15th August 2011, 01:44 AM
Maximum number of attempts for IES Exam?
how many attempts r available in IES? because this time i am not so confident to crack the exam.
15th August 2011, 04:11 PM
IES (Indian Engineering Services) Exam is going to be conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) once in a year.
In order to be eligible for IES Exam, one should be an Engineering Graduate or equivalent from any recognized university. One should be in the age group of 21-30 years by 1st August of the year in which the exam is being conducted. There will be relaxation in upper age limit for the candidates of SC & ST and for OBC candidates too. There will be no limit on the number of attempts for IES Exam. One can attempt for IES Exam any number of times if he possess the required age for the Exam. The medium of examination is in English only. |
15th August 2011, 04:19 PM
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there is no limit on the number of attempts for the ies exam. you can give the exam any number of times. any student who have done b.tech (mechanical. civil, electrical, electronics and telecommunication) with at least 60% marks is eligible for the exam. there is age limit of 21 to 30 years for the exam. this age limit can increase for 5 more years for the students of sc/st community. you can give the exam any number of times before crossing the age limit. |
15th August 2011, 05:48 PM
maximum no. of attempts is 4..............................no more than 4 attempts is given to the any person.................
15th August 2011, 07:04 PM
hello dear
Maximum number of attempts you can for IES Exam, is depends on your age. age limit for IES Exam 21-28 years. so with in the age age limit, you can appear all the time. other criteria which are required for the IES Exam is given below 1.minimum graduation in engineering from recognized university or college. 2.minimum 55% marks in engineering. 3.age limit 21-28 years.. all the best........ |
15th August 2011, 07:56 PM
Maximum number of attempts for IES exam:
For general category candidates 4 attempts For OBC category candidates 7 attempts For SC/ST category candidte unlimited attempts. For more details,see this attachments. |
15th August 2011, 08:10 PM
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You must be a graduate in engineering from any recognized university or equivalent qualification.The candidates who are appearing in the final semester of the examination can also apply for this examination. Your engineering degree in Civil-Mechanical-Electrical-Electronics and Tel communication. or M.Sc degree in Wireless communication,electronics,radio physics & radio engineering. your age should between 21 years to 30 years of age at the time of appearing. Maximum number of attempts for IES Exam :-
If you are belongs to general candidates you should have a four attempts to appear for this examination. |
15th August 2011, 08:40 PM
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IES exam is conducted by UPSC and this exam is conducted for candidates to join in Indian Engineering Organizations. If you want to apply for this exam you must satisfy certain eligibility criteria's and they are: Eligibility for IES: First of all the candidate must be a citizen of India. The candidate must have a age limit of 21-30 years. For SC/ST candidates it is 35 For OBC it is 33 For Ex-service men it is 5 years exception. The candidates must have a degree in engineering/Technology from a recognized university. The candidates are selected through 2 stages: Written test Personality test/interview Attempts: For SC/ST there is no limit For OBC it is 7 For General it is 4 All the best. |
15th August 2011, 10:07 PM
IES means Indian Engineering Service exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission. To be eligible for that you must be a Engineering Graduate. The number of attempts allowed for IES exams has no limit. You can attempt for any number of times.
16th August 2011, 12:26 AM
IES exam is also conducted by UPSC but unlike IAS exam it has no restriction on the number of attempts provided for the candidate to apply for the exam. The only restriction is age.
The candidate appearing for the exam must be of age between 21-30 years. The candidates must not be above 30 years at the time of exam. Candidates of SC/ST are given 5 years of age relaxation and OBC candidates have 3 years age relaxation. So, one can attempt the IES exam any number of times but being of the required age as mentioned. |
18th August 2011, 01:26 PM
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ELIGIBLE DEPARTMENT OF IES EXAM:- IES is eligible for given below department of engineering. 1.Civil Engineering 2.Electrical Engineering 3.Mechanical engineering. 4.Electronics and Communication Engineering. The applicant age should between 21 yrs to 30 yrs. NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS: 4 attempts for General category candidates 7 attempts for OBC category candidates Unlimited attempts for sc/st category candidates For more details & updated information visit www.upsc.gov.in all the best. |
15th February 2012, 06:01 PM
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i am confused .... some says unlimited attempts and some say four.. please tell me one of them after conforming carefully... |
12th March 2012, 06:21 PM
Eligibility ::
AGE - 21 to 30 years as on 1st august of the year of exam.There has been an age relaxation upto 3 years for OBC candidate and 5 years for Sc/ST candidate. Educational Qualification - Engineering degree or equivalent degree from a recognized university. Fee : Rs 100 The Engineering Services Examination is conducted by the UPSC, India every year for the recruitment to the four categories of engineering services: Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & telecommunication Engineering Exam Centers :: The result of IES examination will be available on the official website of UPSC when it will be released. to check the result refer http://www.upsc.gov.in Good Luck . . . |
15th March 2013, 09:52 PM
Number of attempts :-
Civil Service Examination - General-4, OBC-7, SC/ST- No restriction IFS Examination- General-4, OBC-7, SC/ST-No restriction There is no restriction on number of attempts in any other Examination conducted by the Commission. |
15th March 2013, 09:53 PM
Number of attempts :-
Civil Service Examination - General-4, OBC-7, SC/ST- No restriction IFS Examination- General-4, OBC-7, SC/ST-No restriction There is no restriction on number of attempts in any other Examination conducted by the Commission. |
15th March 2013, 09:56 PM
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Civil Service Examination - General-4, OBC-7, SC/ST- No restriction IFS Examination- General-4, OBC-7, SC/ST-No restriction There is no restriction on number of attempts in any other Examination conducted by the Commission. |
16th March 2013, 12:48 AM
Hello visitor,
IES ("Indian Engineering Service") is conducted by UPSC once in every year. Eligibility:The candidate must hold the degree of engineering from any recognized university. Candidates who are in final year also elgible to for applying IES. Age-Limit: The minimum age is 21 years and maximum age is 30 years for apply the exam Paper Pattern:The examination has two parts Written Exam and Interview. Medium of the exam is English only. No. of Attempts: General Category students attempt exam 4 times. OBS Category students attempt exam 7 times SC/ST Category students has no limit to attempt the exam. Best of Luck Himanshu Agarwal |
16th March 2013, 03:19 PM
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Dear Friend, To apply for this exam the candidate have to qualified engineering degree from a recognized University.... Engineering degree in following discipline :
No. Attempt:
All the best........ ![]() |
16th March 2013, 07:31 PM
Hello buddy,
IES is one of the best exams for the engineers in india IES stands for indian enggineering services basically IES paper is for four core branches of engg that are >>civil engg >>mechanical engg >>electronics engg >>electronics and communication engg IES exam is conducted by UPSC(UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION) by getting selected in IES then you have an job which is equivalent to post of a IAS eligibility cretiria for IES >>nationality should be indian >>minimum age is 21 and maximum age should be 30 or less then 30 >>should be completed his/her b.tech/be or should be in final year of engg No of attempts >>for general-4 >>for obc-7 >>for sc/st-unlimted hope the above information helps you n122 |
16th March 2013, 10:44 PM
IES - Indian Engineering Service, the exam is conducted by UPSC every year. The exam is only meant for B.Tech. Graduate.
There is certain restriction on the number of attempt to IES like Civil Service Exam. General Category candidate - 4 attempts OBC category candidate - 7 attempts There is no such restriction for SC/ST category candidate. For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
17th March 2013, 12:48 AM
![]() IES - Indian Engineering Services
IES Exam Eligibility : Educational Qualification : Candidates must be complete any one degree in following stream Electrical Engineering Electronics & Communications Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering (OR) equivalent degree from a recognized university M.Sc Degree or equivalent with wireless Communication , Electronics , Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as special subjects is also acceptable for certain posts Final year students also eligible for apply Age limit : Candidates age limit not less then 21 years & not more then 30 years as on August 1st on year of conducted examination The upper age relaxation as per govt rules Number of Attempts : General Candidates : 4 Times OBC Candidates : 7 Times SC/ST Candidates : No limit Date of Examination : Last week of June in the year of conduct of examination for more details : Click Here |
19th March 2013, 01:43 AM
Hi friend..........
IES stands for Indian Engineering Service. This exam conducted by the UPSC every year. Eligibility Criteria: No of Attempts: You can required the 4 attempts to appearing this exam for General Candidates. You can required the 7 attempts to appearing this exam for OBC Candidates. You can required the No limit of attempts to appearing this exam for SC\ST Candidates. All the best................. |
19th March 2013, 01:55 PM
Hi friend,
IES stands for Indian Engineering Services. IES is conducted by UPSC under Civil Services Exam every year. Number of attempts allowed are: For General : 4 For OBC : 7 For SC/ST : Unlimited >>Age limit of a candidate is from 21 to 30 years. There is age relaxation of 3 years for OBC and of 5 years for SC and ST candidates. *The candidate must fulfill the criteria of age to take advantages of his attempts. I hope this information helps you. Best of luck...... |
19th March 2013, 04:32 PM
![]() Hai,
The acronym for IES is Indian Engineering Service. Indian Engineering Service exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. What is the eligibility.....? The candidate should be complete graduation in any of the following stream from a recognised university. Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Electronics and Communication engineering, Civil engineering. Final year graduation persuing candidates are also eligible. The applicant should be an Indian origin. IES exam did'nt need any percentage requirements. What is the age limits....? The candidates age limits should be in between 21 years to 30 years, The relaxation is given as per the govt rules that is given below. 3 years relaxation for Other Backward Classes, 5 years relaxation for Scheduled Cast/ Scheduled Tribes. What is the Selection process....? ***Civil Services Preliminary Examination, ***Civil Services Mains Examination, ***Personal Interview. How many attempts....? 4 attempts for General category candidates, 7 attempts for OBC category candidates, No limit in attempts for SC/ST category candidates. More information please visit below website www.upsc.gov.in All the best. |
19th March 2013, 05:36 PM
IES - Indian Engineering Service, the exam for which is conducted by UPSC every year for appointment of Engineers in the top technical post in various Central Govt. Dept.
The eligible candidate who have completed B.Tech. Graduation Degree in any stream preferably in Mechanical/Civil/Electrical/Electronics & Telecommunication stream within the age of 21 to 30 years , is eligible to apply for IES. The number of attempts to IES has been specified for different category candidate which are as follows:- General Category - Four Attempts OBC Category - Seven Attempts SC/ST Category - No such restriction For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
19th March 2013, 08:15 PM
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Eligibility Criteria for NDA Examination : -The candidate must have the degree of engineering from any recognized university. Candidates who are in final year also elgible to for applying IES. -The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of entrance examination. Upper age relaxation is applicable for the reservation category candidates. Eligible Branch :-- Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics. The Computer Science and Information Technology branch is not eligible for the IES examination. Number of Attempt : => General candidates - maximum 4 times. => OBC candidates - maximum 7 times. => SC/ST candidates - No limit. If you satisfy the above mention eligibility criteria then you are eligible to apply for the IES examination. Do preparation well for the upcoming IPS examination. The competition is really tough so do hard work. For any complete information regarding the IPS examination please visit the official website of UPSC : http://www.upsc.gov.in |
24th March 2013, 06:57 AM
Hi Friend............
![]() IES - Indian Engineering Services This Examination is conducted by UPSC ( Union Public Service Commission ) in yearly ones... For this, you must crack the Civil Examination No.of Attempts for Civil Examination is Maximum 4 attempts for General Candidates Maximum 7 attempts for OBC candidates No Restriction for SC/ST candidates Required Eligibility Criteria for this Educational Qualification The candidate should be complete graduation in any of the following stream from a recognised university. Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Electronics and Communication engineering, Civil engineering. Age Limit >> Candidates age should between 21 years to 30 years for general candidates 5 years relaxation for SC/ST candidates 3 years relaxation for OBC candidates Nationality >> Candidates should be a citizen of India Selection Procedure ** Preliminary Examination ** Mains Examination ** Interview Test |
25th March 2013, 07:37 PM
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1.general 4. 2.obc 7. 3.sc/st no limit. |
30th March 2015, 05:17 PM
IES stands for Indian Engineering Service.
IES exam is conducted by UPSC under Civil Services exam once in every year. Eligibility criteria:- Candidate should be an Indian citizen. Candidate should be completed degree in the following stream Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communications Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree from a recognized University. Age should be between 21 years to 30 years for General category candidates. Age relaxation for OBC category candidates 3 years And SC/ST category candidates 5 years. Number of Attempts:- General category candidates - 4 time OBC category Candidates - 7 time SC/ST category candidates - No limit. |
30th March 2015, 11:04 PM
I.E.S. stands for Indian Engineering Services and the I.E.S. examination are conducted once every by Union Public Service Commission .
The eligibility for this examination are given below :- -->> You must have the citizenship of India . -->> Your age must be within 21 years to 30 years if you belong to general category.Otherwise there is provision for age relaxation of 3 years and 5 years for OBCs and SC/ST candidates respectively as per government rules . -->> You must have done your bachelor of technology course or pursuing final year of same with any of the trade given below : (1) Mechanical engineering . (2) Electrical and electronics engineering . (3) Electrical and communication engineering . (4) Civil engineering . Also the examination in taken in three steps which are Preliminary test , Mains & Personal Interview respectively . Also maximum number o attempts provided for different categories also varies as : For general :- 4 attempts . For OBCs :- 7 attempts . For SC/STs :- No limit . For further query visit the official website of U.P.S.C. i.e; www.upsc.gov.in . |
31st March 2015, 12:01 AM
IES stands for Indian Engineering Services , This exam is conducted through UPSC every year, there are some eligibility criteria to get this exam which are as follows..
**The candidates should be a graduate in engineering field i.e, Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Electronics & Communication **The candidates should be of age limit 20 - 30 years **The attempts for This exam are as follows.. "4 attempts for General category . "7 attempts For OBC candidates category. "No limit for SC/ST candidates category. For more details visit website of Upsc http://www.upsc.gov.in |
31st March 2015, 12:26 AM
Eligibility criteria---
Age Limits---- Candidate age should be between 21-30 years. Educational Qualification---- **Candidate should have a degree in Engineering or equivalent. Some Exam Centers-- Ahmedabad Aligarh Allahabad Bareilly Chennai Cuttack Dehradun Delhi Guwahati Gangtok Hyderabad Imphal Itanagar Jaipur Udaipur Vishakhapatnam Number of Attempts--- General Candidates --4 attempts OBC Candidates---7 attempts SC/ST Candidates---no attempts |
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