1st April 2011, 10:15 PM
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How should I improve my English?

As you know that in our whole world,in any field we have to speak in english,so first we have to improve our english,

2nd April 2011, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

English is very much essential for every individual in this competitive world to survive.

Improving English is not that much difficult. Only thing needed is intention to develop it and putting strong efforts.

Many persons speak English but there will be number of grammatical errors in those sentences.Because of which the other person may understand the meaning in another way. Such an importance is there for Grammar.

So I would suggest you to focus on various aspects of grammar and be good at them especially with tenses.

Once you are strong enough in grammar, obviously you can frame sentences on your own and can speak a sentence in several ways which are acceptable.

Any person who is desirous of good at English, should be good at LSRW aspects.

Listening to English news channels carefully and several lectures will help you to improve your English. Try to inculcate this habit.

Because of the listening, you may put into practice some of the words or sentences that you heard in your conversations and you may also build up vocabulary.

Similarly extensive reading will let you as a source of knowledge. Once knowledge is there in your mind, you can use that content for several ways.

Go through English news papers regularly.

Try to speak in English with parents, friends and other persons, get feed back from them and let them to intimate you about your mistake and ensue that you will not repeat the same mistakes again.
2nd April 2011, 07:35 AM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

u should try to speak english in ur daily routine.
The easiest way is to listen english music and movies. U should try this.
2nd April 2011, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

Any person who is desirous of good at English, should be good at LSRW aspects.


i. Observe the mouth movements of those who speak English well and try to imitate them.

When you are watching television, observe the mouth movements of the speakers. Repeat what they are saying, while imitating the intonation and rhythm of their speech.

ii. Until you learn the correct intonation and rhythm of English, slow your speech down.

If you speak too quickly, and with the wrong intonation and rhythm, native speakers will have a hard time understanding you.

Don't worry about your listener getting impatient with your slow speech -- it is more important that everything you say be understood.

iii. Listen to the 'music' of English.

Do not use the 'music' of your native language when you speak English. Each language has its own way of 'singing'.

iv. Use the dictionary.

Try and familiarise yourself with the phonetic symbols of your dictionary. Look up the correct pronunciation of words that are hard for you to say.

v. Make a list of frequently used words that you find difficult to pronounce and ask someone who speaks the language well to pronounce them for you.

Record these words, listen to them and practice saying them. Listen and read at the same time.

vi. Buy books on tape.

Record yourself reading some sections of the book. Compare the sound of your English with that of the person reading the book on the tape.

vii. Pronounce the ending of each word.

Pay special attention to 'S' and 'ED' endings. This will help you strengthen the mouth muscles that you use when you speak English.

viii. Read aloud in English for 15-20 minutes every day.

Research has shown it takes about three months of daily practice to develop strong mouth muscles for speaking a new language.

ix. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes.

Many people hate to hear the sound of their voice and avoid listening to themselves speak. However, this is a very important exercise because doing it will help you become conscious of the mistakes you are making.

x. Be patient.

You can change the way you speak but it won't happen overnight. People often expect instant results and give up too soon. You can change the way you sound if you are willing to put some effort into it.
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2nd April 2011, 12:50 PM
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Smile Re: How should I improve my English?

Originally Posted by shaim View Post
As you know that in our whole world,in any field we have to speak in english,so first we have to improve our english,
How to Improve English

You can speak good english, but what you have to do? Train Your self. You can train your self by speaking English in your daily life.Never think about you are speaking correctly or not only then you can removw your hesitation.
Follow the certain tips to improve your english

1.Try to observe the mouth movements of those
who speak english well.
For example while watching
T.V observe the mouth movements and try to speak
like them.

2.Listen the English music. Its good if you have
english music with its lyrics.

3.Use the dictionary. This will help you in improving
your vocabulary.

4.Read english lession 15-20 minutes every day.

5.You can study the following books for the english speaking

English Pronunciation For International Students by Paulette Wainless Dale, Lillian Poms

Spoken English by R K Bansal and J B Harrison

Essential English Grammar by Murphy (Cambridge)
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2nd April 2011, 01:12 PM
kantamani vijaya
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Thumbs up Re: How should I improve my English?

Try to speak in English as far as you can.Make a habit of reading novels,vocabulary books and find out the meanings of new words which you don't know.Watch English channels like BBC,animal planet,but don't learn the way others speak, make your own way of speaking.All the besthttp://entrance-exam.net/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif.
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2nd April 2011, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

Originally Posted by shaim View Post
As you know that in our whole world,in any field we have to speak in english,so first we have to improve our english,
you can improve ur english by talking to others in english,and by reading newspapers,don't feel shy while u talk to others.speak and speak untill u get fluent english
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2nd April 2011, 01:28 PM
kapila Chaudhary
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

  1. Keep something with you to read :book, newspaper or magazine,you never know when you might have 5 spare minutes.
  2. Use the dictionary.
  3. Concentrate on each skills :Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking
  4. Books to help you improve your English:
    Essential English Grammar by Murphy (Cambridge)
    Spoken English by R K Bansal and J B Harrison
    Pronounce It Perfectly In English (book and three audio cassettes) by Jean Yates, Barrons Educational Series
    English Pronunciation For International Students by Paulette Wainless Dale, Lillian Poms
  5. Watch the English news on television channels like Star World, CNN, BBC and English movies on Star Movies and HBO.

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2nd April 2011, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

first thing you should know is that if you to do good in your life the you should
know how to speak English .

learning English is not that hard it only requires is that you should
communicate with people and should have confidence in yourself.people
thinks that if you are speaking English then you should be very fluent and
should speak English grammatical correct but thats not the case some time it
is not necessary that you should speak grammatically correct English .

but it is always better if you speak English which is free from any type of error

the best way to improve English :

1.you should read news paper and if you come up with any word whose meaning
you dont know then you should note it

2.speak with your friends in English

3.speak in front of mirror to get confidence

4.read grammar books

5. improve your vocabulary

6.watch English movies and news

the best book you should try is ::
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2nd April 2011, 02:06 PM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

Hello friend,
There are many ways by which you can improve your English and the most effective one is by speaking it as much as you can. Try and speak in English most of the time. Its always better to communicate in English with someone who has a good knowledge of the language. The person will correct you whenever you make a mistake. You must also read English newspapers, magazines etc. to improve your language.By reading newspapers and magazines you will come through new words and phrases which will provide you good command over the language. The more you practice, better will be the outcome. Apart from this, in the era of internet, learning has become easy and fun. There are many websites which has designed the ways to improve the language. Apart from this, you can also buy books and CD's available in the market which are designed to improve speaking as well as writing skills in English.
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2nd April 2011, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

You can speak fluence english. By different method:

1) Read newspaper daily
2) Story Books or like novel
3) Try to record your voice and listen and compare with others voice
4) listen music
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2nd April 2011, 04:03 PM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

If you are learning English as a second language, you can follow several tips that will
help you improve your English.
The first tip is to enroll
yourself in a class to help you
improve your English. It helps if
a person whose first language is English teaches this class. In the US, many are required
to take the Test of English as
a Foreign Language (TOEFL) in
order to work in different
types of companies, or to
continue learning at the college level. If you don’ t do great on the test the first
time, that is fine. You can
retake the test after taking
more English as a second
language (ESL) courses. If you are living in an English
speaking country, you have
many chances to improve your
English outside of class. For
example, if you have children
learning English at school, you can improve your English by
talking in English to them. Also
rent movies that are in
English, and try to watch them
without subtitles. It can also
help to watch foreign films that have subtitles in English,
so you have to read the
words to understand the film.
Watching television in English
helps improve your English too. Each time you go out to run
errands, try out a few new
words. If you take the bus,
you can improve your English
by talking to people on the
bus. Also, talk to people at the grocery store, and don’ t be afraid to ask if you don’ t understand something. Most
people are happy to tell you
what a word means. You don’ t have to say a lot to people at stores you visit, but
even practicing simple
greetings will help you improve
your English. The more you
speak with English speakers,
the more you will improve your English, both in pronunciation
and vocabulary. Reading things written in
English can really help you to
improve your English. If regular
books are too difficult, you
could start out with simple
books. Reading the newspaper and comic books can be very
helpful as well. Also listen to talk radio in
English. This also can help you
improve your English because
you are listening to good
pronunciation. Though talk
radio may not make a lot of sense at first, it makes more
sense the more you listen. Books on tape or CD are
another great way to improve
your English. Plan to listen to
these as you drive your car,
or if you are at home doing
household tasks. Many books on tape can be checked out
from libraries, so if you are
short on cash, you can still
listen to many selections for
free. Set a goal for learning a few
words a day to improve your
English. Make a list of the
words you want to learn each
week, and study them
carefully. Try to use them in conversation, and don’ t be worried if you get them wrong
at first. Many Internet sites also have
English exercises you can do to
help you improve your English.
Many of these sites offer free
activities and can be a great
way to continue to learn new words. Also participating on
English chat sites can help you
learn more English. In all, combine as much
teaching and practice in both
written and spoken English. If
an English speaking country is
your new home, this is very
important. Being able to speak and write English well can
make finding jobs easier. Also,
if you have children learning
English, they will really benefit
if you are learning with them.
They will have opportunities to practice at home, and will
learn much more quickly.
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2nd April 2011, 05:56 PM
Rohit Vashisht
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

The best way to learn english is to read english newspaper daily.

It is not ultimate effort yet effective in understanding the uses of diffrent words. One can never be familier with all the word, but by reading newspaper the words which came to use in our daily use will be known to you.

Along with this yourself confident speaker by reading aloud.
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2nd April 2011, 07:07 PM
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Some of the tips to improve your english skills are as follows....

It is very important to know the basic grammar in english to speak, read and write well in English, there are N number of books in market which helps you to improve your basic english grammar...

Some of the recommended books are as follows...

Intermediate English Grammar - With Answers
Price - Rs. 100
To buy Online CLICK HERE!!!

English Grammar & Comp.
Price - Rs. 130
To buy Online CLICK HERE!!!
-> CONVERSE IN ENGLISH : Whenever you have a chance try to speak in english with your friends, relatives and so on.. so that you may improve your english well..

Read english newspaper and novels daily, so that you can practice more words to improve your vocabulary.. going through one page in english dictionary a day will help you a lot to improve your english words...
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2nd April 2011, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

First dont go for these one or two month courses , they will just dupe you.
You should have confidence to speak in english, for that read newspaper daily, underline the words which you dont understand, then revise them daily.
Read some novel to get fluency.
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2nd April 2011, 09:58 PM
dinesh mahor
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

join english speeking classes.
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3rd April 2011, 03:09 AM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

Hello friend English is not a language which can't be improved in a day .
For this you have to try consistently and only then you can get your flow in English .
For this read English newspaper editorials,create as many English friends as you can ,Watch English Movies.And for increasing vocabs hear to as many English as you can .
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3rd April 2011, 03:03 PM
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Thumbs up Re: How should I improve my English?

Hi friend,

As you say english is an very important language to be known in our life.

English is called as living language because it can be learned easily.

To improve your english knowledge just do get feared. Make your self confident.

speak in english as much as you can even if it is wrong don't worry about it.

learn more english novels and news papers to update your english knowledge

and learn more words.

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21st April 2011, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: How should I improve my English?

Originally Posted by shaim View Post
As you know that in our whole world,in any field we have to speak in english,so first we have to improve our english,
start reading english novels and if you come to new vocab than write it down in note and than see its meaning in dictionary.
and try to read as many novels or magazines and anything that you come across and speak with your friends.
all the best
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6th September 2011, 12:15 AM
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dear in this world become perfect in not possible but if you will remove your inabilities then you can speak good in english to improve English you should read one book that is
in this book every type of sentences with example and explanation is given which will help you more to learn.ok read this book
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