4th June 2012, 03:34 AM
How will I become a CBI officer?
how i will becum CBI officer?...please give me some tips for the same
4th June 2012, 04:58 AM
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CBI i.e Central bureau of Investigation is one of the a specialized wing in India which deals with many popular cases with police and finds out the motive of the crime and the culprit . To join in CBI you need to write the CGPE EXAM also called SSC conducted by UPSC every year for recruitment in the CBI.The examination is done for the following post :: Senior Public Prosecutor (SPP). Sub-Inspector Assistant Public Prosecutor Pattern of the examination :: The examination is done in three phases :: Written test Interview Medical Test. The paper in examination consists of following questions General Intelligence Reasoning General Awareness Numerical Aptitude English Comprehension Eligibility :: You should be between 20-25 years as on 1st January of the year of examination. The upper age limit may be relaxed in respect of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes. You must posses degree of a recognized University. |
4th June 2012, 04:59 AM
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If you want to become a CBI officer you need to clear certain stages of an entrance test which is called SSC(Staff Selection Commision) exam. So work hard for it and yeah you should be minimum of 165 Cm. So be prepared and best of Luck For CBI you need to be satisfied with below criteria. Central bureau of Investigation i.e CBI is Government undertaking best Inquiring Agencies in India. Joining into CBI is through CGPE i.e Combined Graduate Preliminary Exam which is Conducted by SSC (Staff Selection Board) Every Year. This Exam is held Once a year which is in the Month of February. Requirements for Joining CBI or Eligibility Critiera :- Eligibility Educational Qualification :- You must be Graduation courses in Criminology For making Yourself Eligible For CBI. For Graduation in Criminology in Different University in India you must be 12th passed. Syllabus: The syllabus for a course in Criminology usually includes - Principles of Criminology, Psychology of Crime, Criminal Law, Police Administration, Forensic Science and Medicine, Juvenile Delinquency, Correctional Management and Rehabilitation of Criminals etc. You age must be lie in between 18 to 27 years For Inspectors or CE and Div. Acctts or Auditors or UDCs,20 to 27 years for Assistant Grade & SIs in CBI and 20 to 25 years for SIs in CPOs Pattern Of the Exam consists of Part I and Part II In part I it consist of Paper I and Paper II which is of 400 Marks Total.General Test is 200 marks and English Language is of 200 Marks. In Part II it consists of Interview which is of 100 Marks Total. In order to Get into CBI you need to Clear both the parts individually. CBI Official Website |
4th June 2012, 05:00 AM
Hi dear,
A candidate can apply for the post of CBI through Combined Graduate Preliminary Examination. This examination is conducted by the SSC every year. The Combined Graduate Preliminary examination is conducted for the posts of Assistants, Inspectors and Sub- Inspectors, Divisional Accountants, Junior Accountants, Auditors in various governmental agencies like the Railways, Central Vigilance Commission, Central Excise, Income Tax, CBI, Central Police Organizations etc. Qualifications required to become join CBI? Education qualification To apply for the post of CBI a candidate should be graduate in any discipline from a recognized university. Those appeared in the final year examination are also eligible to apply for this examination. Age Limit For the post of CBI candidate age should be between 18 to 27 years. For more information on CBI visit the below web site. www.ssc.nic.in Thanks |
4th June 2012, 09:09 AM
dear frd, I am very happy u have great aim [IMG] 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCACSALIDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAQUBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECBQYHAwQI/8QAORAAAQMDAgQEBAQFBAMBAAAAAQIDBAAFEQYhEhMxQQdRYXE UIjKBI0KRsRUWUmKhM3KSwRc0Y4L/xAAaAQEBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUG/8QAJREAAgIBAwQCAwEAAAAAAAAAAAECEQMEEiETMUFRFGEFI/Ai/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDJzRRS19Q2N70Zpe9NNA2Kc0lL2oNQgdq VtJUtKEglSiAAO57Cm1YtCQvir0p44AjtjgWogBLizwpO/kOI/apJ7VYuifsmnkWeMi5TeQrkuYkFx0pwnGVBs+Y2+f0IBFeSXr2 TIfRB0/BWQVnkp+jJ68WB8xO2d1D2FefxHufOuP8ACoy1GMwBtnoOqU7E j1OPMeVV+xQLlNujDVkbdXOzlst/l8ySdgMHqa87TktzZHbJ83vWccuPOQUhISC6dweBPqF52yfbNS mntXW+8cm33ZjlrbbCGNwNsYAC+pHTZWc1ISfDnVqLUt9F9TIl lHzwkoA4h3SHDsT9gPUVmd0tcq2SlxJsZ2LJawFNuDBHkfUeRF csTU7p8hxZadXaaahtG42zBiKJKkhJTgA44gD03IyOgyPUCpEY OK0zRNzVfLKmLK4lOtuFCsD6lhGyiBjIUnKTn3xmqBeoJtlyfh kKCUEFHF14TuP06favRjm29sip2eGlTSUA13A7FJiikoUcBSgU 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hTEJZOwSsqQFKHvivHA1/bokKC2mNdWH2bmufIMdaOB0rJKkdQSncYz5V6oniBp6Lr+Vqj4 C6IbkxeUthCW1EuEgKV9XThSnv1BpcnutA9HhDdJl0n3pyc7zX f4MloKAweFIIT/AIrpfHQz4YaAEYYR/EGFKA2yoBRP+Sar3h/qux6PuNxkOR7nLakN8lkJQ2CGs5+cE/V7bVIWPW+m2bOxY71bbjIgQpYkwHEcJcbwoqSF7gZ3I2yMGpOP +uEDS2zEi+Id4EkNhmfaIynwR1+ZSN/sQPtWaeMtuFs1BbWgorCLa2ykq3ylCiAffBpP50tl51BqGbe3p EKPPt4hxAyyXFNJ3wTjuDv9/SobWOpU6mZs7iisy4cVcd9ak8Ic+YcKh7gZI7VrFFxmnQRWT1p 6OtMxT2+te1G0Pc2ANcj1rs59I964kb0ZX3D70UuKKgO9y/8Afe9/+q81FFaRl9wppooowwT1px6j2ooogIOtIetFFQyxiutHeiioQW koop4DE70qulFFZQE707tRRWmAronoKKKpY9w7muiOtFFEbQ9f Qe9cvzUUU8mmOoooqkP/2Q==[/IMG] The Central Bureau of Investigation is an agency which detects crime and helps to solve cases. It is also responsible for matters relating to the national security The CBI is controlled by the Ministry of Personnel headed by the Union Minister who reports directly to the Prime Minister of India. The CBI is acknowledged as the authorized Interpol unit of our country. It is headed by a Director. He will be an IPS officer of the rank of Commissioner of Police (CP) or Director General of Police (DGP). The details regarding the entrance exam, application form and the other information will be published in the Employment News. Qualifying Exam Candidates who wish to join the CBI must write the Union Public Service Commission Examination. Those candidates who have completed their graduation with a minimum of 55% marks are eligible to appear for this exam. Who is eligible to apply? Candidates who are applying for the UPSC examination must be citizens of India. They must be atleast 20 years at the time of applying. SC/ST/OBC candidates must be atleast 30 years when they apply. The candidates who qualify in the written test will be later called for a Physical Test and Interview. How to prepare for exam and interview? Candidates who are appearing for the UPSC examination must be well informed on current matters. They must be familiar with all the happenings around them. Since the written test will include, essay writing, comprehension, précis writing and vocabulary, it is important that the candidates have a good knowledge in English. Candidates who are appearing for the written test can prepare themselves by going for coaching. They can also study by themselves by reading articles. More information on the CBI can also be gathered from the internet. Question papers of the preceding years will be available from all book stores. Maintaining the fixed time is very crucial in examinations; therefore, extensive practice using previous years question papers will help the candidate to increase their speed in answering questions within the time frame. When the candidates approach the panel that conducts the interview, they must be calm and honest while answering. It is always better to take some time before answering a question than giving a reply hurriedly. This will give them some time to think over their answers. The candidates must also make sure that they answer in a direct manner. all the best...... |
4th June 2012, 09:29 AM
![]() ![]() Hi dear.......... The eligibility criteria for CBI officer are as follows......... ![]() This exam is conducted through UPSC for more details visit official website of UPSC. http://www.upsc.gov.in Good luck........... |
4th June 2012, 11:17 AM
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the only direct recruitment to CBI is to the post of SUb -Inspectors in CBI. SSC , conducts a exam every year called CGL (Combined Graduate Level) ,, for variuous posts which includes Sub Inspectors in CBI. You to write that exam . http://ssc.nic.in/SSC.html |
4th June 2012, 11:21 AM
![]() ![]() CBI Stands Central Bureau of Investigation It have following fields Criminal Investigation body National Security Agency Intelligence Agency Mainly three type of job career can be pursed in different department of CBI they are in Scientific Department State crime investigation Bureau Finger Print Bureau Qualification Details : Complete a degree in any stream from a recognized university or equivalent Age limit between 21 to 30 years age relaxation as per govt rules Physical Stands : ![]() Examination Pattern : Part I : Written Examination Carrying 400 marks General Test General Intelligence & Reasoning General Awareness Numerical Ability Part II : Personality Test carrying 100 marks English Language Language Comprehension Communication / writing Ability Test for more details : http://www.upsc.gov.in By Ravikanth2027 |
4th June 2012, 02:06 PM
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hi friend... first of all you must under go the civil service examination which is being conducted by the UPSC. the second thing you must hold any bachelor degree of any stream. age limit:20 years on 1st july on the year of examination and must not have obtained 27 years of age on that day. all the best!!!! |
4th June 2012, 03:01 PM
There are following ways of joining CBI Officer. (1) Officers are taken from deputation from state police and para military forces (2) Direct recruitment - through combined graduate entry exam for sub-inspectors. (3) Directly through IPS (4) Legal officers/prosecuters through legal stream (5) An experts from various government organisations including banks ,sebi, through deputation.
4th June 2012, 08:46 PM
![]() ![]() >> CBI : Central Bureau of Investigation . >> SSC (Staff Selection Commission) conducts CBI Examination every year usually in the month of February. . >> Eligibility Criteria for CBI Exam : . 1. Qualification : Degree of a recognized university or equivalent. . 2. Age Limit : 20 years - 25 years . 3. CBI Exam Application Forms : The application form can be transferred from the official website of SSC and designated Post Offices. . 4. Selection Procedure : Selection based on written test, personal interview and according to rules and regulations of the government of India. . 5. Exam Pattern : . >> Part I - Written Examination carrying 400 marks : 1. General Test 2. General Intelligence and Reasoning 3. General Awareness 4. Numerical Ability . >> Part II - Personality Test (interview) carrying 100 marks : 1. English language 2. Language Comprehension 3. Communication/Writing 4. Ability Test . >> For more details, refer to http://www.cbi.gov.in |
4th June 2012, 09:40 PM
I am 28 yrs old , is there any chance 4 me 2 bcome CBI officer my email add: [email protected]
5th June 2012, 12:39 AM
CBI(Central Bureau of Investigation), to become a CBI officer you must have to apply CGPE(Combined Graduate Preliminary Exam) and this exam is conducted by the SSC(Staff Selection Commission). Eligibility criteria: The candidate should be complete graduation in any stream from a recognised university. Being a final year candidates are also eligible for this exam. The candidate must be a citizen of india. Age criteria; Age limits for general category is 20 years to 27 years, Age limits for OBC category is 20 years to 30 years, Age limits for SC/ST category is 20 years to 32 years. Selection process; Preliminary exam, Mains exam, Interview. Physical requirements; Height: 165 cms, Chest:- 76 cms with an expansion. For more details visit http://www.ssc.nic.in All the best. |
29th June 2012, 09:29 PM
To become a CBI officer, you need to complete your B.Com first. Graduation is the essential qualification to get in to Officer Positions in CBI. You will need to appear for SSC exam so as to get selection for this post. You can get specific information about vacant positions in CBI from official website. You can forward application for suitable posts in CBI via online. Minimum age limit to attend this exam is 21 years. Maximum age limit required for this exam is 27 years. The SSC exam for CBI officer post will cover questions relating to subject areas like GK, Language and Comprehension, General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Ability etc. If you get through written examination you will have to attend Physical Test and personal interview as well.
30th June 2012, 12:04 AM
hi dear,
CBI stands for Central bureau of Investigation. To become a CBI officer SSC(Staff Selection Commission) conducts a exam CGPE(Combind Graduate Preliminary Exam ),you must have apply for it. Eligibilty Criteria: The candidate must have complete their graduation degree. Final year candidate can also give the exam The candidate must be Indian. Age Criteria: 20 to 27 for General 20 to 30 for OBC 20 to 32 for SC/ST The CBI officer has three stages: Priliminary exam Main exam Interview For more detial: http://www.ssc.nic.in. Good Luck |
30th June 2012, 09:10 AM
![]() Quote:
this exam will be conduct by SSC. eligibility candidate should have complete graduation from recognized university candidate age should be in between 20- 27 year candidate must be indian there is three steps to get job in cbi preliminary mains interview for more details: http://www.ssc.nic.in/ |
27th July 2012, 10:18 PM
Hello Sir, i graduate student from b.a stream,with polictics as a special subject,i want to become and C.B.I or I.B officer,i have given exam of SSC.(CGL) 2012 1ST july,pls guide me for more.n i am waiting for my reault and how to cheack my CGL result,is result will cum by post at home or we have to see on official SSC site..THANKS..!!
27th July 2012, 10:26 PM
Hello Sir,i am graduate student from B.A stream with Politics as my speacial subject,i want to become C.B.I OR I.B OFFICER,i have given excam of CGL conducted by SSC this year(2012) on 1st july,pls guide me how i have to me ready for my interview and main exam and also pls adv i m waiting for my reault of CGL,is result is cuming by post or we have to cheack through official website of SSC..THANKS CHETAN..!!
18th August 2012, 01:46 PM
i am a gradutate student from B.A steam with LINGUISTICS as my main subject and english literature nd economics as subsidiary subject. i want to become CBI officer.. can u plzz tell me the job for forensic linguist in crimanal branch? |
22nd September 2012, 12:10 AM
Hello everyone!!! to be cbi officer is my dream... i am only of 12 years old but dreams are of age 18. its my dream to have batches on my shoulders and have responsibility of my nation. Give best wishes to me to have courage,power. I want to be so powerful that i can lead the nation with respect and no crime left............
30th September 2012, 08:50 PM
Hi dear,
CBI i.e Central bureau of Investigation is one of the a specialized wing in India which deals with many popular cases with police and finds out the motive of the crime and the culprit . To join in CBI you need to write the CGPE EXAM also called SSC conducted by UPSC every year for recruitment in the CBI.The examination is done for the following post :: Senior Public Prosecutor (SPP). Sub-Inspector Assistant Public Prosecutor Pattern of the examination :: The examination is done in three phases :: Written test Interview Medical Test. The paper in examination consists of following questions General Intelligence Reasoning General Awareness Numerical Aptitude English Comprehension Eligibility :: You should be between 20-25 years as on 1st January of the year of examination. The upper age limit may be relaxed in respect of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes. You must posses degree of a recognized University. Thanks |
1st October 2012, 12:47 AM
![]() **candidate can join CBI as a sub inspector through combined graduate level examination. The Combined graduate level exam is conducted at the All India level every year by the Staff selection commission. This common entrance examination is conducted for the various departments like Income tax department, Intelligence bureau, Central bureau, Investigator etc. **The eligibility required for the Combined graduate level examination is given below : Education Qualification **Candidate applying for the combined graduate level examination should be graduate in any discipline from the recognized university. ** Those appeared in the final year examination are also eligible to apply for the SSC combined graduate level examination. Age Limit **For the Central bureau of Investigation department for the post of sub inspector candidate age should be between 20-27 years. **Relaxation in age is given to reserved category candidates as per the govt. norms. entrance examination is conducted in 2 stages. Candidates qualify in the stage 1 examination will be called for the stage 2 examination. And the qualified candidates of stage 2 will be called for the interview test later. For more information on combined graduate level examination you can also visit: www.ssc.nic.in regards......santhosh...... |
14th November 2012, 09:08 PM
hello sir, i want to become a cbi officer but i'm a B.E.(mechanical),pre-final year student... is it possible?? can i able to become a cbi officer with engg.degree?? if possible na how can i apply for that?? how to prepare for myself to become cbi personnel....
8th January 2013, 08:13 PM
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In order to become CBI Officer,you will have to appear in IB(Intelligence Bureau) Exam. In order to appear in this Exam,you will require the following Eligibility:- Educational qualification:- >>You must be passed out in a 3 year Degree course in any stream from recognized university. >>Your degree should be approved from the UGC. Age details:- >>Your minimum age should be 18 years. >>Your age should not be above 28 years. Age Relaxation Details:- >>If you belong from the OBC category then you will get 3 years of Age Relaxations. >>If you belong from the SC/ST then you will get 5 years of age Relaxations. Marks:- >>In order to appear in this exam your minimum marks should be 60%. >>If you belong from the SC/ST then your minimum marks should be 50%. Syllabus for this Exam:- Questions wsill be asked from the Four Sections.These are:- >>Quantitative Aptitude. >>Numerical ability. >>English Grammer. >>General Knowledge. Exam Pattern:- >>All questions will be Objective type with 4 options. >>Total number of questions will be 100. >>Total Marks for this Exam will be 100. >>Total Duration for this Exam wsill be 2 hours. Its Official wsebsite is http://wwws.mha.nic.in |
20th January 2013, 07:58 AM
CBI i.e Central bureau of Investigation is one of the a specialized wing in India which
deals with many popular cases with police and finds out the motive of the crime and the culprit . Education Qualification:== **Candidate applying for the combined graduate level examination should be graduate in any discipline from the recognized university. ** Those appeared in the final year examination are also eligible to apply for the SSC combined graduate level examination. Age Limit **For the Central bureau of Investigation department for the post of sub inspector candidate age should be between 20-27 years. **Relaxation in age is given to reserved category candidates as per the govt. norms. entrance examination is conducted in 2 stages. Candidates qualify in the stage 1 examination will be called for the stage 2 examination. And the qualified candidates of stage 2 will be called for the interview test later. |
20th January 2013, 03:37 PM
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The examination is done in three phases :: Written test Interview Medical Test. The paper in examination consists of following questions General Intelligence Reasoning General Awareness Numerical Aptitude English Comprehension Eligibility :: You should be between 20-25 years as on 1st January of the year of examination. The upper age limit may be relaxed in respect of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes. You must posses degree of a recognized University. |
20th January 2013, 04:38 PM
it is pride to work for your country by joining CBI. CBI i.e Central bureau of Investigation is one of the a specialized wing in India which deals with many popular cases with police and finds out the motive of the crime and the culprit . To join in CBI you need to write the CGPE EXAM also called SSC conducted by UPSC every year for recruitment in the CBI.The examination is done for the following post :: Senior Public Prosecutor (SPP). Sub-Inspector Assistant Public Prosecutor Pattern of the examination :: The examination is done in three phases :: Written test Interview Medical Test. The paper in examination consists of following questions General Intelligence Reasoning General Awareness Numerical Aptitude English Comprehension Eligibility :: You should be between 20-25 years as on 1st January of the year of examination. The upper age limit may be relaxed in respect of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes. You must posses degree of a recognized University. |
20th January 2013, 04:55 PM
If you want to become a CBI stands for Central bureau of Investigation officer for that you can join through combined graduate level examination. The Combined graduate level exam is conducted at the All India level every year by the Staff selection commission. This common entrance examination is conductedfor the various departments like Income tax department, Intelligence bureau, Central bureau, Investigator etc entrance examination is conducted in 2 stages. Candidates qualify in the stage 1 examination will be called for the stage 2 examination. And the qualified candidates ofstage 2 will be called for the interview test later you will require the following Eligibility:- Educational qualification:- >>You must be passed out in a 3 year Degree course in any stream from recognized university. >>Your degree should be approved from the UGC. Age details:- >>Your minimum age should be 18 years. >>Your age should not be above 28 years. Age Relaxation Details:- >>If you belong from the OBC category then you will get 3 years of Age Relaxations. >>If you belong from the SC/ST then you will get 5 years of age Relaxations. good luck..... |
20th January 2013, 09:10 PM
To become a CBI officer you have to appear the exams conducted by UPSC. It is called the Combined Graduate Level Examination. This exam is held once a year for the post of Sub-Inspectors of Police in Central Bureau of Investigation. The eligibility criterion is graduation with 50 per cent marks. Also, age of the candidate should not exceed 25 years. The application forms and other particulars are published in the Employment News in the month of October.
The Scheme of the Examination will be conducted in three Tiers. They are Written Examination, which is a Objective Multiple Choice Type, Main Written Examination which is also Objective Multiple Choice Type and Personality Test /Interview or Skill Test. Candidates opting for post of Sub-Inspector in CPOs will have to undergo Physical Endurance Test (PET)/ Medical Examination at any convenient time after declaration of result of Tier I. The duration of Tier 1 is two hours. The areas of assessment include general intelligence and reasoning, general awareness, numerical ability and English Comprehension. The area of assessment in Tier 2 is English Language and Comprehension. For more details, log on to www.cbi.gov.in and http://ssc.nic.in |
21st January 2013, 04:23 PM
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hi friend, ![]()
Selection Process:
all the best...... |
22nd January 2013, 02:59 PM
hiiiiii friend . .
CBI ( Central Bureau of Investigation ) is a specilaized wing of India. Mostly people in India wish to apply for the post of CBI but it is not that much easy to get selected.CBI selection will be done in 3 stages Stage 1: Written test Stage 2: Interview Stage 3: Physical fitness test From above 3 stages,we can understand the needs of CBI exam. In order to attend stage 1,candidates should finish their graduation with atleast 55%. For the completion of second stage, candidates should gain communication skills and aptitude. Last but not least, candidates should and must have physical fitness. |
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