Key aspects of career management
Very often we get into a career path at a younger age, which will be as a result of one’s intuition. It happens that at an age of 40 some of us realize that we had made a wrong decision in our career which makes us regret. But it will be too late as we will have too many things to think about. Changing career paths this late will be difficult then.
This mistake arises from the fact that we are often driven by emotions rather than rational thinking. One has to carefully evaluate whether he is driven by emotions or thoughts, which will help in choosing a career that one will not regret in future.
Career management has two levels, namely individual and organizational level. At both the levels evaluation should be made for individuals and the system, brand value and competitors and opportunities. The evaluation should look into the fitness of above said factors at each level.
Career management at individual level
Career management at an individual level requires a strong process to increase one’s self awareness. The individual has to evaluate himself or herself in terms of job fit. This requires insight into one’s own values, strengths and occupational interest. Strength refers to the high skills than one possess. The degree of skill increases when one begins to enjoy his or her work.
Personal values should be evaluated in the context of work. Personal values differ from individual to individual. For some working in a team will have a positive impact, while some others like individual works and recognitions. Personal values are also linked to job security and stability. If the personal values and the organizational values do not come in the same line, it may damage your career.
Insights into occupational interest also play a major role. One should be aware of what he likes to do, what he is best in doing, what job will suit you. Once an individual is able to achieve a job fit of 80 per cent, then it will automatically drive skill acquisition, job enjoyment, and brand and reputation.
Where the organizations stand in terms of career management?
Organizations haven’t reached a level where they have started to take career management seriously. What most of the organizations are concerned is about recruitment, compensation, etc. Earlier it was the organizations that drove one’s career, but later it turned to be the individuals who drove the career. Currently it is somewhere in between these two extremes. When the organizations were driving the careers, people used to join an organization at the age of 23 and leave at the age of 63. This is called the cradle to grave concept.
But now things have changed. Majority of them does not have a commitment greater than six to seven years with the same organization. Once they think that they have acquired the required skills and experience, they have large number of opportunities to change the organization.
How organizations see job hoppers?
The employee attrition rate in many of the industries has increased over time. Now job changing is muchmore accepted than it used to be. The demand for talented employees is also on the rise. In the case of changing jobs, organizations are very careful in recruiting those who change jobs just for the sake of money. Changing jobs for better career prospects provides an advantage to the employer because there will be more affinity towards the company.
Organizations and career management
Organizations have not given proper attention to career management. There are few organizations which have started to focus on developing strategies that will aid career growth of its employees. It is said that about 50 per cent of the employees are stuck in the wrong role.
Organizations should develop a framework that will support careers, which will be flexible involving various specializations. Such a framework will help organizations in engaging employees effectively and building a long term relation with the employees. In addition to this it will make the organization more productive as employees occupy the perfect position. Organizations should be aware of what it wants from the employees and what it can offer to them.
Challenge faced by organizations
In most of the organizations the structure is hierarchical in nature, i.e. an employee reports to the one just above him. In such a structure, there is no contact with the employees and the senior management. This prevents flow of ideas between them, which would be otherwise useful in aligning their goals with that of the organization.
How to approach career management?
In most of the cases people are not paying attention for career management. We should take decisions based on rational thinking and not because our parents or teachers say so. One should spend some time thinking about what drives you in your job. This will help you in making your job more enjoyable.
Before taking up any job, one should understand the nature of the job and then develop a list of options that you would like to target. Develop a strategy based on your understanding of yourself. This process may be time consuming and might take years, but ultimately you will be benefited and you will not regret in future
Career management in India is still traditional
Traditional career path is still followed in India than any other part of the world. The stress is on pursuing careers such as medicine, engineering and management. The main reason for this is the tradition that we have been following for years and this has led to many of the individuals following the same career path. But there are large numbers of career options across the globe than in India.
Reward is less important
Reward is not an important factor that drives one in choosing a definite career path. Survey shows that reward has the only 7th position as far as career drivers are concerned. Reward is one of the many benefits that an employee gets in return for his performance.
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