Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) Eligibility Criteria


Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) is a famous entrance test conducted by the Anna University for the admission of eligible candidates to MCA, MBA, M.Tech, M.E, M.Plan, M.Arch courses offered at its constituent colleges. Those who have obtained good score in the TANCET can apply for the concerned post graduate course in various reputed institutes located at Tamil Nadu.

Qualifying Examination

As TANCET are conducted for different post graduation courses, qualifying examination will be different for each course. Qualifying examination specified for each course is given below.

For MBA: Candidates who want to pursue MBA course should need Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. They should have obtained this degree from recognized institution in 10+2+3/4 pattern or 10+3(Diploma)+3 pattern.

For MCA: Candidates who want to pursue MCA course should have completed three year Bachelor’s degree course with Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subject. They should have completed it in a 10+2+3 pattern from any recognized institution. They should have studied Mathematics at plus two or diploma level before applying for the concerned degree course. The following subjects may be included in statistics such as Business Mathematics, Business statistics, Numerical and Statistical Methods, Algorithm and Numerical Methods, Probability and Statistics, Algebra and Probability Mathematics, Quantitative Techniques, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Mathematics for Management, Operations Research, Discrete Mathematics, Computational Methods, Bio-Statistics, Allied Basic Mathematics, Allied Mathematics, Algebra- Analytical 3-D geometry and Trigonometry, Business Statistics, Quantitative Methods of Business and Operation Research.

For M.E: Candidates should need B.E degree from any recognized university to apply for M.E course

For M.Tech: B.Tech degree from any recognized university is needed for the candidates who are applying for M.Tech course.

For M.Arch: Those who have completed B.Arch course from any recognized university can apply for M.Arch course.

For M.Plan: Candidates who want to pursue M.Plan course through TANCET should need B.Plan degree from any recognized university.

Who are eligible to apply?

Candidates from the states other than Tamil Nadu can apply for the TANCET, if they have passed the concerned qualifying examination. Those who are studying in the final semester of the concerned qualifying degree course are also eligible to apply for this test. Candidates who have got lateral entry admission to the concerned degree course are not eligible to write the TANCET. Exception will be given for the candidates who have completed B.E/B.Tech through lateral entry admission. Those who have completed B.E or B.Tech degree course through distance mode or weekend course mode are not eligible to apply for the TANCET.



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9 Responses to “Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) Eligibility Criteria”

  1. 9

    can i apply for m.arch after completing BE civil?

  2. 8

    passed with M.Sc Electronics at madras university in2013. Now whether I am eligible to apply for ME Communication/Applied electronics /VLSI through Anna UNiversity to other colleges. Waiting for ME/M.Tech admission advertisement in the paper. Whenever we contact private colleges for ME they said wait for Advertisement from Anna University about the eligibllity of M.Sc Electronics. Kindly confirm
    J Nithyanandam

  3. 7

    i lost my tancet hall ticket….what is the procedure for getting duplicate hallticket.

  4. 6

    sir please submit question paper.

  5. 5

    Please sir i want last 3 years question paper with solved answer

  6. 4

    My acadamic Qualification
    10 std
    12 std
    Diploma in computer science enggineering (3 years full time)
    B.C.A (2 year at madurai kamaraj university
    PGDCA (1 year at madurai kamaraj university
    MCA (2 year at madurai kamaraj university)

    I am egilible to join M.E in a college or not

    Please inform to my Id “[email protected]

  7. 3

    write the tancet exam how many marks get in the UG courses

  8. 2
    praveen kumar:

    now i’m studying B.Efinalm year..can i write the TANCET exam for MBA in next year(2013)?

  9. 1
    hariha h:

    which medical collages offer MBBS course under TNPCEE-2012 in TAMILNADU.
    what are their fees detail.