7th June 2017, 07:16 PM
Am I eligible to write 5th semester external exams if I have 6 backlogs?
Dear Sir/Mam, I have 1 backlog in 1st year, 3 backlogs in 3rd semester and 2 backlogs in 4th semester. Am I eligible to write 5th sem exams and what is the limit to which backlogs are considered to write 5th sem external exams? Awaiting for the response. Thanks!
7th June 2017, 10:17 PM
You have to refer to the rules of your concerned university and if you have got year back, then only you will be barred to appear for next semester exams.
Hence, if there is no year back for you, then you can surely get admission in next semester and appear for exams. |
8th June 2017, 01:24 PM
Yes, you are eligible to write 5th semester external examinations even if you have 6 backlogs. There is no limit of backlogs whether to appear in external examinations or not. You can clear all your backlogs before completion of your final course, so, you are eligible to write 5th semester external examinations even if you have 6 backlogs.
8th June 2017, 03:52 PM
According to my knowledge you should clear all backlogs first of all. Then only you will be eligible to write next semester exam. As because without clearing backlogs you are not eligible to write further exams.
8th June 2017, 06:50 PM
Sorry to inform you that you are not eligible to write 5th semester exams as you have backlog in 1st year.
According to Allowed To Keep Terms (ATKT) system, if a student have backlog of 1 to 4 subjects in the graduation and pre graduation, then the student can continue his/her study by clearing there previous year failed subjects within 1 year of duration. So to get eligible to write 5th semester you need to clear your 1st year backlog first. |