JNTU, B. Tech in Biotechnology, 1st Sem., Basic Industrial And Environmental Biotech Papers


Topics That You Would Need To Prepare

The topics that are to be studied in this paper are pollutants, its affects, different acts regarding to the industries, treatment of the wastes, etc. Other topics that could prove to be very beneficial while preparing for the paper are Bioremediation and genetic engineering, Metagenomics, Biomining and bioleaching of ores, and future of industrial biotechnology.

Time And Marks Allotted

The total time duration in which the question paper is to be solved is of three hours and the maximum marks that can be obtained by the students in this paper are 80.

How Would The Paper Look Like?

The question paper is in the English language. The total no. of questions contained by this paper is 7.only 5 questions are to be attempted from the 7 questions of this paper. Question 1 of the paper is the compulsory one. Only four more questions are to be attempted from the remaining six questions of the paper. The maximum mark for each of the question is printed on the right margin of the paper. Candidates are required to make assumptions wherever it is required. Te question paper is having no negative marking scheme, so there is no penalty of marks.

Topics From Where You can Expect Questions

The questions which come in the examination are generally from the topics like treating of the wastes, different acts related to the industry, pollutants and its effects, sustainable production. Questions are also asked from Interleukins and interferons, their types, production and uses; bioremediation is also one of the favorite topics of the examiners.  Also make sure to read in details recovery and purification techniques of different types of enzymes.

Recommended Books:

•    Environmental Biotechnology: Basic Concepts and Applications Textbook By Indu  Shekhar Thakur
•    Environmental Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications By Hans Joachim Jordening, Josef Winter
•    Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications By Bruce E Rittmann, Perry L Mccarty
•    Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications By Pradeep Parihar

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