Tamil Nadu Board Higher Secondary Computer Science Papers


Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Examination is a functioning body underTamil Nadu State Board of School Examination that conducts class 12 examinations. Computer Science falls under vocational training group of subjects.

Division of Paper:

The Computer Science paper consists of three parts. The first part contains 75 objective type questions.  The second part contains 25 questions out of which twenty are to be answered in one or two sentences each. The third part contains 10 questions out of which 7 are to be answered in five to ten sentences each.

Time allotted for the Examination and the marks:

The total marks assigned to the paper are 150 with time duration of 3 hours out of which first 75 minutes are for objectives only.

Paper Pattern:

There are two separate answer sheets provided, one is OMR sheet for shading the correct option for the first 75 objective type questions contained in part-I of the paper, one mark each. The second is the main-answer booklet where subjective question’s answers from parts II and III are to be written. Part-II of the paper consists of twenty fiveshort answer questions out of which twenty are to be attempted, two marks each and part-III of the paper contains tenlong answer questions out of which seven are required to answer, five marks each.

Download Tamil Nadu Board Higher Secondary Computer Science Papers


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3 Responses to “Tamil Nadu Board Higher Secondary Computer Science Papers”

  1. 3

    i need all the 12th public question papers between 2006-2013
    specially computer science,physcis,chemistry,maths,economics, businessmaths,commerce,and accountancy

  2. 2

    Pls using 2B pencil instead. Of HB will there be a problem

  3. 1

    I had used wooden 2B pencil in omr sheet instead of using HB pencil.is it ok or there will be any problem with that?please answer me quickly…