ![]() List of Subjects for IAS :- Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Vetinary science , Anthropology , Botany , Chemistry , Civil engineering , Commerce and accountancy , Economics , Electrical engineering , Geography , Geology , History ,Mathematics ,Management v,Mechanical engineering ,Medical science ,Philosophy ,Physics ,Political science , Psychology , Public Administration , Sociology , Statistics , Zoology , Law... Physical Requirement: ![]() List of Top Books For IAS Exam ![]() CSAT Comprehensive Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 2) Author: Sachchida Nand Jha Publisher: Kalinjar Publication (2012) Price: Rs. 390 ![]() General Studies for Civil Services Preliminary Examinations (Paper - 1) Author: Manohar Pandey Publisher: Arihant (2012) Price: Rs. 673 ![]() CSAT General Studies for Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 2) 1st Edition Author: TMH Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill Education (2012) Price: Rs. 750 ![]() Cracking the CSAT Civil Services Aptitude Test with Solved Papers 2011 - 12 (Paper - 2) Author: Expert Compilations Publisher: Arihant (2012) Price: Rs. 426 For more details - Click here All the best... |
14th August 2013, 07:02 PM
![]() IAS Stands forIndian Administrative Service
IAS exam is conducted by UPSC and is held every year. Age Limit 21 to 30 years Education Qualification A candidate must have completed their graduation Degree in any Discipline (B.A, B.com, B.E ) with at lest 55% from recognize universities. Final year students are also applicable. No Required for percentage restrictions to apply this examination. Age Relation For OBC Candidates 3 years For SC/ST Candidates 5 years For PWD Candidates 10 years No. of Attempt For General Category: 4 times For OBC Category : 7 times For Physically Handicapped: 7 times For SC & ST: No limit on number of attempts Nationality Candidate must be an Indian citizen. Selection Procedure The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Preliminary Examination and Main Examination. Books ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
18th September 2013, 02:59 PM
![]() Eligibility for IAS exam
IAS Stands for Indian Administrative Service. The Civil Services Examination is a nationwide competitive examination in India conducted by the Union Public Service Commission for recruitment to the various Civil Services of the Government of India, including Indian Administrative Service, Indian Revenue Service, Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service. There is No Required for percentage restrictions to apply this examination. Final year appearing candidates are also eligible. IAS Exam is 3 Stage Stage I: Preliminary examination Stage II: Main examination Stage III: Personality Test (Interview) Age Limit 21 to 30 years OBC : 3 years SC/ST : 5 years PWD : 10 years No. of Attempt General Category: 4 times OBC Category : 7 times Physically Handicapped: 7 times SC & ST: No limit on number of attempts Education Qualification You have complete graduation in any stream from a recognised university. Candidate must be an Indian citizen. Syllabus |