MBA Marketing Project Names and Ideas


The MBA students specializing in Marketing can choose numerous projects related to their fields. The project and research activities will helps them to improve their knowledge in the marketing fields. If one is proficient in service marketing and trend setting then the project that integrates both will be a better choice.

Final year Project Names and Ideas


The topic on branding offers many ideas for marketing projects. The brand loyalty, brand preferences of products, relation of brand images and loyalty, brand loyalty and image in retail industry are some of the related ideas.

Market Segment Analysis

Market segment analysis includes the choosing of an industry or specific company. This project divides the customer base into blocks based on different values such as age, income, geographical location, etc. After this the purchasing power and frequency for each are defined. This project helps the industries and companies to organize the marketing potential.

Research on Effect of Social Media on Purchasing Decisions

This project brings about the research on effect of social media on purchasing decisions. The project will be more useful if the students do their project with small firms and help them in doing research to identify the effect on purchase decisions. This project will be an exposure for the students in the marketing field.

Measurement of a Company’s Brand Equity

This is an important marketing project. The project involves the surveys of customer loyalty and to make reports based on them. The reports will enable the students to understand the variables like share of market and share of mind.

Some other topics for doing project

  • Advertising and Promotion/PR
  • Advertising effectiveness study
  • Competition Analysis
  • Consumer Perception Survey
  • Conspicuous consumption
  • Customer Loyalty study
  • Customer Profiling
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Data Mining/Data Driven Marketing
  • Dealership network & effectiveness of distribution system
  • Direct Marketing Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Effectiveness of channels (distributors) in service delivery
  • Effectiveness of channels (on-line/ Internet) in service delivery
  • Effectiveness of promotion schemes
  • Factors affecting real estate markets in a location
  • Improving service quality using service blueprinting
  • Internet Marketing
  • Logistics & Rink management
  • Market Assessment/Planning
  • Market Research/Surveys/Focus Groups
  • Marketing Topics
  • Measurement of Brand awareness and brand perception
  • New Product Development/Design
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Revenue Management
  • Sales force Management
  • Service Blueprinting
  • Service Process Mapping – Back stage, on-stage
  • Service Quality Study
  • Service standards
  • Study of Institutional markets
  • Study of purchase influencing factors
  • Study on effectiveness of employee’s role in service delivery

Choose the Industry

The marking projects can be well carried out in the small marketing firms and as well as big firms. The various activities and research projects implemented in there will be helpful for understanding the different ideas in the field. Any industry related to marketing can be chosen as the project platform. The projects done in reputed firms will be a valuable one and it helps more in future.



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3 Responses to “MBA Marketing Project Names and Ideas”

  1. 3

    sir,i have small dought which type of marketing project work will help in future?

  2. 2

    what are the names of papers in MBA?

  3. 1

    advertising campaigns and celebrities