14th February 2012, 12:02 PM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 1

Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Ihave passed B.A with 50% & i had maths in 12 standard,so can i join the MCA .

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14th February 2012, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by naveenrasi View Post
Ihave passed B.A with 50% & i had maths in 12 standard,so can i join the MCA .
Yes your eligible for MCA course because you having mathematics subject in 12th standard . If your aspiring to get admission for MCA course then you should complete bachelor degree in any discipline from recognized university .

The admission for MCA course is based on the merit list , You should crack the MCA entrance examination with good percentage of marks . Some reputed institution may also conduct entrance examination within the colleges to evaluate the knowledge of the student . So you have to crack the entrance examination with good percentage of marks . Based on the entrance examination scores you may get admission in MCA course .

For MCA course you should be qualified in bachelor degree or equivalent examination in any discipline like Commerce , Arts , Science , with more then 60% percentage of marks from recognized university . You should crack the entrance examination with good percentage of marks which is conduct respective institutions .

You should take special care for MCA entrance examination . Because you have studied Mathematics in 12th standard . So , you should once review Mathematics and You have to practice more for Mathematics , Mathematics plays very important in MCA course . Without knowledge in Mathematics it's difficult to get admission for MCA course . So , keep practice Mathematics subject .
Major subjects for MCA course :-

-Computer Network
-Java Programming
-Software Project Management
-Project Visual C++
-Data Structure

If your crack the MCA entrance examination with good percentage of marks then you will get admission for MCA course in reputed colleges .
14th February 2012, 04:23 PM
Oracle 9
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

yes, you are eligible for MCA as you have mathematics in your 12th.

Some best institution and their website for MCA

1 Banaras Hindu University Own Exam www.bhu.ac.in

2 BIT,Mesra,Ranchi Own Exam www.bitmesra.ac.in

3 Cochin Univ of Science & Tech Own Exam www.cusat.ac.in

4 IIT Roorkee (MCA) JAM www.iitkgp.ac.in

5 Jawaharlal Nehru Univ(JNU),Delhi Own Exam www.jnu.ac.in

6 NIT Allahabad NIMCET www.mnnit.ac.in

7 NIT Bhopal NIMCET www.manit.ac.in

8 NIT Calicut NIMCET www.nitc.ac.in

9 NIT Durgapur NIMCET www.nitdgp.ac.in

10 NIT Jamshedpur NIMCET www.nitjsr.ac.in

11 NIT Kurukshetra NIMCET www.nitkkr.ac.in

12 NIT Raipur NIMCET www.nitrr.ac.in

13 NIT Surathkal NIMCET www.nitk.ac.in

14 NIT Trichy NIMCET www.nitt.edu

15 NIT Warangal NIMCET www.nitw.ac.in
14th February 2012, 05:35 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

dear friend,
To get admission in MCA course one has to qualify in MCA entrance exams like-

Through these exams one can get admission in MCA course..
Before appearing in any of these exam one has to fulfill some eligibility criteria first..

Eligibility criteria for these entrance exams:------

1.Candidate must have complete the graduation in any trade from a recognized university..

2.Final year candidate are also eligible for the exam.

3.Candidate must have maths or stats in 12th class..

4.candidate has to secure 60% aggregate through out the career.

5.No upper age limit..

6..No number of attempt restriction..

These are the eligibility criteria you have to fulfill.
As you have secured 50% aggregate in BA course then sorry to say you that you are not eligible for the exam..

All the best..
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14th February 2012, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Yes, your eligible for MCA course because you having mathematics subject in 12th standard .

If your aspiring to get admission for MCA course then you should complete bachelor degree in any discipline from recognized university .

subjects for MCA course :-

-Computer Network
-Java Programming
-Software Project Management
-Project Visual C++
-Data Structure
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14th February 2012, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

No ,you cannot join the MCA after passing BA with 50% marks as the eligibility criteria for the same is as under-

1. Aspirants who have done their BCA, BBA or B.Tech can apply for the MCA course. Students who have finished their graduation in science can also apply. These students must have studied Mathematics as a subject in class 10+2.

2. Students who would like to join the MCA course must have a pass in graduation with more than 60 percent marks. They need to write an entrance exam as to get admission into the MCA course.

3. There is no age limit regarding the admission to this course.

So from the above criteria we can conclude that though you have mathematics as a subject in your 12th class but you scored only only 50% of marks in your graduation.However some private institutes can offer you the MCA course at some management Or quota seats but there is no use for it as in the future it will be very difficult for you to score a good percentage in your MCA course as your base is very weak.

So ,it is advisable to you to get a Post graduate degree in any one of the subject in your bachelors degree with good percentage & then apply for the NET exam for lectureship.
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31st March 2012, 03:16 AM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

I have 55% in BSc (computer science). Am i eligible to do MCA?
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30th April 2012, 05:04 AM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

I have passed BSC IT in 2004 then i join company for job. But now i want to do MCA and my age is about 29 Years. Is it possible to complete mca after passing few years?
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15th May 2012, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

The admission for MCA course is based on the merit list , You should crack the MCA entrance examination with good percentage of marks . Some reputed institution may also conduct entrance examination within the colleges to evaluate the knowledge of the student . So you have to crack the entrance examination with good percentage of marks . Based on the entrance examination scores you may get admission in MCA course .For MCA course you should be qualified in bachelor degree or equivalent examination in any discipline like Commerce , Arts , Science , with more then 60% percentage of marks from recognized university . You should crack the entrance examination with good percentage of marks which is conduct respective institutions .
Aspirants who have done their BCA, BBA or B.Tech can apply for the MCA course. Students who have finished their graduation in science can also apply. These students must have studied Mathematics as a subject in class 10+2.
you would like to join the MCA course must have a pass in graduation with more than 60 percent marks. They need to write an entrance exam as to get admission into the MCA course.
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28th May 2012, 01:10 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Can i join MCA course after my graduation in B.Sc mathematics
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9th June 2012, 09:37 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

im doing b.c.a nd i want to do m.c.a but in 12 th i have not maths subject i have done my 12th with commerce with coumpter so plz tell me that im eligible or not for m.c.a entrance exams
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21st November 2012, 09:38 AM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

am i eligiable to to join MCA if i did not have any mathematics paper in 12th or in graduation under arts stream?
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15th July 2013, 09:51 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Can I join MCA course having passed BA (Private) with Mathmatics 47% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?
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12th September 2013, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Sir I have done B.A(voc.)(Honors in computer application) from patna university . I have scored 80% through out my educational carrier , I also have math and statistic as subsidiary subject in my graduation . CAn I apply for nimcet? thanks pls pls pls reply , I am very much confused
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13th September 2013, 12:05 AM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Yes you can apply for MCA admission as you have studied maths as a subject. You have to apply for entrance examination and perform well in it then only you can get a decent colleges for doing MCA.

Most of the entrance want 50% marks in Graduation. So if you have 50% marks in Graduation then you can surely apply for MCA entrance examination

MCA is Masters in Computer Applications and you can join software companies after completing this course.

There is GATE also for MCA pass students. There is UGC NET also after completion of MCA if you want to become a lecturer in colleges.

Computer teacher in schools is also a very good options for MCA Graduates if you have teaching aptitude.

Some of the MCA entrance exams in Indian are:




-Jammu MCA Entrance exam

-Kerala MCA entrance exam

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13th September 2013, 01:34 AM
Md Imtiyaz Alam
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Thumbs up Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

hello dear,

yes, you are eligible for MCA as you have mathematics in your 12th.

Some best institution and their website for MCA

1 Banaras Hindu University Own Exam www.bhu.ac.in

2 BIT,Mesra,Ranchi Own Exam www.bitmesra.ac.in

3 Cochin Univ of Science & Tech Own Exam www.cusat.ac.in

4 IIT Roorkee (MCA) JAM www.iitkgp.ac.in

5 Jawaharlal Nehru Univ(JNU),Delhi Own Exam www.jnu.ac.in

6 NIT Allahabad NIMCET www.mnnit.ac.in

7 NIT Bhopal NIMCET www.manit.ac.in

8 NIT Calicut NIMCET www.nitc.ac.in

9 NIT Durgapur NIMCET www.nitdgp.ac.in

10 NIT Jamshedpur NIMCET www.nitjsr.ac.in

11 NIT Kurukshetra NIMCET www.nitkkr.ac.in

12 NIT Raipur NIMCET www.nitrr.ac.in

13 NIT Surathkal NIMCET www.nitk.ac.in

14 NIT Trichy NIMCET www.nitt.edu

15 NIT Warangal NIMCET www.nitw.ac.in
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13th September 2013, 01:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2013
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Posts: 57
Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Yes your eligible for MCA course because you having mathematics subject in 12th standard. If your aspiring to get admission for MCA course then you should complete bachelor degree in any discipline from recognized university .

Some best institution and their website for MCA

1 Banaras Hindu University Own Exam www.bhu.ac.in

2 BIT,Mesra,Ranchi Own Exam www.bitmesra.ac.in

3 Cochin Univ of Science & Tech Own Exam www.cusat.ac.in

4 IIT Roorkee (MCA) JAM www.iitkgp.ac.in

5 Jawaharlal Nehru Univ(JNU),Delhi Own Exam www.jnu.ac.in

6 NIT Allahabad NIMCET www.mnnit.ac.in

7 NIT Bhopal NIMCET www.manit.ac.in

8 NIT Calicut NIMCET www.nitc.ac.in

9 NIT Durgapur NIMCET www.nitdgp.ac.in

10 NIT Jamshedpur NIMCET www.nitjsr.ac.in

11 NIT Kurukshetra NIMCET www.nitkkr.ac.in

12 NIT Raipur NIMCET www.nitrr.ac.in

13 NIT Surathkal NIMCET www.nitk.ac.in

14 NIT Trichy NIMCET www.nitt.edu

15 NIT Warangal NIMCET www.nitw.ac.in

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13th September 2013, 11:20 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Hello Friend

MCA stands for Master of Computer Applications as for MCA you should studied

Mathematics at your 10+2 label then you should complete your degree course in

any discipline then you should apply for MCA entrance test for that you should

have degree with 60% marks after qualifying MCA entrance with good marks you

are eligible for MCA admission so work hard and make yourself eligible for MCA


Good Luck
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3rd April 2015, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: Can I join MCA course having passed BA with 50% and had Mathematics in 12th standard?

Can I join MCA course having passed BSc from chemistry but i didn't have Mathematics neither in graduation and nor in 12th standard?
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