Difference between document writer and content writer


Content writers are those professional writers who write various contents for applications over the Internet. They are generally referred to as Internet-savvy individuals whose responsibilities include creating articles, blogs and also other forms of written web materials. They create contents for various types of websites including blogs, social networking sites, e-commerce sites, news aggregators and also for college websites.

Document writers are those professional writers who work for various corporations to prepare documentation for their products and services. They are sometimes referred to as a Technical writer depending on their job profile. A document writer creates factual information about products in a mixture of formats, from instruction manuals to help desk materials, technical specifications, popular FAQs, fact sheets, and also certain reference manuals.

Document writer and Opportunities

A Document writer should have a Bachelor’s degree in English, Communications or Journalism. Some job profiles demand basic technical knowledge as well. They are offered good remuneration also in reputed firms. Some of the common firms recruiting these people include the following.

  • Software companies
  • Technology corporations
  • Electronics manufacturers
  • Business Process Outsourcing firms
  • Knowledge Process Outsourcing firms

Content writer and Opportunities

The basic educational qualification required to become a Content writer is a Bachelor’s degree. Most of the employers demand for a basic knowledge in English and also creativity skills. Some firms deal with mathematics oriented contents and they demand for a basic knowledge in Mathematics as well. Content writers have several job opportunities in various areas where they can work in flexible work profiles and they get exposure to various undertakings also. They are paid good remuneration as well. After gaining sufficient experience in the field and by acquiring knowledge and skills in the field they can earn even more. Some of the common areas where these people get placed include the following.

  • Information Technology firms
  • Business Process Outsourcing firms
  • Knowledge Process Outsourcing firms

They can also work as a freelance writer.

Key difference between document writer and content writer

Content writers are those professional writers who write various contents for applications over the Internet whereas Document writers are those professional writers who work for various corporations to prepare documentation for their products and services.

The basic educational qualification required to become a Content writer is a Bachelor’s degree whereas a Document writer should have a Bachelor’s degree in English, Communications or Journalism.

The job profiles as well as the salary packages offered for a Content writer and a Document writer is different.



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