IAF Women Pilot Training 2011
The elite defence organization of the Indian Air Force offers a process of selection for the female based candidates in the pilot trainings courses. The methods through which female candidates are recruited refer exactly with the same pattern as utilized during recruitment of male candidatures. There is a written based exam within the recruitment process. Those individual females who clear this exam are then called yet for another test known as Pilot Aptitude Battery Test. This is followed by the PI as well as Personal Test. Those of the successful candidates who have completed all these three stages of recruitment are called for final medical based test, only after which are they finally selected.
The organization of the Indian Air Force is recognized with great honors as well as pride, and is one of the most reputed defence wings of our nations. The Force is responsible for up holding as well as maintaining the different territorial based boundaries related to the nation, as well as those shared with other different nations. The Force offers some of the outstanding as well as acclaimed form of career opportunities, which help the candidates to reach a new pinnacle in different form. The organization not only offers a great training expertise, but also helps in cutting out a great and stable career to the different female based candidates. The Indian Air Force needs no form of formal introduction and any form of training from it, will definitely add a more than a few bonus points in the career of the individual who undertake it.
Indian Air Force is a highly reputed defense organization of the country and is one of the most aspired careers for adventurous candidates. Recruitment is done on the basis of vacancies which will be available with the admission notification. Selected candidates are given 72 weeks training.
Eligibility Criteria:
Only female candidates between the ages of 19-23 years (25 years for those having Commercial Pilot License) can apply. Candidate must be a graduate with Physics & Mathematics at 10+2 level. The candidates that are interested in undertaking the training should also have a fair English vocabulary as well as should posses excellent eye sight, furthermore, the candidates at the time of actual training should be free from any kind of mental as well as physical trauma as this may affect the overall experience gained by that individual.
Physical requirements:
Minimum height should be 162.5 cms.
Leg Length should be between 99-120 cms.
Also the candidate should not be suffering from colour/night blindness and should not have the need to wear glasses.
Application procedure:
Candidates can either send a handwritten/typed application form (on an A4 size paper) according to the format given in the admission notification or download the application form from the website: www.careerairforce.nic.in. The candidates have to send the filled application form along with two passport sized photographs and two self addressed envelopes. The candidates that are interested in undertaking the training have to duly fill the application form and have to forward the form to the given address. The candidates also have to forward some of the important documents mentioned in the brochure along with the application form.
Centers for conducting test:
Examination Pattern:
Selection in IAF is a multi stage procedure. Candidates are first required to appear in a Written Test.
Those who qualify in written test are called for Pilot Aptitude Battery Test, followed by Personality Tests, Group tests and Interview. Finally there is a medical test after which the merit list is prepared.
Website: www.careerairforce.nic.in
- Indian Air Force Pilot - How to become an Indian Air Force Pilot?
- How to join IAF in the flying Branch after Graduation?
- A glance at Commercial Pilot License
- IAF Pilots 2011
- Difference between Aircraft Pilot and Aircraft Instructor
- Indian Air force 2011
- What does it takes to get a commercial pilot license?
- Aircraft pilot - How to become an Aircraft pilot?
- IAF Airman - How to become an IAF Airman?
- Difference between CPL Course and PPL course
- How to join IAF in the Technical Branch after Graduation?
- Options to pursue career as a Pilot
- Captain (Pilot) and Co-Pilots, BSF
- Entry options to join as a Pilot in Indian Air force
- Commercial Pilot – How to become a commercial pilot?
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99 Responses to “IAF Women Pilot Training 2011”
students done lasik of her eye is elligible for this criteria….i really wanna to know if i hv done my lasik a year ego can i apply for the IAF exam….???
if there is a small down in minimum height,will she not be able to go forth to piloting?
hello sir iam spandana doing b-tech .now iam in finalyear .after this i want to go for pilot traing .my aim is to become a pilot .actually i dont have correct information regaurding pilot traing .can u please help me to enlight my career . sir i dont have time much time .i need inf like exam pattern,course duration ,is ther any way for economical study , etc.
i just want more information…….
iam studying 12th class and my subjects are zoology,botany,physics and chemistry.iam eligible for pilot training ?pls guide me.tell me about timeduration&fee structure
I am Student of class 11 and my subject is PCB. I dare to join INDIAN AIR FORCE. I am having interest in outdoor games. My height is 5.4inch. and weight is 49kg. And I want to do my graduation with biology. after it I dare to join INDIAN AIR FORCE. Can I JOIN.
i am doing B.A with the subject computer science and i did ICS with maths ,stats and computer science .but here BSC is required .plz lead me that am i eligible for being a female pilot? i shall be very thankful to u.
i wanna become a piolet so what can i do???????
I am a student from orissa ,i am also clear +2 science with 57% ,and now my graduation is going on with computer science so please tell me how i join in indian airforce
i am girl of 12th arts ,can i join indian air force. my graduation is going on .i want to join NDAin this year
I m a student at DU,third semestet. I just need a brief regarding the syllabus for pilo in indian air force.
What is the minimum %tage required in 10 nd 12 to apply for iaf??
i wear spectacles , but i just read that a person having specs cannot join air force. so if i do a laser eye surgery and get my eye sight corrected , will i be eligible for the INDIAN AIRFORCE ??
how can girls Join airforceY? can we directlY Join after 12th Y?
sir / madam, i am persuing b.tech third year with IT trade. I wear glasses..so kindly suggest me the ways through which i can get into IAF.
My height is 159cm & i wish to become pilot in IAF . Please tell me is my height ok i its a mater of worry. What shall i do please help
i got 80%in 12 .can i join iaf in flying branch now?
i have 50% in 12 can i join Indian air force as a pilot
my height is 159 cms…..and i am very much eager to join indian air force as a pilot…can i join??? plz rply for the same..
dear sir/mam,
with due respect myself simmi singh cleared my 12th exam.i want to know entrance exam date and what will be the subject ask in examnation.Sir/mam please guide me I am so worried .I will highly wait for your response.
respected sir,
I am a appearing student of 12th arts..
just want to know if i can join IAF pilot..is it possible.
nd want to know the procedure of joining……..
pls rly
i am in class11 & wanted to join indian airforce as a pilot . can you tell me the best way to complete this requirement. i will be highly greatfull to you.thanks
hello sir ,i want to become IAF pilot.i am giving my 12th board this year .could u suggest me the procedure & training institutes for joining IAF pilot.is it possible to join IAF pilot with height 5.4ft. please reply me sir .
hello sir is it possible to join air force with height 150cm,plz sir reply soon
i also wanna know if i could start my training /course simultaneously with my B.E/B.Tech????
i have dream to become IAF pilot. i have appeared for 12th boards this year only.. could you suggest me the procedure and training institutes if i wanna join as soon as possible???
hello sir is it possible to enter in a flying branch with height 5.2 ft,plz sir reply soon
Dear sir,ma’m
I am in class 12. I want to know what preparation i will do to get selected in iaf pilot training? Please guide me. I want to serve my country…
I am 14 years old girl & I played national level football tournaments conducted by SAI & my team was runners up level. Since 8th Standard I am student of NCC, my ambition is to work for Indian air force as a pilot, is it possible to me join with IAF as soon as I complete the 12th standard science? Any reserved seats are available for national tevel tournaments ? Any waitage is given for NCC candidates. I have attended NCC camp also. can you please guide me.
Jui Kulkarni
I am complet my quartion in arts.wht can i apply in indian piots.my height 5”2
I m doing my BSc degree in Biotech so how can i join Airforce?For which post i can apply?
Hi I’m mechanical engineering 1st year student
I want to know written test pattern and what preparations should I do?
Hi Poonam Sharma this side kindly updated me my age is 25 yrs acoording to documents but i want to apply in IAF so kindly update me how i apply in this course please revert me i am waiting your revert please give me one chance i will definately proove my self.
Kindly updated me latest updation on my mailing ID.
Poonam Sharma
i’am now in 11th. i want to know more about ifa women pilot training.how to prepare?how to apply?what qulities are required?what is this writing test is about?
what subject we have to take to prepare ourselves for IAF Women Pilot Training ?
am in 10th and I want to be a pilot please give me some tips that how to prepare myself ?.
what to do after doing +2 to become a pilot?please give further details about educational qualification.
I have done 12th from commerce and i am pursuing BCA. Is there any way so that i can apply for women pilot training? Please help me?
Dear sir/madam
I want to know what will be there in pilot aptitude battery test? And others namely officer intelligence rating test and as well as psychology test? And what they expect from us? I will try my level best to reach their expectations.. Please tell me details about these tests. I’m in need of information and i have interview on january 10th 2011. And i don’t want to loose this golden opportunity. Your guidance will be very helpfull for my career..
what are the jobs available for girls in IAF
what is there in written exam
respected sir,
sir i am really keen on becoming an iaf woman pilot. my height is 160 cms. although i meet all the other criterias. is it possible that i can apply for this?
i’ll be very thankful for your guidance
i am 11th class student. i am interested in this field of careea. is graudation is neccesary with physics and mathematics honours.
how may apply to piolet appitude battery testi wany to join an piolet licence
i m now in 2nd year,doing electrical engineering.when can i apply.my height is 155cms.what is the procedure to apply.
i am now in 12th class ,i want 2 join the IAF i want 2 knoe that IAF can be join after 10+2 or not and what are the fee criterion
jobs for the science student10+2 in airforce
sir i am in 12th i want to join IAF can i join after passing 12th with above 60% .If yes then how.and please tell me the name of entrance test for it.
I am in 12th with PCM and IP Kindly tell me when form for entrance exam of IAF(pilot) will be available
Sir I am in class 12th with PCM and IP kindly tell me when
form for entrance exam of IAF(pilot) will be available
What is the first step to be taken by a girl aspiring to be a pilot in Indian Air Force. Please guide me how to go about it.
Sir/mam,I wish to join IAF for woman Pilot training.My height is 157.5 c.m.s.Is it possible for me to join IAF?
Respected sir,
now i am in class 12.my hight is 5”2 ft .so i am worried abot this.can i be abale to join the cpl training?
i completed my 10+2 can i join the iaf if so how sent it my mail
respected sir,
i wish to join indian airfoce as a women pilot after 10+2 is there any selection procedure for that.Where do we get thos forms and when does the advetisement appear??
you may send me reply on my email id .
please send official web address as well as postal address??
eargey wating for your reply.
I am studying in 12th class and with NCC so, how can i join IAF
respected sir/mam,
I am doing engineering in information technology final year.I want to join IAF after my course,My date of birth is 23/10/1988. Is it possible for me to appear for written test after/during my final year of engineering.My height is 5′6″ft.
And one more thing is i want to know about the total fees struture.
what is last date of sending application for women flying course 2010
Respected sir/mam,
I am doing engineering in computer science first year.
I want to join IAF after my cours. My date of birth is 21/05/1990.
Is it possible for me to appear for written test during my final year of engineering (when i’l be 23 years old)?
and one more thing is , my height is about 5′4 ft, but it has been given that the min height for women pilots is 162.5cms.. I am more worried about these things so please give me your suggestions regarding my questions….
Good Evening sir/mam,
sir/mam i’m student of b.tech 3rd year from information technology. i want to join IAF pilot . so what i do sir/mam?
my height is 5′3.and date of birth is 01/08/1990. plz give me some idea sir/mam, what i do for it? and how can i prepare the examitation preparetion for it?
Respected sir/madam
I am amarjeet kaur from amritsar.I am studing in B.TECH in 2nd year in computer science. my D.O.B is 6/10/1990. My height is 5′6. i want to join the IAF.
how much marks required 4 pilot training in airforce, fees for training, staying charges, best airforce training collage for girls and jobs requirments??
pilot training in India is very easy now and also affordabally low.. for admissions and also for more details contact: 09986402553 or mail at akbar_sa88@yahoo.com
Hello Sir/Mam.
is there any way that i can join iaf after 12 and can u plz tell me can girls go for commercial pilot?
sir i want to join iaf my d.o.b is 26/3/1987 iwant to know the last date of application for women pilot training exam in 2010
Dear sir,i am Parmod singh,i am pursuing diploma in mechanical enginering in final year.i want to join indianairforce,what procedure is for me to join indianairforce?
hello sir/mam,
i am BE third year student,i wish to join IAF after my graduation, how much percent of degree is required to apply for IAF women pilot training? please tell me about any examinations and entrance test.. will be waiting for your reply..please reply soon…
how can an IAF pilot become commercial pilot??
I have appeared for 10+2 (12th) CBSE Board Exams this year i.e. in 2010 & I am interested to become a pilot in Indian air Force. Please advise me what to do now.
i hav done diploma after 10th and now i am in BE E&TC last simister.can i apply for IAF woman pilot training?
i always aimed to get into airforce…. n i joined eng CS but i got 3 years yearback cos i couldn clear maths in two semester.. by de time i complete eng i ll be 25… do i ve chance to get into pilot womens training…. n get a job?i always wanted to fly..? m i eligible…? please reply…
I wish to join IAF after my gradution.but i’m not provided appropriate link.can i get the required information??I wish to know how girls can get an entry in indian airforce pilot.please do tell the required eligibility,examinations and tests. will be waiting for ur reply at the earliest…..
I wish to join IAF after my gradution.but i’m not provided appropriate link.can i get the required information??I wish to know how girls can get an entry in indian airforce pilot.please do tell the required eligibility,examinations and tests. will be waiting for ur reply at the earliest…..
i want to apply for pilot training but d link provided is not appropriate and i was not able see d application for.pleases tell me some alternate procedure for applying for 10+2 candidates… will b waiting forward for your reply
Respected sir /madam ,
I, Aleesha Parekh am 18yrs of age and hold a Commercial Pilot License and have graduated from the stream of Arts (also done my 12th Maths and Physics from National open school) . Am i eligible to apply ? if not which exams do i require to take to join the Air force as a pilot .your response will be appreciated.Thankyou
Respected sir/madam ,
I, aleesha parekh am 18yrs of age i hold a commercial pilot license , have graduated from the stream of arts and (have done my 12th maths and physics from nios) i want to join the air force as a pilot .please do let if i am eligible ? if not which exams do i have to give .your response will be appreciated .Thankyou
how girls take entry in indian air force pilot
i m harman mann from karnal.17years now…i m studying in 10th class
i want to become a fighter pilot..is there any scope for a girl to be an fighter pilot
plz give me response…
hello sir/mam,
i m pooja from ranchi,20 year old.now i am studying in MCA 2nd semester.i will complete my MCA in 2012.sir plz tell me that am i eligible for the pilot? and is there any different way for joining pilot.plz help me sir
hello sir/madam ,
i am keen to join indian air force as a pilot.But i am just 152.8cm. Can’t i join iaf as a pilot? Even though i clear all criteria. Is there any way out.I have been dreaming of becoming a pilot right wen i was young & i dont want to give up. Is there any way out?
i am studying in 10+2 with PCM and computer science. i want to join airforce as a pilot . what are eligiblity criterions and other requirements for it?
hi, i am swati from delhi, i am 18 yrs old and i wana join air force after my graduation ( I AM pursuing b.a prog and i also had arts streme in 12th (economics) )so can you tel me how much marks or for which main course i have to prepare the most because i wana join the indian air force, i hope you may give me a postive ans…..shl i join it now?
hello sir, i am 21year old girl.now i am studing in 2nd year eng.my field is production.sir, i will complete my BTECH in 2011-2012.sir plz tell me that m i eligible for the pilot course? n is there any different way for joining pilot as an engineer also tell me various post for production engineer in Indian air force .sir plz help me.
Hello sir/mam i a am a 10+2 student want to join IAF as a pilot. what is the procedure and eligibilty criteria???
Hello Sir,
I’ve completed my ground classes for CPL direcly after my 12th. Now I am 17 yrs. and I want to join IAF as a pilot. What should I do next?
I.ve not got mathematics at my plus two level…ive got physics in +2.
But i am an centum scorer in mathematics in my tenth.pls tell me whether i am eligible or not
hello sir/mam
I.ve not got mathematics at my plus two level…ive got physics in +2.
But i am an centum scorer in mathematics.pls tell me whether i am eligible or not
hello, sir/mam
i just need to ask how to apply for the course.
and from where the form can be downloaded.
and also the predictable date of test and last date of applicaiton
I have passed the 10+2 with Phy & Math in 2008 & I want to join the IAF as Pilot so please tell me the procedure & the time when the process will be started.
i m alka singh,i m 22 yrs young girl.i have completed my B.A(English litreature) last yr and at present i m percieving air hostess training frm frankfinn baroda,beside frankfinn i m also 1st yr student of law,frm MS university,vadodara.i want to join air force as a flying officer,could u pls tell me tht can i be FLYING OFFICER?because i have passed my 12th with arts(economics).pls i m ready to give any exam ..just give me the positive answer tht my qualifications are perfect for this RANK?can i apply?
i’ve passed 12th in the year 2009 with physics and maths and am 18 yrs old. My height is 5′6. I want to get the pilot licence. How can i get it from joining airforce and then how can i apply for commercial pilot licence so as to be able to fly commercially. What else are the requirements and costs to be a commercial pilot on joining airforce and for how many years we have to serve it to be able to fly commercially?
how to become a pilot in airforce
which enterance test has to be given immediately after +2 non-med for pilot training ?
what are the normal expenses for these courses in total in india ?
if the person is wearing lens then what is the criteria for her?
what is include in PAB test?give d detail information.i want to join d IAF.now im doin engg.in 2nd year(entc).so plz guide us abt all entrace exams.
i want ot know that wat is being asked in the PAB test ?
is there any syllabus 4 it?