2nd September 2016, 06:27 PM
Procedure and steps to be an Airport Customs Officer after completing B.Com?
Hi, I want to be a Custom Officer at Airport. I have completed my B.Com this year and appearing for some stupid entrance exams. Please tell me what is the exact procedure/steps to join as a Airport Custom Officer.
8th September 2016, 11:57 AM
In order to become a Customs Officer after completing B.Com, you must appear and qualify in Civil services Examination, which is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. The examination is divided into two separate parts:
> Preliminary examination. > Main examination. Eligibility criteria required: > Bachelor's degree in any subject area with 55% marks from a recognized university. > Candidates age should be in between 18 years to 27 years. > Age relaxation for ST/SC candidate is 5 years, for OBC 3 years. > The final selection process is based on written examination and physical test followed by a personal interview. > Minimum height required is 157.5 centimetres. For more details you can follow the official website below: www.upsc.gov.in |