View Poll Results: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Regular MBA 178 68.46%
Correspondence (distance) MBA 19 7.31%
Both are good 61 23.46%
Neither! no MBA 2 0.77%
Voters: 260. You may not vote on this poll

19th September 2011, 08:54 AM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Mintoo View Post
Regular MBA is better than the correspondence MBA..........
Government job point of the view regular MBA and correspondence MBA both are good because government treat same value regular MBA as well as correspondence MBA. But the other side in private sector there is large number of variance between regular of correspondence MBA. And financial health is also factor to choose regular MBA and Distance.

With regards
Md. Raja Azher
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19th September 2011, 08:55 AM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by chetna.cs View Post
Generally regular MBA is good as if you are doing regular MBA then you shall concentrate effectively on your studies. Regular MBA is also good as you have direct/ face-to-face interaction with your teachers and you can go to them in case of any query. But it is only good for those who are only studying at one time and for those who do not attend the classes regularly due to their jobs or some other reason they can opt for MBA(correspondence) as it will provide the value addition along with doing the jobs.
I hereby thankful to you that i am fully satisfied with your answer.
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19th September 2011, 09:07 AM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Mintoo View Post
Regular MBA is better than the correspondence MBA..........
Yes regular MBA is better than correspondence MBA but the Government job point of the view regular MBA and correspondence MBA both are good because government treat same value regular MBA as well as correspondence MBA. But the other side in private sector there is large number of variance between regular of correspondence MBA. And financial health is also factor to choose regular MBA and Distance.
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19th September 2011, 09:09 AM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
i vote for correspondence mba as good on the basis that you can easily carry out your management studies side by side with present job
but always mba regular would be better as it makes you more efficient

yes i am agree with you but Government job point of the view regular MBA and correspondence MBA both are good because government treat same value regular MBA as well as correspondence MBA. But the other side in private sector there is large number of variance between regular of correspondence MBA. And financial health is also factor to choose regular MBA and Distance.
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19th September 2011, 09:44 AM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Generally according to the current situation regular MBA is better than correspondence MBA and in regular student get high remuneration than correspondence.
So we should prefer regular MBA.
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19th September 2011, 09:49 AM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by amarjit View Post
it depends on the condition of the person .....if he is doing a job and wants to do mba then correspondence is the best for him......and if some fresh graduate wants to do mba then regular is the best......
generally regular mba is preferred over correspondence............
Regular Mba is better than corespondence but the other side government give same value to correspondence MBA. In private sector they prefer more regular MBA.
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20th September 2011, 05:12 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by swapnil diwedi View Post
my 3rd ans should b correct........................................... ..................
Regular MBA is better than any other and we should prefer regular MBA just because now a days employer want to hire regular MBA degree holder just because they get higher remuneration than which done his correspondence MBA.

So i will prefer to pursue regular MBA.
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20th September 2011, 10:12 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by bhavna04 View Post
in every where regular MBA is valid but in many companies and in abroad correspondace MBA is not valid
We know generally and are seeing currently in the market that the value of regular MBA is more valuable than the correspondence, In regular MBA degree holder get maximum remuneration than correspondence, and the other side correspondence Mba degree holder earn minimum remuneration and if you compresion knowledgeably then also correspondence has minimum knowledge just because they expend his time less than regular MBA.

So Now a days the scope of regular MBA is more than correspondence. We should prefer regular.
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20th September 2011, 10:14 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by sauravkumarjhumritelaiya View Post
both regular MBA and correspondence MBA are good but it depends on the condition of the person if he is doing a job then correspondence is the best one for him and if he not doing job then regular is the best one...............
As per our perception and currently situation in the market that the value of regular MBA is more valuable than the correspondence, In regular MBA degree holder get maximum remuneration than correspondence, and the other side correspondence Mba degree holder earn minimum remuneration and if you compresion knowledgeably then also correspondence has minimum knowledge just because they expend his time less than regular MBA.

So Now a days the scope of regular MBA is more than correspondence. We should prefer regular.
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20th September 2011, 10:17 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by J.SHEELA View Post
whatever regular is best more than correspondence it help in many ways dicussion taught us manythings in studies as well as in life
Well know we generally and are seeing currently in the market that the value of regular MBA is more valuable than the correspondence, In regular MBA degree holder get maximum remuneration than correspondence, and the other side correspondence Mba degree holder earn minimum remuneration and if you compression knowledgeably then also correspondence has minimum knowledge just because they expend his time less than regular MBA.
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20th September 2011, 10:22 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by aryabhatta View Post
in my point of view regular MBA is far better than corresponding MBA because MBA is a professional degree which requires a lot of global exposure that is not possible with correspondence
regular MBA is more valuable than the correspondence, In regular MBA degree holder get maximum remuneration than correspondence, and the other side correspondence MBA degree holder earn minimum remuneration and if you compression knowledgeably then also correspondence has minimum knowledge just because they expend his time less than regular MBA.
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20th September 2011, 10:23 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by khanddn View Post
No Doubt regular MBA is Better but those who are already in job and wants to become a MBA holder than there is no option except distance.
But now a days to do a MBA from a Regular college a costly Business they charged hefty sum.

I am agree with your answer.
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20th September 2011, 10:26 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by bikenindia View Post

In my opinion, regular MBA is far better than correspondence MBA.
Because The job opportunity and other facilities will be more for regular MBA.
Correspondence MBA have very less scopes when compared to regular one.
Correspondence MBA can be done easily and is not valued as much as regular MBA.

thank you.
This is know to all MBA is more valuable than the correspondence, In regular MBA degree holder get maximum remuneration than correspondence, and the other side correspondence Mba degree holder earn minimum remuneration and if you compression knowledgeably then also correspondence has minimum knowledge just because they expend his time less than regular MBA.

So Now a days the scope of regular MBA is more than correspondence. We should prefer regular.
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20th September 2011, 10:33 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by SupritShestha View Post
Regular MBA is definitely better choice than correspondence...
regular MBA can provide you with live in-class training and seminars, lectures with filed studies with colleagues but you wont get than in correspondence...
ya if you want to work and do MBA then you can opt for correspondence but i will suggest to go for regular MBA as it will be helpful during your placement also....
I am agree with you.
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20th September 2011, 10:49 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by tejormayi View Post
Regular MBA is best than distance education more facilities available in regular MBA we can know the basic knowledge and outer knowledge and command in subject will be there
government job better than private sector job, and after 6th pay scale every one want to settle with government job.
but the other side if you talk about private sector job there is no much security, when ever company take decision regarding downsizing.
So we should do more prefer Government job than private sector job.
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20th September 2011, 10:53 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by tejormayi View Post
Regular MBA is best than distance education more facilities available in regular MBA we can know the basic knowledge and outer knowledge and command in subject will be there
As per researcher Government job is better than any private sector job, generally people want to secure in his life, so that person prefer government job than private sector job, and after 6th pay scale every one want to settle with government job.
but the other side if you talk about private sector job there is no much security, when ever company take decision regarding downsizing.
So we should do more prefer Government job than private sector job.
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20th September 2011, 11:12 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am karthick myilvahanan I am working as a lecturer in an engineering college. i am trying to change my career so i consider to do mba in distance education mode. so please tell me whether it is valid to do in distance
Government job is better than any private sector job, generally people want to secure in his life, so that person prefer government job than private sector job, and after 6th pay scale every one want to settle with government job.
but the other side if you talk about private sector job there is no much security, when ever company take decision regarding downsizing.
So we should do more prefer Government job than private sector job.
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20th September 2011, 11:13 PM
Raja Azher
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by sourindra View Post
I prefer the regular MBA. When you will go for a job, there also regular MBA is the 1st choice. But if you do a distance MBA, you can also do a job along with your study.
I am agree with you, that the regular MBA is better than correspondence.
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21st September 2011, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Currently the demand of Regular MBA is more than correspondence, in the current scenario all employer want to hire regular MBA degree holder, than correspondence. if we talk about remuneration it known that the regular MBA get Maximum remuneration than correspondence. and knowledge point of the view also regular MBA student spent maximum time on his study, then obviously then those student will be more knowledge than correspondence. some of university provide industrial training.
So from the above mention explain it has been clear that the regular MBA is better than correspondence MBA.
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21st September 2011, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
a regular mba is lot better than distance mba,because in regular mba you gel in the environment with people of thought similar to you,
mba is about becoming an good manager which you learn through experiannce and environment which is possible only through regular mba
As per recent news and as per my idea Regular MBA is more than correspondence, in the current scenario all employer want to hire regular MBA degree holder, than correspondence. if we talk about remuneration it known that the regular MBA get Maximum remuneration than correspondence. and knowledge point of the view also regular MBA student spent maximum time on his study, then obviously then those student will be more knowledge than correspondence. some of university provide industrial training.
So from the above mention explain it has been clear that the regular MBA is better than correspondence MBA.
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21st September 2011, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by amarjit View Post
it depends on the condition of the person .....if he is doing a job and wants to do mba then correspondence is the best for him......and if some fresh graduate wants to do mba then regular is the best......
generally regular mba is preferred over correspondence............
We know generally that the government job is better than private job.
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21st September 2011, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by vetriselvi View Post
I would suggest for regular mba of the four so i poll for it.
I also suggest to pursue regular MBA, just because the value of regular is more than correspondence.
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22nd September 2011, 09:48 AM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by chetna.cs View Post
Generally regular MBA is good as if you are doing regular MBA then you shall concentrate effectively on your studies. Regular MBA is also good as you have direct/ face-to-face interaction with your teachers and you can go to them in case of any query. But it is only good for those who are only studying at one time and for those who do not attend the classes regularly due to their jobs or some other reason they can opt for MBA(correspondence) as it will provide the value addition along with doing the jobs.
Your answer is correct that the regular MBA is the best than correspondence.
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22nd September 2011, 09:56 AM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by anurag kumar View Post
Hi, Both are good to study either regular or correspondence in MBA, there is one thing that correspondence MBA is not so valued than that of regular MBA. So, I opt for the regular MBA.
Thank you
AS per my knowledge the value of regular MBA is more than correspondence just because we get maximum remuneration after completion of regular MBA than correspondence if we talk about knowledge then its perfect that the knowledge will have more that student which will be completed its Mba regular.
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27th September 2011, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Vijay G View Post
Both r good.... it depends on your needs and condition.... If possible go for regular one...

If want to do mba then go for bsc after 12th...
If you do engineering its good to do Mtech
Regular Mba is better than correspondence, the scope of regular MBA is more than correspondence.
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29th September 2011, 12:21 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by bhavna04 View Post
in every where regular MBA is valid but in many companies and in abroad correspondace MBA is not valid
As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 12:24 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by sauravkumarjhumritelaiya View Post
both regular MBA and correspondence MBA are good but it depends on the condition of the person if he is doing a job then correspondence is the best one for him and if he not doing job then regular is the best one...............
We know generally MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by babrubhan.sahu007 View Post
both are good. according to me distance education is helpful only with job.
As per my perception regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 12:29 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by aryabhatta View Post
in my point of view regular MBA is far better than corresponding MBA because MBA is a professional degree which requires a lot of global exposure that is not possible with correspondence
As per successful person said in the field of regular MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 02:46 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by bikenindia View Post

In my opinion, regular MBA is far better than correspondence MBA.
Because The job opportunity and other facilities will be more for regular MBA.
Correspondence MBA have very less scopes when compared to regular one.
Correspondence MBA can be done easily and is not valued as much as regular MBA.

thank you.
As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Amed2010 View Post
Always a regular course is better than anything else...
Yes this is fact that always we choose regular. As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 02:55 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by yogs.singh View Post
regular MBA is better than correspondence MBA

because if you are regular than you can devote your time for

preparation. even the content of regular is better than

correspondence course.

in correspondence you have you study yourself

so you may lack in right approach for the preparation of the exam
We know generally that regular course will be beneficial for our future and as per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by raj100 View Post
it is not we study in books it's what to discuss the upcoming problems in the market and how to resolve it.
they should be good at communication skills
soft skills
technicl skills
and especially management skills.
As per my perception In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by sumit9897gaur View Post
i will go for regular M.B.A because M.B.A is generally have a moto of making students as a manager in a company for which they organise many seminars,paper presentations, and a lot more things to make students a good listener as well as good speaker but if you are doing correspondence than you will not be able to do such things without taking admission in a regular college.
As per success person said in his interview that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:05 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by tejormayi View Post
Regular MBA is best than distance education more facilities available in regular MBA we can know the basic knowledge and outer knowledge and command in subject will be there
According to recent news regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:08 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by yogalakshmi sekar View Post
we can improve knowledge on business only by regular MBA...

we can also improve our talent by doing projects via regular MBA...

henceforth,regular MBA is more useful than CORRESPONDANCE mba...

It is known to mostly person that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am karthick myilvahanan I am working as a lecturer in an engineering college. i am trying to change my career so i consider to do mba in distance education mode. so please tell me whether it is valid to do in distance
As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by sourindra View Post
I prefer the regular MBA. When you will go for a job, there also regular MBA is the 1st choice. But if you do a distance MBA, you can also do a job along with your study.
As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:24 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have done distance graduation in BBA & i want to do my MBA Please suggest which is better regular or correspondence
Well it is known to all that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:29 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by sachin6 View Post
Both are good because of your interest. If your knowledge is good means you do distance otherwise you do regular.
As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by sachin6 View Post
Both are good. You can do any one with respect to your situation.
It is fact and right that that regular MBA better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
whats the difference between PGDBA and MBA?are they equivalent?
both are too difference regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:41 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by raja badam View Post
regular MBA is better for learning so many things.if we do distance MBA we can not improve our communication skills and we can not organize the team properly.
if we do regular MBA we get at least 50% knowledge grasp from our surroundings like friends etc.
As per my notion regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by rana2011 View Post
MBA is not only a degree it makes a carrier in life and which helps to get job , in regular MBA we can know the basic knowledge and outer knowledge and command in subject are there which is not full-fill in correspondent.

Two main benifits in regular MBA are:

1.we can improve knowledge on business only by regular MBA.

2.we can also improve our talent by doing projects via regular MBA.
We know generally that the In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by rana2011 View Post
MBA ia not a theory deaoandable cource , most immportant its practical which is to much essential and make an goob experiance in your feature work area.

this practical facility is avaiable at regular MBA not in correspondant MBA.

Thanks!Best of luck.
Regular is better we know generally In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by rdubeylpu View Post
IN Regular MBA course more upertunity is given by institute as compare to corresponding course
Dear friend As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 04:07 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 165
Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by k.a.s.raghava View Post
regular mba is best because by attending classes we can get more knowledge
Dear friend this is hereby inform that As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 04:10 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 165
Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by rhl_paul View Post
i first thought tht MBA after B.Sc would be a good option>but there is no quality of the B schools except IIms and some others.

so i decided to pursue only
This is here by want to inform you that the as per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 04:11 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 165
Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by anil_kumar89 View Post
Regular course always has an upper edge but it can be compromised with good enough experience. If you have opportunity than you should definitely go for regular when as it has some benefit over correspondence.Regular MBA doing students wilL have a excellent knowledge about the business study they doing.

If you are a student then you should do full time MBA and you will have a good respected job with high salary
As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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29th September 2011, 04:12 PM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 165
Default Re: Regular MBA vs. Correspondence (distance) MBA

Originally Posted by Sehwag6 View Post
Mba is a very good course in india. Regular mba means you go to college and study by the help of teachers and after that you write the exams. Correspondance means distance education here exams only he come to college. In this two ,your decision is important.
As per successful person said in the field of MBA, they said that regular MBA is many times better than correspondence MBA, In regular there is many benefits like Person who done regular MBA the knowledge of that person will more than correspondence, in remuneration point of the view also Regular is the best option and the demand of regular MBA is more than
correspondence, generally all MNC company want to hire regular MBA degree holder.
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