Indian Air Force, Career in Indian Air Force
Established on the month of October in the year 1932, the Indian Air Force is a significant wing of the Indian Army and has the responsibility of keeping the skies safe and for aerial support in Warfare during conflicts. The Royal Indian Air Force has ground branch, flying branch and technical branch. The Indian Air Force offers a great career for aspirants. A career in Indian Air Force can get one a great reputation and a secure future.
The Indian Air Force aims to nurture aspirants and mould them into warriors who are physically and mentally strong, to guard the Country. A wide range of prestigious careers are there in the Indian Air Force, with great payroll and perks. Various sectors in the Indian Air Force, where one can find safe and secure careers are:
- Flying
- Technical
- Administration
- Logistics
- Accounts
- Education
- Meteorology
- Medical branches
Job profiles
The following job profiles are available for aspirants in Air Force.
- Fighter Pilot
- Transport Pilot
- Helicopter pilot
- Flying officer
- Flying Instructor
- Fighter Combat leader
- Flight Commander
- Squadron Commanding Officer
- Technical Engineer
- Airman in Technical and Non technical trades
- Logistics Manager
- Logistics Administrator
- Air traffic Controller
- Meteorological Branch Officer
- Accounts Officer
- Research and Analysis Officer
- IT & Stats wing
- Aircraftsmen
- Machinist
- Safety equipment Worker
- Air Defense System Operator
- Medical Assistants
- Clerk Pay Accounting
- Air Field Safety Operator
- Equipment Assistant
- Indian Air Force Police
- Mechanical Transport Technician
- Air Force Security Wing Chief
- Education Instructor
Getting placed in the Indian Air Force is nothing less than tough. The Indian Air Force wants the applicants to go through a lot of tests, both written and physical. Then there are interviews, aptitude test, medical tests, psychological tests etc. Only a physically and mentally fit person can get admitted into the Air Force if he qualifies in all the other tests. Even the smaller positions in the Indian Air Force are offered decent remuneration and a lot of perks.
A career in the Indian Air Force is quite adventurous, very interesting and pretty secure. But each job profile in the Air Force requires the applicant to be eligible in a few specific conditions. But once in and you are part of the Indian Air Force, you don’t have to turn back.
After taking your place in the Indian Air Force, you can improve in job ranks with experience and duties well performed. Remuneration is great for higher ranks. For Aircraftsmen, the salary per month ranges from Rs 4,500/- to Rs 11,000/- and more based on the job ranks. Jobs in higher and more important sectors of the Air Force, means a bigger remuneration as well as reputation, going as far as lakhs of rupees per month. Besides the remuneration, Air Force offers insurance cover, medical facilities, free ration and accommodation, post-retirement benefits etc.
- Technical Branch Vacancies, Indian Air force
- Pilot, Indian Air force
- How to join IAF as an Officer after Intermediate 10+2?
- Career Options in Air Force
- Airman in Group ‘y’ (Non Technical), Indian Air Force
- IAF 2011 Airman
- Difference between Airman and Air Traffic Controller
- How to join IAF in the flying Branch after Graduation?
- How to join Air force?
- Procedure to become Flying Officer in Indian Air Force
- Pilots, Indian Air Force
- Exam Centers for AFCAT
- Air Force Vocational College 2009 List of Courses
- Indian Air Force Pilot - How to become an Indian Air Force Pilot?
- AFCAT exam pattern
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790 Responses to “Indian Air Force, Career in Indian Air Force”
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i am studying in 8th how do i prepare to join IAF?
how a girl can apply??
wht height a girl need to join indian air force?
hi i m navita choudhary i want to ask if a girl can join indian defence after gradution ,if yes how one can apply which test should be cleared by me so that i can join indian defence??
i want to join for air force as flying officer after my study… i am doing my engineering 3th year…i have completed ncc A, B, C CERTIFICATES. so i need guide….
I want to join to air rorce please give me information about the rally bharti in rajasyhan for jhunjhunu give me the information about it on these mobile no. 08890069150 by message
i have completed my 11th in non medical last year.and now i want to get admissian in indian airforce engineering college. what should i do?
does there any discrimination happens in airforce
betwen ground duty oficers and flying branch officers?
sir, i am a student of B.pharma 3rd year stu.
my d/b is 01/04/1988. I willl complete my graduation next year.
so am i have any apportunity for indian air force.
please tell me detail;
thank you sir,
i want to know about the ago entrance exam paper base
i want to join to air plz send infor meshan
i m pursuing my diploma in electronics and communication engineering from govt. institute of electronics, secunderabad,
it will be completed after doing training of 6 months from may’10 to december’10 so can i do that training in IAF and i am eligible for that or not please reply me as soon as possible. I have a strong will to serve our nation. jai hind.
i want to do job in iaf in non technical field so pls send me details to my contact no 9963176083,9966014292.
hi this is pravin katare. i am doing my third year engineering,in economical condition is not that much strong that i can afford the commercial pilot may i know that how many ways i have to get enter in air force as a pilot after my graduation.
Can electrical engineers also apply for this exam?
Can women candidate also apply?
Good Morning Sir,
My Self kundan Pandey, I complete my BCA and waiting for Result i got more then 60% marks in First and Second Year of BCA(Bachlor of Computer Application) and ofcourse i will get more then 65% in last year.
I want to join Indian Air force it’s my Dream but o don’t know how it possible. I want be to join air force and work for my country. plzzzzzzz help me to do this
So please help me ot join Indian Air force
Thaks & Regards
Kundan Pandey
ima girl studyin in second year.wanted to join air force after it necessay to have graduation in costing and i ve to go for any other courses like ICWA?or what is best for me could you please help…
Sir, i am in now in F.Y.Bsc IT can i join air force after my graduation if yes then at which post and what formalities i am studying in Mumbai university
Sir/Ma’am i had recently passed my 12th with 82% from bio stream and now i want to join either indian airforce or navy. Is there any chance for me to serve for my nation
i pass out my graduate in 2008-09 session, b4 passing i gave exm for ground duty n got selection also…….but cud nt attaind ssb as it ws in btwn my final exms, i had send a request letr also but cud nt get d second chance………. so i apply it again n i didnt get exm card so cud nt apear in cet exm so it ws my bad luck that i miss evry chance,………….. so i had a request plzzzzzzzzz give second chance to attain ssb interview for the future student who want to serve nation n devote his or own life for the shake of country……..bcozzzzzzzzzzzz such type of youngster r hard to find in dis new world……………………..
sir i am kamal dev from himachal pradesh and i want to join indian air force .presently i am doing engineering in ME from HPU sir please give me information about the exam that are conducted at this level and what type of question are asked in this exam and what is the pattern of this exam sir i hope that you will help me to fullfil my aim sir i will be highly thankful to you for this act of kindness.
sir i am kamal dev from himachal pradesh and i want to join indian air force .presently i am doing engineering in ME from HPU sir please give me information about the exam that are conducted at this level and what type of question are asked in this exam and what is the pattern of this exam sir i hope that you will help me to fullfil my aim sir i will be highly thankful to you for this act of kindness.
i want to know is there opprtunities for that students who passed class 10th this year if any then please inform me.
sir, i want to be a pilot or airman in airforce i am a student in agriculture branch in last semester so can i apply for the same plz reply
i am doing my final year in B.TECH Mechanical Engineering i would like to know the carrier options for indian airforce and the procedure to apply.Also need the dates of exam.
Sir, I Had recently given the 12th class exam from CBSE Board from fmm stream I just want to know can i join the Airforce
what is the elegibility criteria to get addimission in indian air force and also what hight weight and age is required for the same to become an air force engineer
what is processeder to give test for pilot
i am 12sci with maths
i compleated inter. should i applicable for air force.
in your air force how do you manage maintanance.
what procedure required for student for selection in defence services.
sir, my name is AKSHAY CHOUDHARY S/O SHREE TARA CHAND & my roll no. is 0905105640,
sir, i present in exam.of gr. X in nov. 2009 from jodhpur center sir, now i’m fit from appel board(dehli) sir, in all india list i have waiting list
so plz tell me which position in waitlist
sir , attend exam. of gr. x in 27 nov. 2009 sir ,in all india rank i have in waiting list so plz tell me which no. i have on wait list
i am doing my third year in B.TECH information technology i would like to know the carrier options for indian airforce and the procedure to apply.Also need the dates of exam.
i am in arts strem,still can i get a job?how ?
what ill b d syllabus for IAF-Flying Branch
and how can i get practice for PABT.
and also suggest me some books for the preparation.
thank u.
helo sir im radeep im interested in applying for the post of GROUND DUTY OFFICER
how to submit online application form for airforce in indian acedamy.
Sir, I m B.Com-IInd.year.But my +2 with vocationl course(New Banking).i have good knowledge of computer software,basic a/c,language-c,html,tally7.2&9.0.etc.
I m son of ex-serviceman from IAF.I am interested in defence services. Is there any opportunity for me as per my qualification?
I have completed my 10+2 with physics,maths ,im doing doing my final year degree (BBM) , can i apply for short service commission (Indian air force) now. can you u please tell me the last day for submission of ths form and the sylabus ….thanking you
i m a girl, completed 12th class in march 2010, non medical side, interest in physics, score good in maths.. national level kickboxing player.
can u plz tell me the fees structure and way to become an airforce pilot.
vill+po=laxman chhapra ballia
(u.p) pin code=277214
Class 10th U P Borad Allahabad
Class 12th U P Borad Allahabad
Graduation (apper) Vanarsi university
One and half year Diploma in computer hardware & networking form IHT (institute of Hardware Technology) IHT-Azadpur Dehli
. MCP Certifaide Form Microsoft
.Training of MCSE and CCNA
Installation and configuration of window 95/98. window NT 4.0 .window 2000.window xp. Window2003 server and Linux(Red Hate)Exchange server
Knowledge of internet and chip level SMPS.MONITER.M.B.PRINTER.UPS.ETC
CD-ROM DRIVE installation.HUB .SWITCH installation NIC Card installation Zip drive installation SoundCard installation Modem(internal external) hard disk installation F.DISK&DM.Printer installationWebCamera installation.TV Tuner Card.U.S.B Card& any hardware &software installation
Assembling & troule shooting of P.C
Installing of XP,window 200/03 server
Installing & Trouble shooting of modem, printer etc
Training of MCSE
Window XP Professional
File system
Sharing,compression,disk quota
Automated system recovery
Managing user & group and their right
Back up/restore file & folder etc
Disk management
Configuration terminal service
Configuration basic TCP/IP seting
(Peer to Peer & server based) Networking
Structured cabling
Installing of O.S and S/W packages, Assembling and trouble shooting of the computer and devices like printer modem
Window Server 2003
IIS (internet Information Service)
Managing user, group, computer & Organization Unit
Administering Terminal services
Networking Infrastructure
Installing wins
Implementin DHCP services on client
The OSI model
Installing & manaing DNS
Manain remote access services (RAS & VPN)
Active Directory Infratructure
Installing & configuration & administering Active Directory
Managing operation master rolls transfring objectis
Creating and managing Active Diretory Objects
Deploying software
Hardware & Software Installing
Customer Care Suppot
Working in internet
Maintenance & Service of Computer (PI/PII/PIII/PIV,Pentium, Celeorn , cyric, AMD)
NET98,2000,XP,2003 Server,p to P,S-Based
T,S (Any kind of Hardware & software problems)
1 YEAR experience as a computer hardware Engineer (maintenance trouble shooting)in IHT
Father; s name : Shir dhanaanjay singh
Date of Birth : 02-12-1989
Nationality : Indian
Area of Interest : computer (Hardware & networking)
Language Known : English, Hindi
Permanent Address : Vill+Po laxman chhapra ballia (U.P)
Pin Code=277214 Mob=9681593510,
Place (Pradip kumar singh)
raj singh
I m b com final year student.I want to join air force.What is the way to join it.
sir i have completed 12 my age is 20 .i want to be fighter poilet so what will be the procedure ,can i be?
i had complete 10th class with 67% marks,.sir i have join airforce.please give me information for join age is:17.
right now i am doing B.Tech (IIIrd year).My eyesight
is week (-2.25).Am i eligible to apply in indian air
i had coplete 10+2 with 70%
i appled nda .i did not no about that..
I have complet my grejuation with
I have a join indian airforce.
Pleas give information for join air force.
My age :20
dear sir, i m aditya
now, i m in 2nd sem. in bca field
my birth date is 6-12-1991
can i join in iaf in pilot branch,after graduation
sir, please tell me about latest vacancies of indian air force for 12th passed from art streme candidate of 18 years.
manish:on march 5th,2010
i have completed puc in 2008-2009,im intrested in air force,i don’t no how to join
hello!!! sir …..i want to know about UES 2010…..exam…
i want to know date ,alligbility, location,and alll about open rally of x,y group in rajasthan
due to the less time,i sent application through speedpost,they mentioned that send by ordinary post,
my daughter is studying at class ix.i like to see her in Indian air force in it a right choice for a family without having a modern outlook and not possessing a sound economy to provide high rated cost for the study of my daughter?
Sir, I have completed B. Sc.Computer Science last year.
I am interested in defence services. Is there any opportunity for me as per my qualification?
i request please inform Indian air force NCC’C form in delhi is come.
what is the eligibility for job in indian air force for girls?
dear sir,
I have planed to join the IAF.can i join the IAF after the 2nd puc..?? and plz tell me what r the things riquired to join the IAF..
sir this is girish from mathura and want to do the job immediately i m very powerful and i m able to fight with fire
i am a mba student and i am looking job in airforce so what are the branches and how to apply?
In current I’m doing job in RGIPT(rajiv gandhi institute of petroleum technology)as junior assistant in the central library. I wanna join Air Force.
Is there any vacancy in library department?
Please give me the detail, with regard.
Respected sir,
i have completed MCA degree from pune university and eagerly i wanted to join IAF pls Guide me how can i join ?
I want to know that i have send a incomplete form of 129 gdoc as i not mentioned d which type of commission i applied for, so can i resend application form. or i want to know that application of gdoc should be send along with any documents ?
how we can apply in indian air force after 12th or what are the career option for girls in it
i am art stream student i had passed 10+2
respected sir,
I like to join in the indian air force academe so please send me information regarded to that by vinoth doing
sikander:feburary 9th,2010
respected sir
i am persuing mba (last sem)and after it i wantto join air force. i live in palwal (haryana) so please give the guidelines…….
thanking u…….
resp sir,
i have completed my diploma in E&TC so i am interested to join air force for flying branch i use to live in pune so plz give the way to join……….
thanking u…………..
Me Rajanish chandra yadav done MCA final year.i want to join in Indian Air Force.
respected sir,
im satwant and i m too much interested to join the defence and m doing CSE with 66% marks bt i have a problem regarding +2 marks %age . i want to ask that for IAF, is it necessary to consider the +2 marks %age for eligibility ??
respected sir,
i would like to ask that m pursuing BCA n this is my last semester.what are my career options in airforce n also the applying dates
respected sir,
Im Uma Maheswari doin B.Tech final year.I want to join in INDIAN AIRFORCE.Really I have more very much eager to join in IAF,because my father is also in defence.And im a NATIONAL CRICKET PLAYER.So please inform the selection date and venue and how to apply.please inform me sir….after i complete my i have to join.plz inform me
I am doing my BE in aeronautical engg 6th sem how can i apply for air force
I am an aeronautical engg 6th sem student how do i apply for air force technical entry.
my name is sameer sarma i’m studying my engineering(information technology branch) and i would complete it by 2012 and i’m very much interested to join in defence.For which i have few doubts .1)are there openings for persons who studied in IT branch 2)with what percent i must end my engineering after two years ..
sir iam a student of 3rd year from electronics branch i want to know that how i can apply to air force and from which site i will get the forms
Sir, i am studying in class 12th maths.How can i apply?
I m a science graduate and rt now i m pusuing my MBA in infrastructure management so how can i joing indian air force and in which branch???
i am MANISHA BHATT BBA 2nd year(4thsem) student Plz tell me i m eligible in march for registration ,if not then when i will be elgibile as iam 66% with english,maths ,biology,chemistry & physics in my 12 standard & 70%in my BBA 1st sem & 60%in BBA 2nd sem & waiting for result of 3rd sem .iwant to join airforce.please give me contact no.&your e mail id
i am a mba student and i am looking job in airforce so what are the branches and how to apply?
hello sir/mam…
this is milan patel… from gujrat…. student of degree electrical engineering in third year… but because of some problem i have break in my study…. so i am at home… sir i want 2 join indian air forse… so plz give me good information that how can i join it???????….. and is it posible on base on 12′th science?… i m so confuse sir…. plz reply me on my email id or my number……..
……….milan patel
milan patel
Amit Sharma:Onjanuary20th,2010 SIR, I am a student of class 10-c and want to join indian Air force .
i am pursuing bba and i want to join Air force.But i dnt had physics and maths in 12th but i want to join air force. So kindly tell me what i have to do 1st and pls also give me phone number from which i can contact
Respected Sir,
i am an Art stream student can i join the Air Force if yes then how? whats the criteria and elgibility? how can i apply for the job? please reply sir as soon as possible.
i have done 12 (pcm) with 65% and i want join airforce,how to aplly .what kinds of jobs are available for girls in airforce?
how female candidates can make their career in airforce?
How do i know abt the dates of examinations.
Sir , inter tech gr X me jane ke bad kya humen officer rank pe pahuchane ke chance mil sakte hain? yadi yes to uske liye humen kya karna hoga ?please reply sir…….
I am a engineering student and i want to join Air force.But i don’t know anything about Air force.So kindly explain me what i have to do fitst means which exam i will give and after that which tests i will face
hello sir i am alex i want to join in india airfoce.
i want to know next enters exam 2010
i want to know when is the next rally exam in 2010??
what kinds of jobs are available for girls in airforce?
how female candidates can make their career in airforce?
i am a B.E e.c.e 2009 passout … i am loking for a career in Indian Navy.what i have to do?
what are the exams we can appear to go in IAF after completing my B.E.& what is the advertisment schedule
i m 22 yrs old. i m a student of B.E. is there any in air force on this qualification?
sir i completed my +2 with 74% and would like to how to join the indian air force as pilot kindly me tell the procedure
Dear sir/madam i have passed my 10+2 with 53% (arts stream)and I would like to make my carrier in Defence services …so what should I have to do .Please give your precious opinion.I always thankful to you .
Dear sir/madam;i am doing my post graduation degree course in medicine from a after being selected through all india post graduation entrance exam after completion of which i would like to join the air force can i get details of how to get through and the level of opportunities for specialist doctors.
eagerly waiting for your reply
thanking you!
respected sir
im studying degree 1st year im interested in joining indian air force which is my life ambition and also i tryed to come in through open rally in year 2006 but i was failed in merit list so pls can u say me again when will be open rally or any exams get conducted in x or y grades
Dear sir/Madam I have passed me 10th with 55% ( science stream) and My age till (10th december 2009) is 16year 11month and I would like to make my carrier in Defence services …so what should I have to do . Please giver your precious opinion.I always thankful to you .
respected sir ,
i want to join air force . i have persuied my b.e. IT branch .
hello sir/madam
i have completed my +2 with 62% and would like to how to join the indian air force as pilot .kindly tell the procedure.
Hello sir/madam
Im pravin i completed my three years diploma in mechanical i like to join airforce to serve my i like to know the basic please tell the information what i have from my side.kindly do the needful at the earliest.
Respected SIR/MA’M,
Iam studying in 2nd year with electronics & telecommunication engineering branch.
if i want to job in INDIAN AIRFORCE for pilot,
should i eligible for ‘pilot/any airforce field’ at this time?
or i am eligible to apply for job only if i am completing my BE degree?
please give reply.
thanking you.
yours faithful.
i have 57.6% aggregate in 10th and 12th both.but i have aggregate 64% in b-tech till 2nd year…can i join IAF?any possibility is there or not
About aplication form of air force
hello….i’m doing my final year engg(E&C). i’m interested to join INDIAN AIR FORCE when will be entrance exam for it, & what subjects we need to have knowledge
I applied for SSC post of a pilot on oct 5. did not get any response so far. How do i know if they received my application form and whether i will be called for the tests?
please send me question based on ‘y’ ‘x’ trade examination
what would be the next cet exam date for ground duty, and what qualification required for ground duty?
when open relly bharti of rajasthan?
sir iam in pre final year and persuing BE with computer science branch.
please help me out and tell me how can i join air force?
give me some details about UES exam.
i m doing my mechanical engg 3rd year .. i m intered to join in indian air force can it possible sir ?… an how can i apply for this?
dear sir
I’m doing and i am highly interested to join indian air force, but i have eye sight .so, do i have any option to join indian air force.
iam a final year student in be aeronautical engineering
can i join in any of the three streams like tecnical,,grounduty,flying b
Respected sir/mam please tell me about the different tests which we have to pass in ssb interview
sir i m jus doing my 12th in coimbatore,tamil nadu
i would like to know the exact procedure to get into a very good air force college after my schoolings …….. pls help me as soon as possible
option for non science stream students in air force
where will i get the entrance test application form
dear sir, i m pradip
now, i m in 3rd sem. in bca field
my birth date is 10-4-1990
can i join in iaf in pilot branch,after graduation
i had applied for (SSC womens). so i havn’t recieved my admit card. please help me…..
sir, i have not received my admit card for INDIAN AIR FORCE, AIRMAN GROUP “X” ( TECHNICAL TRADE).
how can i download that?
please send me date of app. form
Sir, i havn’t reiceved my admit card of air force x group.
hello, im in 12th std with pcm and i have a keen interest to join air force so , please tell me .how to make my career in IAF and tell me about the entrance exams for IAF and about their preparations
i had applied for cet(ground duty)conducted by indian airforce under ssc,examination of which is to be conducted on 29 nov.,2009………a few days has been left for examination &till today i have not received my admit card.plz tell me now what should i do.reply soon.
myself is aravinth.
i did my 12 standard with86%.
my birth of date is 11.06.1990.
the date of today is 09.11.2009.
can i join here in IAF.
when the application will be given to the next written exam?
please send the date of exam as per the each year.
Dear sir,
I’m highly interested for serve my nation by join airforce. But the thing is, i’m not too rich therefore earlier i would like to have information about fees of this course, and would i have to give money after completing the enterance exam ?. Please revert me back, i would be highly obliged for your revert.
Now i am continuing btech(mechanical engg.,3rd sem).I want to make career in air force after my btech.What I have to do?
which exam should I appear?
whem the will be declared for the post for ground duty branch?
when the forms will be declared for ground duty branch?
sir till now i did no get my admit card please tell me about it
sir i want to know.when the air force bharti wiil be open?
sir i want to know.when the air force bharti wiil be open?
sir,i had applied for IAF as an aircraft but i have not get reciet yet.please help me sir.
respected sir/madam
i had completed my diploma in mech in air force which is the suitabel job or me and what is the application date
i am 12th passed from art side.i want to join air force .what i should.
Sir I aim is to join air force.i have passed hslc can i will get the chance in air force.sir please my humble request to you
send me all the data that required in air force.can i will get
the chance in air force
thanking you
dibya saikia
i want the inf. about the date of issue of iaf
i m studying in B.SC 1 with maths and physics i wanna to be an air force officer what should i do? kindly reply me .thank you.
sir, i have not received my hall ticket for the exam which is going to be conducted on 25th of this month. what should be my next step now. i am in dire need of attending this exam . please reply as soon as possible.
sir i want to know the pay of air force in x group
sir i apply for yhe IAF job i am not geeting the allticket for the exam please send
i want to know the tanks used by indian army