24th September 2012, 06:26 PM
Can I appear for GATE exam if I am a final year Mechanical student
im an final year mech. student going to take gate exam give me all previous year question papers.....plz
29th December 2012, 01:55 PM
GATE 2013 Exams will be held on 20th January and 10th February 2013
Last date to apply for this exam is already over Educational Qualifications to appear for the GATE exams is: BE/BTECH pass Final year BE/BTECH candidates can also apply Now, you can apply for the GATE exams that will be held in the year 2014 Notification for this exam will come out in august 2013 GATE scores are used for admission in MTECH programmes and also PSU company like BHEL also use it for shortlisting candidates for Interviews for Jobs |