Practice makes Exams easy


Being a student is one of the most important part of ones life. While being student there must have been many opportunities when it’s being very difficult to settle down and concentrate on the studies even when an exam was coming up. Majority of the students keep their major part f their study towards the last minute of the exam. The result will be more sleep less nights.

The most significant aspect is that no matter how much one studies, it is always important for a student to be aware that an examination is mainly conducted to test your level of knowledge with regard to that particular examination. The candidates must always try to practice those questions which are mostly asked in the examinations. There may be always the theoretical as well as the practical type of questions which will be asked in most of the cases.

The candidates should always practice the questions by assuming in a manner as they have to do in a examination in general. Hence it will be better for the students to always not look in to the answer books while practicing the questions. There is always a Psychological aspect related to this because unknowingly ones mind will make a conclusion that they know the answer where in the real situation may be quite different.

Time Management Skill

Time management skill is the most important part of study especially when you are preparing for the exam. Hence its is an important aspect that the students should plan their time accordingly at the preparation of exam time. The most convenient part may be to note down the time in general. The time taken to complete one question can be noted down relatively which may give one self a fair idea about the average time that one takes to do or study one question. The candidates should do a comparison with the actual expected time needed to do one answer and the time taken by the candidate to do it. In such a circumstance if a candidate takes in more time than the required one it can be improved or corrected. This can be mainly done only through constant practice only. If by chance any candidate is lagging far behind the required time either the candidate is over writing the answer or will be confused with the question and will be keep on thinking about it.

Know the structure and pattern

The candidate should know about the relative structure and pattern of the exam on the one hand. The candidate should know well that the marks are awarded not simply for the length of the answer but on the other hand the pattern and the points which are covered in the answer which must be in relation to question area. The appropriate wordings must be used in the answers which may fetch you additional points. The questions should be to the point and short and precise also. But it should be in depth with regard to the answers which are written. One can probably ask for the feedback of the teacher regarding the answers which you have attempted and take in her suggestions and try to incorporate I in your answers.

Practice, Practice & Practice will give you Good results!

In many situations the students may be upset with regards to their marks. The marks hey get in spite of giving their best in the examinations will be much low compared to their expectations. The reverse situation some time arises, that one may have done low amount of their work but still they get in good results. Hence luck is also an important criterion in the examination. Even if you give your best, if the luck does not favor you it will completely a different situations.

In some situations, the students should be careful while answering the questions. In most of the competitive examinations, there will be negative marking involved. Hence it will not be wise on the part of the candidates to concentrate on all or the number of questions. In such circumstances, the candidates should try to attempt those questions only which they pretty confident of doing or solving it. The candidates should try to do the correct number of questions in accordance to the conditions that has been specified in the exam pattern. If a student is pretty confident about how many questions that he/she need to attempt within a prescribed timing then it can be said that the student is on the right path.

Identify the statements!

The students should identify the action statements put in the questions. The moment the questions are given he individuals should not go on writing. The students should identify in correct terms what is expected from the question on a whole. Focus on the action statements which are used in the questions namely- What is, define, state, describe, elaborate, difference, compare etc. These may be the specific points which may help them to understand in what depth or detail that one needs to go in terms of the answer. There is no meaning to answer the questions unnecessarily without understanding or having fair idea about what is expected with a particular question. Hence the students should always keep this point in mind.

In almost all the cases, the students go on answering a particular question with out even reading it properly. Some of the invigilators look in for only the content in the answers not on the length of the answer. Hence there is no gain for the student if they go on framing long answers. This is probably one of the most important factor which wastes the time of the students in the examinations.

Know Your Syllabus!

The student should know in depth the various areas of the syllabus and pattern of the examination. Do always make it a point to study or go according the syllabus of the exam. The textbooks and reference books may at times contain more information than required in order to make the study part more interesting. The students should rely only on the teacher’s opinion rather than any other source.

The advice of the faculties will always prove to be good in areas where there is confusion. The faculties will also be happy about this and they will surely lead you towards the correct path only. One should be always proactive in their study areas.



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