Tamil Nadu Board Higher Secondary Home Science Papers


Paper pattern

The paper is divided into four sections. These four sections are Human development, Family Resource Management, Food and Nutrition and Textile and Clothing. Human Development contains 3 objective type questions, 2 short answer type questions and 1 essay type questions. Food and Nutrition section contains 2 objective type questions, 2 short answer type questions and 1 essay type questions. 1 objective type questions and 4 short answer type questions come under Family Resource Management section. Textile and Clothing section contains 3 objective type questions, 1 short answer type questions and 1 essay type questions.

Distribution of marks

The total marks allotted for the paper is 60. Different sets of questions are allotted different wieghtage. The marks are allotted depending on the types of questions. Human development questions carry 16 marks. Food and Nutrition questions carry 16 marks. Family Resource Management is allotted 15 marks. 13 marks are allotted to Textile and Clothing section. The questions are also classified under types of questions.  The objective type of questions carries 9 marks. 9 marks are allotted to short answers and 9 marks are allotted to essay type answers.

Duration of the paper

The candidates are given a total time of 2 hours and fifteen minutes. This time also includes cool off time. The first fifteen minutes is called cool off time. This time is not meant for writing answers, the candidates are expected to spend this time carefully reading the questions and to clear any doubts that they might have.

About the subject

The subject is based on the various aspects of home making. It includes food and nutrition of the family, the proper resource management of the each family together with the cloth making and textiles knowledge.

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