Indian Air Force Permanent/SSC Officers in Technical Branch 2011


Indian Air Force is making higher career options for the students and started different a process to undertake candidates in its technical department. The process is only for the short service commission officers. This Air Force has mainly given three sectors like Technical Branch, Flying Branch & Grounds Duty for which the above mentioned recruitment process is necessary. As per the technical department is concern, it is one of the toughest part to handle the highly sophisticated equipment of Indian Air Force. The recruitment process of the candidates is only done for the Indian Air Force branches like Electronics & Mechanical.  

Indian Air Force is a renowned and highly authorized defense association of India and it also the one which can bring the adventurous career options for the aspiring candidates. The department of Flying Branch can be filled up by both male/female candidates. For the flying department of Indian Air Force, the process of recruitment is conducted twice in a year.

Eligibility Criteria:

For Electronics Branch:

A candidate must have a BE / B.Tech in Electronics / Telecommunication / Electrical / Electrical Communication / Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation / Computer Science & Engineering or a combination of these subjects.


Diploma in Electronics of Madras Institute of Technology


B Tech in Radio Physics and Electronics / Optics and Opto Electronics


MSc Degree in Physics (With Electronics) / Electronics / Computer Science / Computer Application / MCA with Maths, Physics and Electronics at graduation level or MSc. Tech in Electronics and Radio Engineering


Section A&B Examination of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institute of Engineers (India) in Electrical, Electronics or Telecommunication subjects


Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers with subjects of Section A & full subjects of Section B by actual studies (Maths, Applied Electronics and Circuits, Principals of Communication Engineering, Transmission lines and Networks)

For Mechanical Branch:

A candidate must have a BE / B.Tech in Aeronautical / Mechanical / Production / Industrial Production or a combination of these subjects


Section A and B of Examination of Aeronautical Society of India by actual studies in Avionics / Communication streams


Section A and B of Associate Membership Examination of Institution of Engineering (India) with Mechanical / Aeronautical subjects by actual studies


Section A and B of Associate Membership Examination of the Aeronautical Society of India with Group I (Design and Production) or Group II (Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul) subjects by actual studie.

Candidates should have got 60% and above in the qualifying exam. Only an Indian citizen can apply. The age of a candidate must be between 18 and 28 years as on 1st July 2011. The minimum height required is 157.5 centimeters in case of males and 152 in case of females.

Important dates:

Release of notification: first week of August, 2011

Last date for receipt of applications: end of the month of August, 2011

Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT): last week of October, 2011

Commencement of training: 1st week of July, 2011

Application procedure:

Candidates can either send a handwritten/typed application form(on an A4 size paper) according to the format given in the admission notification or download the application form from the website: The candidates have to send the filled application form along with two passport sized photographs and two self addressed envelopes(size 23 X 10 cm) and pasted with Rs. 27 postage stamps by ordinary post only. The form has to be send at one of the centers given in the admission notification which is available at

Selection Procedure:

Selection in IAF Technical Branches is a multi stage procedure. Candidates are first required to appear in a Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT)). EKT is of 1 hour duration consisting of objective questions only. CET has two parts:

Part A: General Engineering

Part B:Specialised Paper for each engineering course:Options are Mechanical/Aeronautical/Electronics & Instrumentation/Computer Science & Information Technology

Here is syllabus & a model paper of EKT: Model Paper & Syllabus

Those who qualify in CET are called for Officer Like Qualities (OLQ) Tests which includes Psychological tests, intelligence tests, Group Tests and Interview. Final there is a medical test after which the merit list is prepared.




Do you have any question? Please ask:

Questions will be answered on our Forum section

341 Responses to “Indian Air Force Permanent/SSC Officers in Technical Branch 2011”

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  1. 341
    Vysakh chandran:

    I have done diploma in product design wil i get a job in IAF

  2. 340

    I cleared my Indian Air Force SSB for the course commencing in July 2012.. I need to know when approximately they’ll release the merit list……. Please help..

  3. 339

    i had appeard in the AFCAT exam held on 26th feb, and my exam was very nice..i am in 3rd yr. of stram- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) .Therefore i had applied for UES(university entry scheme) in MECHANICAL(1st choice) and ELECTRONICS)(2nd choice). so if i would get selected in AAFCAT exam, wheather i would be eligible for SSB??? (since my stream of is information technology).. please answer…

  4. 338

    gud eveng sir,
    when result will come of afcat which is held on 26feb 2012 pls reply

  5. 337

    i appeared for AFCAT held on 26 feb 2012. i wnt to knw abt EKT COMP SCIENCE examination.
    1.Will EKT be conducted this time also?
    2. Is EKT conducted during ssb?

  6. 336

    what jobs are there for a person after completing his second pu

  7. 335

    plz give yhe batch no. of AFSB held at 13th june 2011 at DEHRADUN

  8. 334

    In ssc cgl exam they ask that age should be between 20 to 27. i was born on 3/11/1984 and completed 27 years.does that mean that i can aply as i am less than 28 yrs of age. Plz clarify

  9. 333
    zoya gariwal:

    i dont know about exam time table or when would be starting the paper or which is the exact time to conduct the AFCAT exam papers…

  10. 332

    my ekt exam is on 26 feb 2012 i didnt get my admit card so when will i get my admit card

  11. 331
    old question paper of mechanical engineer for fcat:

    please reply

  12. 330
    Rajiv Singh Rajput:

    sir, can i do in technical branch in airforce after 10+2. please tell me all the conditions.

  13. 329
    Veda wesley:

    I’ve been not that good at studies but scored 60% marks in my diploma in applied electronics and instrumentation trade.would you please let me know my career options in air force and the way im good at athletics and a good football player:)

  14. 328

    sir i am a B.Sc information technology student of coimbatore institute of i eligible for technical branch or
    flying branch of indian airforce?

  15. 327
    aklan places to visit:

    advertising and *********** with Adwords. Well I am adding this RSS to my e-mail and could glance out for a lot more of your respective interesting content. Ensure that you replace this again very soon..

  16. 326
    Suman jhajharia:

    My ssb date will 26 dec .Can i change this date because i am not able to attend this ssb.

  17. 325

    Can i chnge my ssc data entry exam date 2011. Plz help me

  18. 324

    hi salil,
    I too got selected in aug28 exam. did u see official career website for interview date? as some dates are already published

  19. 323


  20. 322
    chandra prakash sonker:

    i had completed B. Marine Engg.(its a B.E. degree) what are the option for job

  21. 321
    Salil Garg:

    I have cleared my Afcat papr held on 28th August 2011. When will i get the call letter for ssb?

  22. 320

    I had LASIK for my eyes. I know LASIK is not allowed in flying branch of Indian Air Force. Can you please tell me whether it is allowed in Ground Duty branch of Indian Air Force or not…

  23. 319

    sir, i am a student of electrical enginnering. After completion of final year, for what type of exams should i prepare to get enter into technical college of air force. Wanted dates to appear for examination. please reply sir, thankyou.

  24. 318
    puneet kumar:

    sir, i cleared afcat which was held in 28th aug 2011…. when will i get my call letter for SSB interveiw.kindly convey information about ssb to me as soon if possible??????????????

  25. 317

    i secured 58.6% till my 6th semster. i m eligible for the flying branch?

  26. 316


  27. 315
    kshyanashree mohapatra:

    i am betech in electronics and communication.but i applied for ground duty it ok?

  28. 314
    vilas takate:

    result for 28 aug 2011 for in my mobile

  29. 313

    I have problem of long sight i.e 1.0 in right eye, left eye 1.75
    can i go for LASIK for improving my sight before going for selection i.e SSB. Kindly suggest me.

  30. 312

    sir i m in btech 4th year student of computer science branch
    i want to go in airforce so i want top most job in it plz help me to give the clue related my profession in airforce line

  31. 311
    Neeraj Tiwari:

    I am neeraj tiwari i am perusing B.E. 7th sem mechanical engineering i want to join AIR FORCE then how to i can join
    so i would like to know about this.Please reply sir

    Thank you

    Neeraj tiwari

  32. 310
    Shailesh Vishwakarma:


    I’ve been shifted to Pune from Bangalore and my AFCAT 2011 center is Yelahanka, Bangalore. So can my AFCAT center be changed to Pune instead Yelahanka because I dont want miss this exam. Please suggest me what should I do now as exam is on 28 August 2011.

  33. 309
    Prasant behera:

    i am studying AMIE mechanical sec.A .so what subjects i should select to fulfill eligibility criteria for this permanent recruit.plz send me the syllabus required to face the entrance exam.and further procedure.plz respond me

  34. 308

    Btech final year students can apply for it

  35. 307

    if i ncc c’ certificate holder,ihave not to give ekt or afcat ,i m ece engineer

  36. 306

    can a computer science student give ssc exam?

  37. 305

    r/ btech ece passedout 2011 with 62.2% marks.can i apply for parmanent/ssc in any women branch in indian air force.notification first of august 2011 tell me please, as a ward of cisf,cntral armed police force personel.

  38. 304

    i m in 3rd yr of IT engineering.
    can i apply for ekt this yr in oct, 2011 ?

  39. 303

    sir , i will graduaTE ths october as a mechanical eng. from manila philippines thn i will cum back to india and i wnt to join iaf in technical branch so wat typ of exams i need? ekt or cet? pls reply sir? thnks a lot …………….

  40. 302

    Sir, i’m doing third year in aeronautical engineering shall i eligible to write EKT exam in this year

  41. 301

    how we can get the application for permanent commission for technical branch

  42. 300

    i am studying b-tech final year in eeebranch so iam also to eligible the permanet/ssc test please send me details?

  43. 299
    sneha arora:

    presenting m in final year so m i eligible for afcat xam conducted in august 2011 for the batch commencing in july 2012?

  44. 298

    kindly go trough the IMMPORTENT DATES on top u wiil find mistake july2011 insted of july2012. pl correct acordingly.

    thanking you

  45. 297

    Sir, m in 7th sem nd my branch is mechanical. My percentage is 63 till now. .can i apply for this ?

  46. 296

    i have qualified for SSB and the date for my SSb is 25th jul.
    sir i can’t attend the SSb on this date. can i have any other alternative date????????moreover i have a baglog in 7th sem.
    what i have to do????? pls tell me. i am very confused

  47. 295
    pankaj sharma:

    i want asked the airforce y group service what persantage in 10and 12

  48. 294
    Yogesh jalwal:

    Sir i want to ask about airforce group x merit list that when it is going to be declared & on which website?my exam was held at racecource new delhi on 15 feb. thanx sir.

  49. 293
    Shagun Agarwal:

    when the form of technical ssc will be released and when wil b the exam?

  50. 292
    Avinash Yadav:

    i deposited my admit application form for last batch but i didn’t receive any confirmation from your side. i been told that i would receive a call and letter but i kept waiting for it.
    please how can i not miss the next attempt for application?..
    what is the date for next batch?

  51. 291
    jitender singh:

    my written test held on 21 feb. 2011,technical batch X gp. when its result will be declare

  52. 290
    Ravindra pratap:

    Sir, maine 12 computer science,physics,chemistry,math subjects se pass ki hai. kya me air force x group ke liye apply kar sakta hoon.

  53. 289

    sir, tilnow i did not get fcat admit card tomorrow is exam. so were should i contact. please response as soon as possible

  54. 288

    sir afcat entrance exam held on 27-march-2011 but i am not yet recieved the admit card please whom should i contact to get date is 25-march 2011 please responce this mesage.

  55. 287

    sir afcat entrance exam held on 27-march-2011 but i am not yet recieved the admit card please whom should i contact to get date is 25-march 2011 please responce this message.

  56. 286

    sir,i hve nt recieved my afcat admit’s only 2 days left for the exam..plz do me a favour..wht should i do?

  57. 285
    pallavi joshi:

    sir i didnt receive my admit card for AFCAT exam which is to be held on 27th march
    i filled my form for technical branch
    when will i receive my admit card?

  58. 284
    Amar kumar:

    hi sir,i am a btech student and i apply for the various post in indian airforce .my examination is on 27 march 2011.but till now i haven’t received my admit card.plz give some idea to get it.because i want to do something for our nation.thankyou…

  59. 283
    Devendra singh:

    Respected sir,
    i want to ask that when will the merit list of x-group come whose exam was taken in month of feb 2011.Plez tell me i vill be highly thankfull to u.

  60. 282

    piease tell me the book for ssb prepration.

  61. 281

    Sir i have filled form for air force ground duty officer to be held on 27 march 2011.i want to know syllabus for this exam.

  62. 280
    rojesh mishra:

    sir i am a ece final year student,which book i can follow to crack airforce entrance exam

  63. 279

    my afcat admit card is not yet recieved and 2day is 12th march.
    whom should i contact 2 get it.

  64. 278
    anoop negi:

    sir i am a graduate so i just want to ask one question that a individual applying for technical entry will also have to give the written test or it is about direct entry.

  65. 277
    chandrakesh yadav:

    For what post a B.Sc physics(H) part 3rd student is eligible ?

  66. 276
    arjun bhagwat:

    sir i am the last year student of diploma electronic can i join the airforce.

  67. 275


  68. 274
    ashish pratap singh:

    hello sir i am studing third year what the percentage required 10+2,

  69. 273

    sir i am final year bio chemistry so apply for this job

  70. 272

    hello sir, actually i have cleared ekt entrance exam (oct 2010),i dont know what are all the test procedures and how to prepare for that..!!can any of u help me?

  71. 271

    hello sir, i am studying electrical third year.i ask what is the percentage of 10,+2 & b,tech..he will be applied.

  72. 270
    Indrajit Shaw:

    I am interested in applying to the Technical branch of the Indian Air Force.
    My date of birth is 25-July-1985,
    I am 5′9″, ~70 kg, stocky built.
    I am from Kolkata.

    I would like to know the newspapers in Kolkata in which advertisement for application to Technical branch have appeared in the month of February 2011. I am interested in joining in 2011 / 2012.

  73. 269
    sri harsha:

    respected sir,
    iam persuing b-tech 3rd year 2nd intrested in indian air force /flying, when is the date of notification???

  74. 268

    I did not recive my admit card of tech. Iaf which exam is to be held in feb.2011

  75. 267

    hello sir, i am studying it third year
    i need to apply for airforce ground duty\communication officer
    when will be the application released

  76. 266
    kumar rajat:

    for 2011B.TECH batch passing out application lastdate,

  77. 265

    Dear sir,
    i’m in my 8th semester of in computer science and engineering.My date of birth as per certificate is 30th sept.1986.can i appear for next upcoming EKT exams??

  78. 264
    Vikash kumar pathak:

    Respected sir i want to know which are the books availble for prepration of aif technical branches

  79. 263

    my height is 165 cm
    can i join indian air force?
    vts the procedure of becoming a flying officer in IAF

  80. 262
    Pawan chhonkar:

    Respected sir,
    i am pursuning my in C.S branch in 8 sem . I have qualified ekt held on 24oct but i not yet recieve ssb call .plz tel what can i do now ?
    Roll no.300520

  81. 261
    Pawan chhonkar:

    Respected sir,
    i am pursuning my in C.S branch in 8 sem . I have qualified ekt held on 24oct but i not yet recieve ssb call .
    plz tel what can i do now ?
    Roll no. 30052

  82. 260
    Pawan kumar:

    Respected sir,
    i am pursuning my in C.S branch in 8 sem . I have qualified ekt held on 24oct but i not yet recieve ssb call .
    plz tel what can i do now ?

  83. 259
    Pawan kumar:

    Respected sir,
    i am pursuning my in C.S branch in 8 sem . I have qualified ekt held on 24oct but i not yet recieve ssb call .plz tel what can i do now

  84. 258
    Akhilesh Shukla:


    i have the 3 years polytechnique diploma in Computer Science and engg. can i work with indian airforce. my date of birth is 02/01/1988.

  85. 257
    varsha munot:

    sir,i have some problem to attend the ssc on the scheduled date,what shul i do to get a changed date?plssssssssssss

  86. 256
    ladi dhillon:

    hello sir,my name is laddi and i am applied for afcat for ground duty branch. so,please suggest me names of the suitable books for the preparations.

    please reply

  87. 255
    tushar mishra:

    sir my self TUSHAR MISHRA and i am not get my admit card for group X exam held in 16 February 2011 so sir please send it early to this address. TUSHAR MISHRA c/o R.M.MISHRA, HOUSE NO 46 MOHALLA KATRA(ALAMGANJ) DISTT.FAIZABAD (UP) PIN 224123 OR MAIL IT TO

  88. 254

    sir, i finished aircraft maintanence engineering which is approved by DGCA gov of india . can i join in indian airforce is that any oppertunity in IAF

  89. 253
    sonali pattanaik:

    when are the dates to fill the application form for ekt 2011 for march.

  90. 252

    sir, i am in B.E. final semester and i have cleared my EKT held on 24 oct 2010. I have also received a call for SSB. But they have instructed to bring all semester mark sheets and original provisional certificate. As i am not passed out, can’t bring these documents. I want to enquire, “can i go for SSB”?

  91. 251
    raman gupta:

    sir, i am in B.E. final semester and i have cleared my EKT held on 24 oct 2010. I have also received a call for SSB. But they have instructed to bring all semester mark sheets and original provisional certificate. As i am not passed out, can’t bring these documents. I want to enquire, “can i go for SSB”?

  92. 250
    bhawani shankar:

    which book i referrer for ekt exam

  93. 249

    please tell me from where i can find the type of questions coming in air force technical branch AE{L} in common entrance test, the kind of questions.
    please reply with a book name and publisher.

  94. 248
    saurabh gupta:

    i am doing (physics) can i apply for technical entry.

  95. 247
    when will be held the exams for 12th standard students?:


  96. 246

    in which month iaf ekt exams will done plz tell me and how forms will available.

  97. 245
    biral vihangam:

    Sir My self Biral Vihangam and my fathers namesri uday shankar sharma.presently I am doing degree of B.E from Computer science and Engineering from P.E.S College of Engg.from BAMU Univercity.Aurangabad Maharashtra.
    Sir I want teke a job in officer rank in Indian,plz sir what should be done.and for this wht ll be done.

  98. 244

    sir, when will the IAF result of cet examinations going to be held. 45 days are over. exam was held on 28th of november 2010

  99. 243
    amit kumar:

    what is criteria for a student to sit in this exam.i mean to say 10th or 12th percentage,if we have completed B.E then what is the overall percentage or semisterwise percentage required.

  100. 242
    nitika poonia:

    i was having my ssb on 11jan 2011 for ekt held on 24 oct 2010.i couldnt atnd dat due to some exams.i had requested to shift that on some next date but i havent issued any other date uptil now. wt should i do now?

  101. 241

    r/s sir
    iam pursuning my in IT branch.i would like to know that iam eligible for EKT and do tell me the name of refrence books to crack this exam.

  102. 240

    r/s sir
    iam pursuning my in IT branch.i would like to know that iam eligible for EKT and do tell me the name of refrence books to crack this exam.

  103. 239
    can IT graduates join IAF?:


  104. 238
    sandeepak bhandari:

    officer for 3 years diploma in i.t branch

  105. 237

    Air force technical ( x group ) ka exam jo feb 2011 me hona hai,
    wo kis date ko hoga ,aur kya iska admit card website se milega.
    please jarur batayega,,,,

    By-AshuKumar (09204244788)

  106. 236
    priya ghosh:

    wat books can be reffered for cracking ekt exams?

  107. 235


    Please tell me how to crack indan air force ekt exam, is there any books for that,please help me

  108. 234

    whitch type of qutiones in Ekt exam

  109. 233

    hi im student of 1st year ,i h’v 58.60 per in 12th science & i like to join indian air force as technical officcer so plz tell me which exam i attend…..

  110. 232

    I want to join logistics branch in airforce . But I don’t know the process of selection & coaching centers. please help me

  111. 231

    sir i have lost my origanal marksheet of 10th class i have a duplicate marksheet so please tell me am i able to apply for airforce please suggest me i am very thankful to you.please reply shortly

  112. 230
    Neetu Sing Rana:

    when we apply for CET xam in 2010 and 2011 what is the last date to apply for CET??

  113. 229

    sir plz tell me when will the results published for the ekt test held on oct 24

  114. 228

    sir…..m waiting 4 d result of ekt exam held on 24 oct 2010…pls tell me dat wen it will get mail z………..

  115. 227
    ashutosh sharma:

    sir, i am waiting for the result , exam held on 24th oct 2010
    please give the week or date if u can , for the publishment of ekt result. sir i will wait for your recult.

  116. 226
    Rohit Singh:

    Can any one tell me,when will the result of 79-AEC EKT result will come…
    which has been conducted on 24 oct 2010….
    please tell me on my mail…..

  117. 225

    sir , please tell me when will ekt result publish…

  118. 224
    Akhilesh dogra:

    Sir call letter for S.S.B are dispatched or not as i had cleared the technical eotry interview held in our college

  119. 223
    Ashwini Patil:

    hey frens,
    i have cleared my ssb and medicals for technical entry… anybody any idea when will the merit list for technical entry will be declared…. im really sick of waiting for it since oct….

  120. 222

    @saswati: it will take arnd 90 days from the date of exam..
    @mercy:are u talking abt the final certificates or the one which are asked to b produced while attending ssh
    @shalu: hope u have done ur exam well
    @karthik:thr is no such thing as syllabus.. just go thr the model ekt or cet papers given in the website.. it should b easy for u.. so donot worry
    @santhosh: give ur roll no and the date of birth.. it will b beasier for checking.. i pray whole heartedly that u should make it..
    @narmatha: as saswati asked it should b arnd 90 days time

  121. 221

    hello all.. i am malathy.. i have cleared my cet ssb medicals and waiting for the merit list.. i am happy to find so many people here asking questions showing enthu abt joining defense.. bt the sad part is thr is no one to receive the questions and answer back.. thats bec people once get inside find it difficult to access public forums.. so i would like to answer few questions which i think i may know..
    lets all join together and see all are benefitted
    jai ho

  122. 220

    sir, plz tell me in which date, the results of ekt test held on 24th oct 2010, will be published???????????

  123. 219
    vimal patel:

    when the result is announced of exam taken on 24th october 2010.
    and thru ehich medium i can get it?

  124. 218

    sir, plz tell me in which date, the results of ekt test held on 24th oct 2010, will be published???????????

  125. 217

    Sir, I haven’t received my admit card yet but I saw that there’s name in the list prepared by the department.
    Secondly about the leaving certificate, the college has it and in Mumbai colleges keep our LC with the University/ ite is with the college, So I don’t have the original LC with me.But its There in my 10th marksheet {SSC board marksheet}. Now what as it is specfied that LC is mandatory and no other certificates.

  126. 216

    jobs for female on the base of intermidiae

  127. 215
    shalu sharma:

    respectrd sir\madam
    i have filled the form for GDOC 2011 in AIF.i fulfil all eligibility criteria and The exam will be held on 25 november but stil i don’t get my admit card .
    Could you plz tell me when will i got it.
    thanks & regards
    shalu sharma

  128. 214

    i want to know the syllabus pleaseeeee

  129. 213

    Hi sir i have one question that is please tell me either my name is there in CET exam in IAF on 28 nov

  130. 212

    Please can anyone here let me know about the date of result to be declared for ssc women EKT helded on 24th oct 2010.

  131. 211

    can BCA graduate join Permanent/Short Service Commission
    in indian navy

  132. 210
    dhanshri agashe:

    i’m n engg. student,doing in IT. i want 2 aaply for IAF.plz tell me ,dis exam wil b hel in which month………….plz guide me………….

  133. 209
    jugbir singh:

    respected sir ,

  134. 208
    mona chandra:

    my admit card for examination on 24 october

  135. 207
    ravinder singh:

    I have not got my admit card for ekt exam no73 for men(parmanent comission)till 19 oct.
    so please do the needful.

  136. 206

    dear sir,
    i would like to apply for any branch in iaf. when will the next advertisement be published .
    kindly give me the site which i can visit

  137. 205

    dear sir,
    my son 23 years old applied for tech branch in july 2010 and his name is not in the list of candidates appearing for exam. does that mean he doesn’t have a chance this year? he has studied in mvit bangalore and has secured 58% in eng 70% in 12th with maths, physics and chemistry. his marks as per the benchmark set by the iaf was 2% less, but he has always secured good marks in maths,phy and chem.. can he apply or been given a chance to appear for a test in any other branch..
    kindly help,

  138. 204

    what is the syllabus. how i can crack ur exam, any suggession

  139. 203

    sir i am student of mechanical engg.i will not receive my a ssc officers admit card which will held on 24 october.plz kindly tell me how i get my admit card.

  140. 202

    when i’ll receive my admit card? plz send till 24th october

  141. 201

    when i’ll receive my admit card?

  142. 200
    sumit vashishth:

    sir I have filled the form of EKT exam to be held on 24th october 2010.All my friends who send the form with me have got their roll cards,but mine has not reached till now.I will be extremly obliged and grateful if u could please send my roll card as soon as possible.

    yours sincerely
    sumit vashishth
    Add-E-2 Inder Nagar Tansen Road Gwalior(M.P)
    Phone no:07512430804
    Mobile no:8982526984

  143. 199

    pls mentioned which book is prepared in airforce.

  144. 198

    hello sir,
    what is the syllabus for SSC Exam.
    and when will the admit cards be received.

  145. 197
    pankaj kanwasi:

    dear sir;
    i completed my 10+2 exam with 60% in pcm. so i want to know which post for able me. plzz reply me

  146. 196

    Respected sir,
    Am Anandha raman, Fineal year ECE student with aggregate of 68%. Am in dilemma whether to apply for ground duty officer or pilot in IAF. Is there any limited number of times for applying in IAF. Should we apply for only once in life time?

  147. 195
    v bhavana:

    is there book reference?
    iam final DME stu iwill complete my tecnical edu by apr2011 is there any possibliti to keep appli then?
    plz i need previous papers for DME stu

  148. 194

    tell any book for prepration of written test

  149. 193
    Avinash bajpai:

    If anybody doing A.M.E. From any institute in avionics stream. Can he join indian airforce for technician or ojt. If yes then how please suggest me.

  150. 192

    what is the date of second ssb interview 2010

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