UGC National Eligibility Test 2012


The UGC NET examination is a test conducted by the University Grants Commission. Students who wish to qualify for Award for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Lectureships in universities and colleges in India can enroll for this test. Candidates who wish to appear for both should clearly specify the same while filling in the application form.

Those who qualify in JRF can pursue their research in any subject or the subject of their interest in the Post Graduation level. They are also eligible for the post of lecture in any University or Institute in India


The UGC NET question paper is divided three parts.  The exams will be held on the same day in two parts. In the morning session there will be paper 1 and paper 2. The first paper will be on the General awareness, Logical Reasoning, Different and divergent Thinking and Reading Comprehension. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions. The duration of this test is 75 minutes. Next is paper 2 which consists of short answer questions. It will be based on the subject chosen by the candidate. The duration of this test is again 75 minutes. Both these test will be held continuously. In the afternoon we have the third paper. The duration is 150 minutes. It is a descriptive paper. Candidates have to answer the questions in the booklet provided with the questions. This paper will be held under evaluation only for those candidates who qualify in paper 1 and paper 2.

Subjects to choose for UGC NET

  • Economics
  • Political Science
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • History
  • Anthropology
  • Commerce
  • Education
  • Social Work
  • Defense and Strategic Studies
  • Home Science
  • Public Administrations
  • Population Studies
  • Music
  • Management
  • Maithili
  • Bengali
  • Hindi
  • Kannada
  • Malayalam
  • Oriya
  • Punjabi
  • Sanskrit
  • Tamil
  • Telugu
  • Urdu
  • Arabic
  • English
  • Linguistics
  • Chinese
  • Dogri
  • Nepali
  • Manipuri
  • Assamese
  • Gujarati
  • Marathi
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • Persian
  • Rajasthani
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Adult Education
  • Physical Education
  • Arab Culture and Islamic Studies
  • Indian Culture
  • Labour Welfare
  • Law
  • Library and Information Science
  • Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies
  • Comparative Study of Religions
  • Mass Communication and Journalism
  • Performing Art - Dance/Drama/Theatre
  • Museology & Conservation
  • Archaeology
  • Criminology
  • Tribal and Regional Language/Literature
  • Folk Literature
  • Comparative Literature
  • Sanskrit traditional subjects
  • Women Studies
  • Visual Art
  • Geography
  • Social Medicine & Community Health
  • Forensic Science
  • Pali
  • Kashmiri
  • Konkani
  • Computer Science and Applications
  • Electronic Science
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Politics
  • Prakrit
  • Human Rights and Duties
  • Tourism Administration and Management

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who have secured 55% or above in their Post Graduation or its equivalent can apply for the test. The course should have been done from a recognized university. Candidates who are currently doing their final year in Master’s or those who are waiting for their results are also eligible to apply. However they will be given admittance in JRF only if they have passed with the required marks.


Those candidates who are having Ph.D are not allowed to appear for NET for Under Graduate and Post Graduate level of Teaching. Those who have qualified for UGC or CSIR before 1989 are also exempted.

The candidates who have qualified in State Eligibility Test before December 1st 2002 are also not allowed to appear for NET. Those who have passed in SET held after 1st JUNE 2002 are eligible to apply for the post of lecture. They can apply only to those universities which are in the same state from where they completed SET.

How to Apply?

The applicants can download the form from the official website of UGC. They should also download the application form and attendance slip. The link to the website is The applicants should read the form carefully and fill up all the required columns correctly. After filling up the form the candidates are required to send two copies of the form. Both shall be sent to the registrar office at UGC.

How to fill the Form?

The applicants should be extra careful while filling the form. Once the forms are submitted no more changes can be made. The centre code and the subject should be entered clearly. If by mistake a candidate appears for a wrong examination then he/she will not be allowed to attend the test. Moreover their candidature will also be cancelled. Candidates should cross check that they have attached all the important documents before sending it to UGC.

Exemptions to be taken care while filling in form

While filling the application forms the candidate should be aware of certain exemptions. Such as:

  • The candidates should be 19 years or above and below 28 years.
  • Those belonging to other classes can apply if they are 33 years or below.
  • Female candidates who are physically and visually handicapped can apply if they are below 33 years.
  • The upper age limit for LS is same as above.

Important Dates

The UGC NET exam is held twice in a year. They are held in June  2012 and December 2011/2012. The notification details and other important announcement are made in March and September 2012 respectively. They can be also checked in The Employment News.

Date of UGC NET entrance test by June last week, 2012.

  • Notifications will be published by March last week, 2012
  • Final date for online application April last Week, 2012
  • Final date of submitting the documents at the center: May first Week, 2012
  • Date of common entrance Exam is by December last week, 2011/2012
  • Final date for submitting he completed form is by September end, 2011/2012

List of UGC NET Exam centers

  • Aligarh
  • Allahabad
  • Vishakhapatnam
  • Itanagar
  • Varanasi
  • Banglore
  • Bhopal
  • Behrampur
  • Coimbatore
  • Tiruchirapallli
  • Burdwan
  • Kolakta
  • Kozhikode
  • Meerut
  • Kanpur
  • Kochi
  • New Delhi
  • Indore
  • Aurangabad
  • Guwahati
  • Goa
  • Gorakhpur
  • Ahemdabad
  • Gulbarga
  • Amritsar
  • Shimla
  • Jammu
  • Jodhpur
  • Gwalior
  • Dharwad
  • Srinagar
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Kurukshetra
  • Lucknow
  • Vadodra
  • Chennai
  • Madurai
  • Manglore
  • Imphal
  • Udaipur
  • Mumbai
  • Guntur
  • Nagpur
  • Darjeeling
  • Shillong
  • Hyderebad
  • Raipur
  • Chandigarh
  • Pune
  • Patna
  • Jaipur
  • Ranchi
  • Jabalpur
  • Srinagar
  • Sambalpur
  • Rajkot
  • Tirupati
  • Bhagalpur
  • Agartala
  • Bhubaneshwar
  • Agra
  • Ajmer
  • Aizwal
  • Kohima
  • Port Blair
  • Rewa

Contact Address for the UGC NET

  • University Grant Commission (U G C), Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, Pin:110 002
  • Ph. No: 23232701/23236735/ 23239437/ 23235733/23237721/23232317/ 23234116/23236351/23230813/ 23232485
  • E-mail:
  • Web:

Coaching Centers for UGC NET

  • CRB Excelsior
  • Science Point
  • Brilliant Tutorials
  • Gyan Bindu Academy
  • Pathfinder Academy
  • Kalinga IAS
  • Saini School of Economics and Commerce
  • Elite Academy
  • Zenith Point
  • Sociology Made Easy
  • Toppers IAS

Study Plan

A systematic study plan will definitely help the candidates to qualify for the test. One should make a timetable according to his/her schedule and interest. It should be followed strictly. Candidates should also learn to manage their time well. It will help them to attend all the questions in the test. The students can also divide their portions according to their convenience and study. They should also try to revise their portions. It will help them to memorize the concepts well. They can prepare their own answers for the questions. They can also set a time limit and accordingly adjust their speed. They should also develop a good handwriting. They should give a clear introduction and conclusion. They can work out a number of sub headings too as the examiner will not go through the entire answer.

How and Where To Get the Results?

UGC-NET results of the exam held on June will be published by October. The results of December, UGC-NET will be declared by April. Candidates can also obtain their results from the official website of UGC NET or through The Employment News.

Score Validity

Those who have qualified in the test are eligible to apply for lectureship. The validity period of junior lectureship program is two years.



Do you have any question? Please ask:

Questions will be answered on our Forum section

405 Responses to “UGC National Eligibility Test 2012”

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  1. 255
    Rahul mondal:

    Hi myself is Rahul. I an persuing graduation in sociology. I want to research in sociology. Please give the suggestion. How can i do it? thank you:)

  2. 254
    santhosha kumar:

    last date for online application form net exam 2012

  3. 253

    dear sir,
    please tell me last date of submission of application on my

  4. 252
    Anil Gagare:

    When your SBI account online working starts.

  5. 251

    What is jrf?

  6. 250

    where can i find out about the date od online application for NRT 2012

  7. 249

    when I can get the application form for net june2012 for English

  8. 248

    what is the center code of hyderabad?
    subject code for education?

  9. 247
    jagvir singh:

    sir,is there any relaxation for the candidates belonging
    to schedule caste in % in post graduation to appear for NET exam

  10. 246

    i want previous question papers with answers for computer secince

  11. 245

    when is the UGC NET Arts(English) 2012 entrance form will be available. When is opening date and closing date for submission

  12. 244

    when is the UGC NET Arts(English) 2012 entrance form will be available. When is opening date and closing date for submissin.

  13. 243

    Let me know the Final date for online application held in june 2012

  14. 242
    Satya prakash keshari:

    Respected sir,

    i would like to know about when the form of ugc net june 2012 would be issued ?
    second question -can i enroll the net and JRF form altogether ?

  15. 241
    Ammar Ashraf:

    what is the date of ugc net education exam 2012(JUNE)

  16. 240

    last date for online application form net exam 2012(june)

  17. 239
    vipin kumar:

    what is the date of net examination

  18. 238

    when is the UGC NET Commerce2012 entrance form will be available.When is the opening date and closing date for submission

  19. 237
    md nizam:

    plz let me know the exact date of net june 2012 exam Notification of form fill up&COMMENCING OF exam

  20. 236

    i want to appear for in June Exam am in 2 nd year want to appear for NET in education. want an proper information regarding it. Please provide me regarding information

  21. 235
    neetu singh:

    Kindly let me know the date of NET exam which is going to be held at 2012 for labor law /Personnel management /HRM. When the forms can be downloaded & apply for the test.

  22. 234


  23. 233

    when will UGC NET entrence june 2012 form came….
    opening and last date for submission of aplication and date of entrence exam…

  24. 232

    I have completed my MA (history 56%). I am a teacher in a govt school for 20 years. My age is 39. Am I eligible to appear in NET examination? What is the age limit? What is the medium of the examination?

  25. 231

    how to get application form

  26. 230

    What is the last date to apply for ugc net june 2012 ?

  27. 229
    Akhand Pratap:

    when will UGC NET entrence june 2012 form came….
    opening and last date for submission of aplication and date of entrence exam…

  28. 228

    Last date of submition of ugc net Application form for Management ….

  29. 227
    Goutam Das:

    NET EXAM DATE 2012

  30. 226

    what is upper age limit for appoinment of senior lectureship after passing net exam?

  31. 225

    Kindly let me know the date of NET exam which is going to be held at 2012. When the forms can be downloaded & apply for the test.

  32. 224

    Please give me Eligibility for appear net exam completed in 54.65% and mba 60% now my age is 42.

  33. 223
    jushmita mishra:

    I want to know what is the structure of paper-1 2012 net exam.
    whether it contains the questions from logical awareness,reasoning OR particular papers from specific subjects.

  34. 222
    Rashmi Sethi:

    Respected sir/madam
    would you please send me the NET syllabi of computer Science & Application and list of reference books with publications and authors names so that i can do preparations for NET(Computer Science & Application)

  35. 221

    i want to appear for june exam hv done ma in education n want to appear for net in education bt not gettng form n proper information regarding it..

  36. 220

    what is themethod of filling the from its online? or i haveto fill it by taking fromfrom university? please inform me and the date all,,,,,,,,

  37. 219

    what are the qualifying marks came under (net exam andJRF) for ST candidates.

    thanks and regards.

  38. 218

    Please tell me about III paper in English. That is wheather electives are included in objective. Tell me clearly that we should cover all the electives or only one. Please clear this soon.

  39. 217
    anita garg:

    what is the starting date of UGC Net on line application.

  40. 216

    last date of submition of ugc net application form

  41. 215

    when is the last date for applying for net exam 2012

  42. 214
    shoeb khan:

    hi, what is the upper age limit for net/set exams brother is 30 years old .is he elligible to give net/set exams .and what is the date of both the exams…

  43. 213

    is there any seperate exam for engineering lecturers

  44. 212

    I want to apply for NET Dec 2012 exam. I have the application filled already. Please let me know whether I can send the application via speedpost or courier in order to reach before 26March 12. Also please send me the sheduled exam dates and centres

  45. 211

    when will UGC-NET 2012 application form will com…….i have done mba and want to give exam for lectureship……

  46. 210

    what is Maximum Age limit for net test 2012.

  47. 209
    neha munjal:

    please tell me the last date of submission of application of ugc net.

  48. 208
    Sonam Roy:

    My age is 33+ can I apply for Net exam in both JRF and lecturership.

  49. 207

    what is the last date of applying for net exam june 2012?
    what iss the date of ugc exam in june 2012?

  50. 206

    last date for net exam 2012 apply .history syylabus pls sent the mail

  51. 205
    ajay thakkar:


  52. 204
    Narendar Pal Singh:

    is there age limit for appearing in NET exam.

  53. 203
    pinky sharma:

    i am pursing msc computer science final sem . can i appear this exam.

  54. 202
    sritama dasgupta:

    From which date NET JUNE 2012 application form will be available? What are the steps to apply?

  55. 201

    information about last date for applying

  56. 200

    give details about net exam 2012 and procedure of online applying

  57. 199
    Manoranjan kumar:

    Lecturership in chemistry

  58. 198
    nazir ahmad rather:

    i am from jammu and kashmir and have resident of backward area catrgory.can i apply under obc caterogy.

  59. 197
    Dwarika Tomar:

    i am 30 years old lady so can i appear in net exam or what is the age limit of this exam?

  60. 196

    1. Please inform me from which date net exam ‘12 form will be available & also last date of its submission.
    2.What are the qualifying marks come under JRF?
    3. Please send sample questions of changed pattern of 3rd paper for commerce to my e-mail ID.

  61. 195


  62. 194
    rajneesh sahu:

    please give me elobrated quition paper

  63. 193

    I want Net exam full details and online submitting last dt, centre code, subject code, and study material and old question details also.

  64. 192

    please send net june2012 submission dates & history details…. thanks….

  65. 191
    Ambika Das:

    When the result of ugc dec 24 exam results will be published.

  66. 190
    Amita agrawal:

    how should we prepair for the net exam wich is going to held on june 2012 and we dont have much time..?

  67. 189

    From which date net 2012 exam form will be available ?

  68. 188

    From which date net 2012 exam form will be available ?

  69. 187

    I will be 28 years old in august 2012 and i would like to know whether i can apply for JRF or lecturship. I want to know after 2 years of validity of jrf the candidature is eligible for what all things.

  70. 186
    jyothi jawoor:

    i am studying in ma english please sent deatal my mail

  71. 185

    what is the date of june exam and i have done MBA

  72. 184
    Samira L M:

    Total how many subjects are to be studied for three set of exam?
    paper 1
    paper 2
    paper 3

  73. 183
    Gomathi S:

    please send me ugc net 2012 application starting and exam date my mail address,

  74. 182

    when will you provide the question tag including the sample paper of changed patternof paper3 for the year 20112

  75. 181

    Please send me the notification and application form for the Net Exam schedule in june 2012.

    Thank yOU

  76. 180
    shahnaz ali:

    for visual arts what is the syllabus?and how do i get that?

  77. 179
    shahnaz ali:

    for visual arts what is the syllabus?

  78. 178
    usha sharma:

    please send me the net application starting date and also the last of submitting the application. where i can get the application form. please reply to my mail

  79. 177


  80. 176
    sweta kumari:

    i want to know the application form starting date and last date of submission

  81. 175

    i am a mcom graduate i want to apply for ugc net 2012 exams in june how can i get the important dates? what is the last date?

  82. 174
    Narendra Singh Budania:

    Please send me the date of notification of net application forms which will be held in June 2012. Please send me on my email id or 09414583301

  83. 173

    i completed M.A in education from netaji subhas open university of W.B. with 55%. Can i appear net june exam2012? and when the form will published?

  84. 172

    Net exam june 2012 important date,how will iam prepare for net tourism exam

  85. 171

    sir/mam i complete mba degree in finance and hr.please sent the details to my mail

  86. 170

    details of exam dates.net2012 june

  87. 169

    please send me the net application forms starting date and also the last of submitting the application forms. where i can get the application form. plz reply to my mail id.

  88. 168

    Are nepali citizen allowed to take this test?

  89. 167
    shalu choure:

    i am passed set examination with social work and am also M.A. Passed in Hindi Subject with 45% marks Please let me know am i eligible for NET appearance. hindi subject

  90. 166

    i m feb 1977 born can i give net exam june2012 of education

  91. 165

    as per the instruction given the age limit is above 19 and below 28 yrs.but my date of birth year is 1984 ie.. by November ‘ll be 28yrs. so am i eligible for this exam??

  92. 164

    date of ugc net exam

  93. 163

    please send me the details of net exam with ECONOMICS subject.third paper of economics will be objective based or not from 2012 please tell me.

  94. 162

    what is the last date of filling the form for economics for june 2012

  95. 161

    I want to know date of examination in English.

  96. 160

    what is the last date of net exam june 2012 of english subject?

  97. 159

    please send me the net application starting date and also the last of submitting the application. where i can get the application form. please reply to my mail

  98. 158

    Please furnish particulars about application forms and procedures for NET2012.

    Thanks n Regards

  99. 157

    what is the last date of applying the examination and when application form is issues ?

  100. 156
    yogesh nimase:

    i am M.A. Passed with Hindi Subject

    What is the Last date of Online application submition of forms of NET exam?

    please answer me.

  101. 155

    what is the date of ugc net june 2012

  102. 154

    I am complete my please send me exam date and form submission date of net exam

  103. 153

    what is the last date of submitting the exam form of NET 2012?

  104. 152

    Please send the date of UGC NET exam 2012 for library and information science.

    Thanking you

  105. 151

    please send me ugc net 2012 application starting and exam date my mail address,

  106. 150

    in bhubaneswar which institute is best for net coaching

  107. 149

    when will the application form be published ?

  108. 148

    sir pls tell me how i will prepare for net exam

  109. 147

    i have done m.c.a.(79%)from ptu under distance education programme .please let me know i am able eligible for net exam

  110. 146


  111. 145

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I am a BE graduate.
    Can i appear for UGC NET exam on my graduation?


  112. 144
    Rajani k k:

    Pls let me know the last date of NET application?

  113. 143

    when can i download a examination form

  114. 142

    i have done msc homescience.please let me know about the net exam application last date and date of exam?

  115. 141
    jayashri christabell:

    those with 40 years are they elligible for net exam

  116. 140

    Iam a management student,final year. I want to write the net exam.I need the syllabus for MBA finance with human resource.Can you please sent the syllabus to mymai address l.Thank you

  117. 139

    I have done M.Sc in biotech with 68% .There is no biotechnology related subject in net exam subject choosing,So which subject is the suggestable subject to clear the net exam

  118. 138

    please send the date of UGC ne exam for psychology

  119. 137
    preeti bansal:

    when will the registration for ugc-net 2012 will open.

  120. 136

    plz send me net exam date and application date my mail address
    thank you

  121. 135
    johnson George:

    next appilication of UGC net physical education

  122. 134

    I have done my MA in English with 54.7%. Please let me know am i eligible for NET appearance.

  123. 133

    ple send me net exam date and application date my mail address
    thank you

  124. 132

    Please tell me the difference between paper IInd and paper IIIrd of management. I am very confused please help me out.

  125. 131

    plz send me a solved quastion paper june 2011 subject history

  126. 130
    shilpi singh:

    when the net online application form is available plz inform me on my e-mail

  127. 129
    sunil garg:

    sir/madam, plz tell me that where can i get latest syllabus for net sanskrit code-25 for june-2012.reply soon plz. Thanx a lot.

  128. 128


  129. 127

    i need paper III sample question paper

  130. 126

    How can i prepare for net exam?
    please send me the date of net exam 2013?

  131. 125
    Megha V:

    When is the date when online application for NET exam will open?

  132. 124
    kaushal mishra:

    what is the examination date of national eligibility test 2012………?

  133. 123

    sir, ple send me my e-mail net & set application & examination date and time table in 2012
    thank you

  134. 122

    ple send me date appication net exam

  135. 121
    vriti sharma:

    Sir,give me a information about pattern of Q Paper in life science(Zoology)

  136. 120
    Bornali Nath:

    I m a student from sociology and want to appear in net. Plz, send me the solved question papers of previous years if possible.

  137. 119

    SIR NET exam date and time table sent my mail addrees

  138. 118

    know about Net form issue date for scince (PHYSICS)

  139. 117

    when you publish in NET EXAM Application

  140. 116

    what i s the syllabus of net.

  141. 115

    I had appeared MA final in MASS COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISM from Institute of Distance and Open Learning , Gauhati University . may i appear NET exam from any exam center of DELHI .

  142. 114
    Gaurv Gaur:

    my question is what;s diffrence net exam 2 paper and 3 paper. plzz send more detail in my ID … my ID

  143. 113
    moumita dey:

    i want to know about net syllabus and question pattern of political science 2012?

  144. 112
    roopa bn:

    when is the last date for applying for NET exam 2012 ?

  145. 111
    jiya chaturvedi:

    pls suggest me the books for net exam of english

  146. 110
    Subashini Prasanna:

    i have completed my MBA in marketing & HR ( REGULAR) in 2011april. can i take management as my choice of subject? also pls let me know when are application available for NET 2012 june.

  147. 109
    Anurag Tripathi:

    I did MBA in fin and mktg . How can I get avail of NET exam . what is future ahead as career after qualifying.pls elaborate?

  148. 108
    Samir Bhowmik:

    sir, please give me question patten of commerce.thank you.

  149. 107

    SIR NET exam date and time table sent my mail addrees

  150. 106
    sreekala nair:

    wht is the date for payment of fees towards jrf net exam ( mathematics subject )
    wht is the exam date.
    i am from mumbai, where do i remit the fees

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