12th December 2012, 12:37 AM
What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
What is the qualification of ias examination ?...could u please tell me
12th December 2012, 08:52 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service and to become an IAS officer one has to crack Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC every year by applying and appearing for the same.
The eligible candidate must be an Indian National. He/she should have either appeared for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate. For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
12th December 2012, 11:48 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
IAS Entrance Examination Qualification :
Nationality : A Citizen of India or A Subject of Nepal or A Subject of Bhutan Educational Qualification : Candidates must be complete a Graduation in any stream from a recognized University Age limit : Candidates must have attained 21 years & not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of Examination The upper age limit is relaxed in specific cases as mentioned below : Upto 3 years age relaxation for OBC Candidates Upto 5 years age relaxation for SC/ST Candidates Number of Attempts : Four times for General Candidates Seven times for OBC Candidates No limit for SC/ST Candidates Selection Process : Preliminary Examination Main Examination Interview Physical Stands : |
12th December 2012, 12:31 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Hi friend.......
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service. This exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission every year. Eligibility Criteria: Educational Qualification: The applicant should be pass the Graduation from any recognized University. Final year pursuing candidates are also eligible for this exam. No min percentage required for this exam. Age limit: Your age min is 21 year & max age is 30 years to become IAS officer. There is Upper age relaxation applicable for the other categories. For Obc candidates age limit is between 21 to 33 years. For SC\ST candidates age limit is between 21 to 35 years. Ph candidates age limit is between 21 to 40 years. Nationality: You should be citizen of India. Gender: Both male & female candidates are eligible for this exam. No of attempts: 4 for general category 7 for OBC No limit for SC\St Selection Process: Preliminary Exam Main Exam Inreview for more details www.upsc.gov.in All the best....... |
12th December 2012, 01:56 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
hai, IAS entrance examination Educational Qualification required is The candidate should be complete any graduation from a recognised university.If you are interested in IAS First you can crack the Civil Examination which is conducted by Union Public Service Commission. Eligibility for IAS: Nationality : - ** You should be a citizen of India Educational Qualifications : - ** You must have a bachelor of Degree in any stream from a recognized university Age Limit : - ** Your age should between 21 to 30 years, age relaxation as under **For SC/ST 5 years relaxation **For OBC 3 years relaxation No.Of Attempts: For General Candidates 4 attempts For OBC Candidates 7 attempts No maximum limit for SC/ST candidates Selection Process: **preliminary exam **Mains exam **Interview. all the best............. |
12th December 2012, 03:06 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Dear Aspirant, IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service A candidate who are wishing to become an IAS Officer have to apply for Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC every year............ Educational Qualification: A candidate must have completed at least their Graduation degree in any Discipline from Recognized Universities........ Age Limit: General age Limit is 21 to 30 years For OBC 21 to 33 years For SC/ST 21 to 35 years Attempt Limit: For General 4 Times For OBC 7 Times For SC/ST No Limit Selection Procedure:
Some Books for Preparing IAS Exam ================================================== ================================================== UPSC Portal CSAT Comprehensive Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 2) (Paperback) by Sachchida Nand Jha ================================================== ================================================== UPSC Portal CSAT General Studies Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 1) (Paperback) by Jha , Jha ================================================== ================================================== IAS (Pre.) Solved Papers General Studies wih CSAT 2011 & 2012 (Paper - 1) (Paperback) by Expert Compilations ================================================== ================================================== IAS Prelims/CSAT Civil Services: 18 Years General Studies Topic-Wise Solved Papers (1995-2012) (Paperback) by Disha Experts ================================================== ================================================== All the best With Regards...... Dharm |
12th December 2012, 03:34 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
This exam is conducted in 3 stages: 1) Prelims 2) Mains 3) Interview After all the 3 stages a merit list is prepared and services are alloted based on your rank. The eligibilty criteria for appearing in this exam is you must have a pass class in bachelor degree in any discipline. Please keep track on the notifications about the exam in leading newspapers. |
12th December 2012, 06:18 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
IAS Eligibility Criteria
(i) Age limits :- 21-30 years for only general caste. for SCs/STs-21-35 for OBC-21-33 (ii) Educational Qualifications :- Candidate should have Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university. (iii) No. of permissible attempts :- Four for general Seven attemps of OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs |
12th December 2012, 06:21 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
IAS Eligibility Criteria
(i) Age limits :- 21-30 years for only general caste. for SCs/STs-21-35 for OBC-21-33 (ii) Educational Qualifications :- Candidate should have Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university. (iii) No. of permissible attempts :- Four for general Seven attemps of OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs Exam pattern:- [IMG] QYGyYgGRkjGRgWHy8iIygpLCwsGB4xNzAqNyYtLCoBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGi4kHyQtLCo0LSwyLSwsNC8sLCoqLCwsNCw1KTQsLCwsLy wsLCwsLCkpLCwsLCwsLCwsKSwsKf/AABEIAKUBMQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFBgcCAf/EAEwQAAEDAgIECQgIAggGAwEAAAECAxEAEgQhBSIxURMWMkFSV JKT0wYVF1NhcdHSFCMzQmOBkbFioTRDcnOissHwB4LCw9ThJcT xJP/EABsBAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBgUH/8QAOhEAAQICBwYDBwMDBQAAAAAAAAECAxEEEhNRUmGhFCExQbH hFWJxBSIzQpHR8AZTwSPS8RYXMoGi/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCT0x5d41vEOtocSEoXaJSSeSk5kLA2k81 M/SHj/Wo7B8SmOnsIs4jELCFFIdzUEkpGo3tVEc4qKr78CiwXQ2qrd8k PL0mmUhkVzUdumtxY/SHj/Wo7B8Sj0h4/1qOwfEquV6pJBIIggwQciCOYittjgYTn2+k4uhYvSHj/AFqOwfEpfBeXuOUtIU6iCc4QR/PhKqtOdHfaJ9/+hrOLRIKMcqN5KawadHdEaiu3TS68mUf8RMeQDwqMxPIPiV76Q 8f61HYPiUybYaKBdaEhAU2UFIcVDS1EKOeZUEjWGRMDdSekMA0 23chy5V5ESDkC4Ng9iUGdmvzc5KPAXdVJdSqSk1r9CR9IeP8AW o7B8Sj0h4/1qOwfEpjjMMy22q03KKkAG4E2y7KgAMrrWzvTdBmc3GIwGHK7U 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12th December 2012, 07:07 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
HI Friend.........
If you are interested in IAS first you can crack the Civil Examination,Civil Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission in yearly ones For this examination some eligibilities criteria are there i.e., educational qualification, age, nationality, physical fitness etc, Educational Qualification : Candidates must have a bachelor of degree in any stream from any recognized university, Final year appeared students also eligible for this examination There is no percentage required for this examination Age Limit: Candidates age should between 21 years to 30 years for general candidates 5 years relaxation for SC/ST candidates 3 years relaxation for OBC candidates 5 years relaxation for Ex-serviceman etc Nationality : Candidates should be a citizen of India Selection Procedure 1. Preliminary Examination 2. Mains Examination 3. Interview test etc Physical Standard Exam Pattern |
12th December 2012, 08:18 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
IAS exam is conducted every year by UPSC and you must satisfy following points if you want to apply for IAS exam.
-Graduate in any discipline from a recognised university. -Age should be 21 to 30 years if you are general category. -There is age relaxation for SC/ST for 5 years, OBC for 3 years . If you satisfy above criteria then you can apply for IAS exam. Online application is available on UPSC website and you can apply through their website and pay the application fee through bank challan or net banking. The number of attempts for IAS exam for different category is: -For General category there is 4 attempts -OBC there is 7 attempts -For SC/ST there is no such limit. The examination is conducted in in three stages: -Civil Services Aptitude Test ( CSAT) -Civil Services Mains exam. -Personal Interview. If you pass above stages with good marks and you are high on merit then you will get selected. For more information visit http://www.upsc.gov.in |
13th December 2012, 12:04 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Hi Friend,
The Indian Administrative Service is the administrative civil service of the Government of India. Indian Administrative Service officers hold key positions in the Union Government, State governments and Public Sector Undertakings. The Administrative Service is one of the three All India Services. The examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. It has three stages (preliminary, mains and interview) and is considered to be extremely challenging. Repeated attempts are allowed up to four times for General Merit candidates, seven times for OBC candidates. There is no bar on the number of attempts for SC/ST candidates. The upper age limit to attempt the examination is 35 for SC/ST and 30 years for the General Merit Candidate. The candidate should not be older than 30 years of age as on 1 August of that year. The minimum age is 21 years Thanks... |
13th December 2012, 01:11 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Hello Friend ,
IAS stand for Indian Administrative Office , which is conducted by U.P.S.C. every year . As per your question , below are the qualification that you must posses in order to be eligible for IAS exam ..... Eligibility for IAS :- Educational Qualification: The candidate must hold any degree in any discipline from any recognized university. Final year degree students who will obtain degree by August 1, 2013 are also eligible for CSAT 2013. Nationality : Indian. Age Limits : General Category 30 years. Scheduled Castes : 35 years. Scheduled Tribes : 35 years. Number of attempts permitted : General Category : 4. OBC : 7. SC & ST : No limit on number of attempts. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING UPCOMING EXAM DATE PLEASE VISIT THE OFFICIAL PAGE OF UPSC :- www.upsc.gov.in/ HOPE THIS WILL HELPS YOU ... GOOD LUCK ... |
13th December 2012, 09:35 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
your education qualification must be:
Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification |
14th December 2012, 09:17 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
the qualification for IAS entrance examination:
First you crack the civil examination.civil examination is conducted by union public service commission in yearly once For this examination some eligibilities criteria are there i.e. Educational,qualification,age,nationality,physical ,fitness etc. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICTION:candidates must have bachloar of degree in any stream for recognised university. There is no percentage required for this examination. Age limit:candidates have age between 21to 30years for general candidates 5Years relaxation for sc/st candidates and ex-serviceman. NATIONALITY:candidates should be citizen of india. SELECTIONS:1.Priliminary examination 2.mains examination 3.interview test etc. |
15th December 2012, 06:30 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
The minimum educational qualification for IAS exam is graduation from any recognised university. So first you can complete your graduation then after appear this exam. IAS exam is conducted by the UPSC one time in a year. Eligibility criteria:- Candidate should have to complete any bachelor's degree from a recognised university. Percentage is not required to appear this exam. You must be a indian origin. Age criteria:- Selection steps:- Preliminary exam, Mains exam, Personal interview. Preliminary exam details:- Mains exam details:- For more details CLICK HERE Good luck. |
15th December 2012, 10:40 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
hi friend, IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service conducted by UPSC Every Year
15th December 2012, 11:17 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Hello Friend....
IAS stands for INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE this exam is conducted by the UPSC once a year. Required qualification for this exam is graduation from a recognized university of india. ELIGIBILITY: Degree holders are eligible Age limit for this exam is 21 to 30 years Upper age relaxation for reserved candidates Candidate should be a citizen of india SELECTION PROCESS: Preliminary exam Main exam Interview |
15th December 2012, 11:31 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Eligibility Criteria for the Civil Services examination. --> Pass graduation is any stream from a recognize University. Final year graduation candidates can also appear in the IAS examination. --> The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of examination. The upper age relaxation is also applicable for the reservation category candiadtes. These are the basic eligibility criteria for the IAS examination. If you satisfy the above eligibility criteria then you are eligible to apply for the IAS entrance examination. There are no limit percentage required in graduation. Only pass the graduation degree is enough to appear in the IAS entrance examination. For details and complete information regarding the IAS entrance examination please visit the official website of the UPSC :~ http://www.upsc.gov.in |
16th December 2012, 12:02 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Hi dear....... The candidates those who are interested for IAS officer they have to appear CIVIL SERVICE EXAM which is conducted through UPSC every year... Eligibility criteria for this exam .. Educational Qualification >>The candidates should be a graduate in any dsicipline from a recognize university . >>The final year students can also apply for this exam Age limit >>The age limit is 21 - 30 yrs , There is a upper age relaxation for sc/st & obc candidates. >>The candidates should be a citizen of India. IAS exam pattern : For more details log no to.. http://www.upsc.gov.in Good luck.......... |
16th December 2012, 12:05 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Welcome *******
Indian Administrative Service and to become an IAS officer one has to crack Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC every year by applying and appearing for the same. The eligible candidate must be an Indian National. He/she should have either appeared for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate. For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in Thank you ******* |
15th July 2013, 06:04 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Dear Friend, IAS stands for the Indian Administrative Service. This exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission under Civil Service Examination.... Qualification for IAS Exam A candidate Should have completed their Graduation in Any Stream in any Discipline from Recognized Universities are eligible for this exam. final Year of Graduation degree candidate can also apply for it. there is No any Percentages Requirement... General Age Limit is 21-30 years. but there is relaxation is available for reserved category.... For OBC candidate can apply up to age of 33 years.. For SC/ST candidate can apply up to age of 35 years.. For PH Candidate can up to 40 years... A candidate can apply maximum 4 attempts for General Candidate.... For OBC it is Maximum 7 times. For SC/ST there is No Limit.... A candidate must have Nationality of India.... Exam Pattern:- [ All the best...... |
15th July 2013, 10:35 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
To become an UPSC Civil Services Exams you need to have the below qualifications: Education: Graduation pass in any stream from a recognized university No minimum percentage of marks is required in Graduation Final year Graduation candidates can apply for the Prelims exams Age- Minimum 21 years Maximum 30 years OBC can apply till 33 years SC/ST can apply till 35 years Attempts/Chances: UPSC has also fixed number of attempts General- 4 times OBC-7 times SC/ST-No Restrictions UPSC Civil Services Exams are held in three stages: Prelims MAINS Interview Next prelims exams would be held in May 2014 |
16th July 2013, 12:07 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service Eligibility and Criteria: >>A candidate must have completed their Graduation Study in any Discipline from Recognized Universities.... >>Finall years student who are waiting for their final result can also apply for it.... Age Limit: >>General Age Limit is 21-30 years. >>For OBC category : up to 33 years >>For SC/ST category : up to 35 years >>For PH : up to 40 years Attempt: >>There are only 4 attempts available for General category >>For OBC 7 attempt limit >>For SC/ST no attempt limit)..... The exam have three stages:
6th January 2014, 10:50 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
There is no separate Entrance Exam called IAS Entrance Exam in order to join IAS. Instead there is a common written exam for the candidates to get placed in various civil services like
Indian Administrative Service Indian Police Service Indian Foreign Service etc. The qualification that is required to apply for civil services exam is completion of Graduation with any of the stream from a recognized university. Candidates who have appeared for final year exams of Graduation and waiting for the results can also apply for this exam. The selection procedure would involve CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) Civil Services Main Exam Interview Your age criteria should be as follows 21-30 years of age for the candidates of General category. Relaxation in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category. Relaxation in upper age limit upto 5 years for the candidates of SC or ST category. For complete information on this exam, you can visit http://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
23rd February 2014, 02:00 AM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
Hi friendzzz
A jst wanted to ask that is it easy for me now m in 1st year of junior college, but from my childhood it is my aim to becomes an ias officer.But says that only 95%of marks should be applicable for this ok...... THANkS.... Good luck for that students who r preparing for the ias entrance exams.......... |
9th January 2016, 07:02 PM
Re: What is the qualification required for IAS entrance examination
IAS is the Indian Administrative Services Recruitment test which is conducted by the UPSC board for the selection of the candidates in to the civil services and every year Civil services examinations are conducted all over the India to select the candidates for IAS and IPS and other civil services.
There are some specific criteria or qualifications which are required to appear for the IAS recruitment and some of them are.
These are some of the respective eligibility criteria required in order to appear for the IAS recruitment. |