
Mathematics plays a key role in any field of study. So the importance of the SAT (SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST) Mathematics Paper is well understood. A careful analysis of the exam pattern helps in performing well in the exam.

Total marks and time allotted:

The total marks for the exam is 50 and the duration of the exam is 2 hours. The paper is divided into four sections. The first three sections i.e. section A, B and C contains five questions of 2 marks each. The last section has five questions of 4 marks each. Although section A is MCQ type, detailed explanation of the answer is required.

Key points to remember for the exam:

All the questions are compulsory to answer and there are no internal options for any question.

Rough work should be done in the answer sheet itself.

There is no negative marking for any question.

Answer any particular section completely

Using calculators, slide rule, graph paper and logarithmic, trigonometric and statistical tables is not permitted for the exam.

While answering, a question should be referred by its serial number as well as the section heading.

Download SAT (SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST) Mathematics Papers


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4 Responses to “SAT (SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST) Mathematics Papers”

  1. 4

    could you explain the levels of organisation of the sat test.with respect to the educational level.

  2. 3
    gajendra singh:

    sir/mame can you tell me that i can give this sat test or no and i m 12th pass student with (52% )

  3. 2

    Please where should i get S.A:T past papers in maths and enghlish

  4. 1

    need class 5th maths & science olympaid sample papers