1st January 2011, 12:35 PM
Can I apply for IES exam after completing Electronics Engineering?
Can i apply for ies, if i have engineering degree in electronics, not in electronics and communication?
7th January 2011, 07:18 PM
IES can be written by engineering completed student of any dicipline. so no exceptions about your branch all the best.............. |
8th January 2011, 02:32 AM
Yes, you can apply gor IES and you are eligible. IES conduct for 4 different courses: civil Electrical Mechanical Electronics and instrumentation. So you come under Electronics and instrumentation. All the best. |
5th February 2011, 08:42 PM
Dear friend,
Yes, definitely you are eligible to apply for the IES exam,conducted by the UPSC every year. IES exam is conducted for the recruitment of graduate engineers from the following disciplines : ECE, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical. So your branch is among these branches. Don't worry you can apply for IES. All the best!! |
18th February 2011, 02:22 AM
you can apply gor IES and you are eligible.
IES conduct for 4 different courses: civil Electrical Mechanical Electronics and instrumentation. |
26th February 2011, 12:24 AM
apply for IES exam after completing Electronics Engineering you can apply for IES offline or online.For offline application get the form from post office and send it to UPSC. For online application go to the site https://www.upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php there are two parts of registration and the links are given there fill in registration form part 1 first by filling in the required details like your name address etc. after this you will get a registration number,note the number. After this go to the second part fill in the registration number received in part 1 and your date of birth.Follow the instructions.And your form is filled. IES Exam-2011 Dates: IES Exam-2011 Notification: 8th January, 2011 (Saturday) IES Exam-2011 last date of form receipt: 7th February, 2011 (Monday). IES Exam-2011 Written Exam date: 4th June, 2011 (Saturday) By following above logics, you can find the exam dates for future IES exams like IES-2012/2013 etc. Nearer this time, check this UPSC website for the IES exam notification. --Age Eligibility: You need to be between 21 years to 30 years on the 1st August of the year of examination. For example, for IES-2010, you should be born not earlier than 2nd August, 1980 and not later than 1st August, 1989. (a) A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the Ist August, 2011 i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1981 and not later than 1st August, 1990. (b) The upper agelimit of 30 years will be relaxable upto 35 years in the case of Government Servants of the following categories, if they are employed in a Department/Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in column 1 below and apply for admission to the examination for all or any of the Service(s)/ Post(s) mentioned in column 2, for which they are otherwise eligible. (i) A candidate who holds substantively a permanent post in the particular Department/Office concerned. This relaxation will not be admissible to a probationer appointed against a permanent post in the Department/Office during the period of his probation. (a) A candidate for this examination musthave attained the age of 21 years and mustnot have attained the age of 30 years onthe Ist August, 2011 i.e. he/she must havebeen born not earlier than 2nd August,1981 and not later than 1st August, 1990. (b) The upper agelimit of 30 years will berelaxable upto 35 years in the case ofGovernment Servants of the followingcategories, if they are employed in aDepartment/Office under the control of anyof the authorities mentioned in column 1below and apply for admission to theexamination for all or any of the Service(s)/Post(s) mentioned in column 2, for whichthey are otherwise eligible. (i) A candidate who holds substantively apermanent post in the particularDepartment/Office concerned. This relaxation will not be admissible to aprobationer appointed against a permanentpost in the Department/Office during theperiod of his probation. Academic Eligibility: --You must be a graduate in Engineering from a recognized university. good luck |
27th February 2011, 12:47 AM
you are eligible to apply for the IES exam,conducted by the UPSC every year. For online application go to the site https://www.upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php Age Eligibility: You need to be between 21 years to 30 years on the 1st August of the year of examination. For example, for IES-2010, you should be born not earlier than 2nd August, 1980 and not later than 1st August, 1989. (a) A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the Ist August, 2011 i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1981 and not later than 1st August, 1990. (b) The upper agelimit of 30 years will be relaxable upto 35 years in the case of Government Servants of the following categories, if they are employed in a Department/Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in column 1 below and apply for admission to the examination for all or any of the Service(s)/ Post(s) mentioned in column 2, for which they are otherwise eligible. all the best |
27th February 2011, 11:06 AM
I think you are not eligible.The engineering services exam is basically conducted for four engineering stream;
Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering However you can get more information regarding this in the site listed below. http://www.iesmadeeasy.org |
27th February 2011, 01:29 PM
Eligibility Criteria for IES:
IES Exam Eligibility: Age Eligibility: You need to be between 21 years to 30 years on the 1st August, 2011. Age relaxations exist as per Govt. rules. Academic Eligibility: You must be a graduate in Engineering from a recognized university. For complete details go to http://www.upsc.gov.in Yes you are eligible for IES conducted by UPSC......... GOOD LUCK!!!!! Regards Kapila |
8th April 2011, 03:54 AM
Regarding IES Exam Eligibility
Can I apply For IES Exam? But I am doing my Final year of BE - Electrical & Electronics Engineering(Not Completed) Am I eligible for attending the Exam? |
8th April 2011, 09:55 PM
Yes, you can apply gor IES and you are eligible. IES conduct for 4 different courses: civil Electrical Mechanical Electronics and instrumentation. So you come under Electronics and instrumentation. Thanks |
3rd August 2011, 03:17 PM
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IES - Indian Engineering Service IES exam is conducted by UPSC and is held every year. Yeah you are eligible for the exam as far regarding your education qualification as you have finished engineering degree in electronics. As far regarding the eligibility criteria the candidates must have finished their engineering degree from a recognized university in Civil,Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics Engineering. The age limits which you need are 21-30 years. For more information regarding the exam check at http://www.upsc.gov.in Thank you and all the best. |
3rd August 2011, 11:35 PM
IES(Indian engineering services)exam is conducted by UPSC for engineering Graduates.
eligibility for IES exam in terms of academic qualification is a bachelors degree in engineering from Electrical Engineering Electronics and telecommunications Engineering civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering streams. so you can very well apply for IES exam after completing your Electronic engineering or when you are in your final year of engineering course. all the best |
4th August 2011, 12:01 PM
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Your eligible to apply for IES Examination.Because your subject is available in the IES Examination. The list branches for IES Exam :- So,don't worry your stream available in the list of branches.So,you are eligible to apply for the examination. There is no minimum marks required for this examination. More details,Visit the official website : www.upsc.gov.in The candidate age should between 21 years to 30 years of age at the time of appearing. |
13th August 2013, 08:33 PM
Hello friend,
Once you got degree in b.tech electronics then definitely you able to apply for IES exam.This is good opportunity for applying IES. So all the best....... |
14th August 2013, 12:38 AM
YES, you are eligible to write the UPSC conducted Engineering Services Exams
To apply for this exam you have to wait for UPSC to advertise the positions Once advertisement is released than you have to apply online from the website http://upsconline.nic.in/ Now you can apply for this exam in the year 2014 only Fees to apply is Rs 200 But for SC/ST/Women candidates fees is zero BE/BTECH pass candidates of any stream can apply for this exams No minimum marks is required in BE/BTECH So i would suggest that you should start preparing for this exams right now. Selection Procedure Involves: >>Written Test >> Personality Test Written Test: It will have two sections Sections 1 will have objective questions Section 2 will have subjective questions |
14th August 2013, 10:31 PM
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Dear Aspirant, YES, You are definitely eligible for the IES examination......!!! -->> IES stands for the Indian Engineering Service, This exam is conducted for the recruitment of various government engineering post every year like Indian Railway, Petroleum, Power Plants etc..... -->> IES conducted by the Union Public Service Commission Single time in year under the Civil Service Examination...... -->> Since, you have completed your Graduation in Engineering and in the Branch of Electrical Engineering then you surely can apply for the IES exam... -->> General Educational Qualification for this exam is a candidate must have completed their Graduation in the Engineering filed (No matter of Branch)..... -->> No any Percentages Restriction as well... -->> A candidate must be an Indian. There will be mainly two types of Paper: ## Objective types = 200 marks : Time 2 hour ## Conventional type = 200 marks : Time 3 hour Age Criteria:-
Attempt limit:-
Best Books for IES exam:- ## Chapterwise Solved Papers (2012-2000) IES Indian Engineering Services Objective Paper Electrical Engineering (Paper 1 & 2) Author: Trump & Gates & Prashant Kumar Bharti ## IES: Electrical Engineering Publisher: G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd Author: Deepak Gupta All the best With Regards..... DHARM |
15th August 2013, 10:14 AM
![]() Hi friend...........
You can eligible for the IES after completing Electronics Engineering. IES stands for Indian Engineering Service. This exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission once in a year. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Nationality: the candidate should be a citizen of india. Educational Qualifications: The candidate must have complete the graduation in engineering from any recognized university. There is no minimum percentage required to eligible for this exam. Age limit: the candidate minimum age limit is 21 years. Maximum age limit is 30 years. Relaxation: OBC: 3 years SC/ST: 5 years Gender: Both male and female candidates are eligible. No. Of attempts: General Candidates: 4 attempts OBC: 7 attempts SC/ST: No limit of Attempts The candidate should be physically fit. SELECTION PROCEDURE: Civil Service Aptitude Test Main Exam Interview All the best........... |
15th August 2013, 01:28 PM
Hai friend
Yes,you can definitely apply for IES exam after completing B.Tech in electronics engineering. The IES exam is conducted by union public service commission every year for the candidates who had completed engineering in any one of these four branches : 1.Electronics and Communication Engineering 2.Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3.Mechanical Engineering 4.Civil Engineering **Eligibility Criteria : -->You must be a citizen of India. -->You must have completed your B.Tech degree in any one of the above mentioned four branches in engineering. -->Age Limit : General - 21-30 Years OBC - 21-33 Years SC/ST - 21-35 Years -->Final year candidates can also apply for the exam. -->No of Attempts : General - 4 OBC - 7 SC/ST - No Limit Thank You |
24th August 2013, 04:39 PM
Definitely you are eligible to apply for this IES exam. which is conducted by the UPSC every year. IES exam is conducted for the recruitment of graduate engineers from the following disciplines : ECE, CIVIL, Mechanical, Electrical. So your branches is among these branches. don't worry you can apply for IES. This exam is conducted in every year. yeah you are eligible for the exam as for regarding your education qualification as you have finished engineering degree in Electronics. As for regarding the eligibility criteria the candidates must have finished their engineering degree from a recognized university in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronic Engineering. This list of branches for IES exam: # CIVIL ENGINEERING # MECHANICAL ENGINEERING # ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING # ELECTRONIC and TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING There is no minimum marks are required for this examination Selection procedure: # WRITTEN TEST # PERSONALITY TEST Written test: # IT WILL HAVE TWO SECTIONS # SECTION 1 WILL HAVE OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS # SECTION 2 WILL HAVE SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS @ BEST OF LUCK @ |
11th September 2013, 06:55 PM
Yes , You can eligible for the IES with completing Electronics Engineering
IES stands for Indian Engineering Service This exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission once in a year Eligibility : The candidate should be a citizen of India The candidate must have complete the graduation in engineering from any recognized university The candidate minimum age limit is 21 years & Maximum age limit is 30 years Age Relaxation as on govt rules OBC: 3 years SC/ST: 5 years No. Of attempts: General Candidates: 4 attempts OBC: 7 attempts SC/ST: No limit of Attempts Selection Process : Civil Service Aptitude Test / Preliminary Examination Main Exam Interview |
12th September 2013, 01:56 AM
Hi Friend.....................
IES Stands for Indian Engineering Service examination and this examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission Once in a year. If you have completed Engineering course then also you are applicable for IES exam OR If you have M.Sc degree in Physics , Radio Physics then you are applicable for IES exam. Those candidate have completed engineering degree with below given department are applicable for IES exam- 1.Civil Engineering 2.Electrical Engineering 3.Mechanical engineering. 4.Electronics and Communication Engineering. Age :- Your minimum age should be 21 years. Your age should not be above 28 years. Exam Syllabus and Pattern details :- Paper I (Objective Paper) - Total Marks 600. General ability test and General studies - Total Duration 2 hours. Engineering Paper I - Total Duration 2 hours. Engineering Paper II - Total Duration 2 hours. Paper II (Conventional Paper) - Total Marks 600. Engineering Paper I - Total duration will be 3 hours. Engineering Paper II - Total duration will be 3 hours. |
12th September 2013, 02:50 PM
Yes you are eligible for Engineering Services exam if you have done B.Tech in Electronics Engineering.Engineering Graduates are only eligible for this examination. So don't worry and start your preparation.
The exam is conducted by UPSC and the recruitment is done in the following engineering services in Central Government: -Civil Engineering Services -Mechanical Engineering Services -Electronics Engineering Services -Electrical Engineering Services. Age Limit : General Category : 21 to 30 years OBC Category : 21 to 33 years SC/ST Category : 21 to 35 years Selection Procedure: -Written Exam which will have questions related to your Engineering stream. -Interview So be prepared for it and revise everything that you have studied in Engineering. For more information visit http://www.upsc.gov.in |
13th September 2013, 10:56 AM
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If you have completed your Bachelor Engineering Degree course, then you are eligible to apply for IES Examination, But your written exam subjects are -CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING. You can choose any one subject from these . M.Sc Degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering are also applicable for IES Exam. Yes , You are applicable for IES exam but you should choose any one subject from four -CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING . From my point of view you can choose ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING subject as a written exam . Final year student also eligible for IES exam . The applicant age should be in between 21 yrs to 30 yrs. Number of Attempts: General Category:4 attempts OBC Category:7 attempts SC/ST Category: No limit Pattern for IES exam :- ![]() For more information about IES Exam , you may log into visit http://upsc.gov.in . |
11th May 2014, 04:08 AM
Yes. You are eligible to give IES Exam after completion of your Graduation in Electronics Engineering.
Not only this stream, all the candidates who have completed Graduation in Engineering with any of the stream are eligible to apply for IES Exam. In addition, there is no specific percentage of marks criteria required for the candidates in Engineering course in order to apply for this Exam. But the thing is you have to opt for any one of the following Engineering Services while applying for IES Exam. Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering. I suggest you to apply for ECE as you have done your Graduation with the same stream itself. Your nationality should be India and you should possess the following age criteria to be eligible for this Exam. For General category : 21-30 years of age For OBC category : 21-33 years of age For SC or ST category : 21-35 years of age You can have good preparation for this exam and attempt it well. Wish you all the best. |